Useful Links
We hope this list of websites is useful to Westfield parents. Please let us know if you think any websites are missing from this list or if any of these links do not work.
Westfield Junior School's Uniform Shop
If you are looking for information about school uniform, please visit our uniform page.
CEOP Education (previously known as Think U Know)
A fantastic website about staying safe online, with helpful separate sections aimed at children and parents, set up by CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre)
Online Safety support for parents
Support and advice to navigate digital parenting, helping you understand devices, apps and age appropriateness.
Cambridgeshire Parent Partnership
The Parent Partnership Service offers information, advice and support to parents and carers who have a child or young person with special educational needs or a disability (SEND).
Cambridgeshire County Council Schools & Education
Information about the provision of education across Cambridgeshire, including admissions, free school meals and school transport information.
Cambridgeshire County Council Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer
Provision information and support for pupils with Special Needs and disabilities in Cambridgeshire.
Cambridgeshire PinPoint
Pinpoint is an independent information, support and involvement network for parents in Cambridgeshire.
Single Parents (formerly One Space)
An online community for single parents. People can gain information and support from others who have been through similar experiences - a lifeline to many who unexpectedly find themselves to be single parents.
Family Lives
Family Lives is a charity that has over three decades of experience in helping parents deal with the changes that are a constant part of family life. Their role is to support all of you to achieve the best relationship possible with the children that you care about. They also run a 24 hour emergency helpline for parents - 0808 800 2222 - for any parent to call who needs urgent help.
Department for Education
The official government website for The Department for Education
St Ives Town Council
The website of our local town council.
Club 4U - Before and after school childcare provision
Club4U offer before and after school provision on our premises.
Ofsted Parent View
Your chance to tell Ofsted, the official school inspectorate, what you think about your child's school.