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Update - Thursday 5th December: Our phone line 01480 375005 is once again working normally.


I am delighted to be the  headteacher at Westfield Junior School. Westfield is a thriving learning community in the centre of St Ives. The school is fortunate to benefit from a diverse school community, extensive grounds and from the amenities available within St Ives. We have a dedicated, hardworking team of staff who ensure they have high expectations of the pupils in their care and find ways to enhance the curriculum through trips, visitors and enrichment opportunities.

We are keen to ensure that our children have access to an exciting curriculum that engages on our pupils in their learning and provides them with the skills that they need. ‘Community, Aspiration, Responsibility and Excellence’ is at the heart of what we do.

We welcome feedback about our website and value your views. Contact us on office@westfield.cambs.sch.uk

Thank you for visiting us today.

Mrs Lucy Roberts