Westfield Junior School
Ramsey Road
St Ives
PE27 5RG
Headteacher: Mrs Lucy Roberts
Deputy Headteacher: Mr Ben Austin
Assistant Headteacher: Mr Chris Fryer-Bovair
SENDCo: Mrs Nicky Oliver
Telephone: 01480 375005
Speak to Julie Marson in the school office for all general enquires.
Finance: 01480 375005 option 2
Speak to finance administrator Sam Thompson for finance enquiries.
Club4U after school club: 07384 290800
admin@club4u.org.uk (external provider who use our premises) Visit their website here.
Accessibility statement: To view our website in another language, use the translation tools on your browser or visit google translate to translate the site - select the language you require
Direct links to translations of the website in some languages used by members of the school community:
Ukranian Polish Urdu Punjabi Spanish Tamil Gujarati French
Contact Us
Our office opens at 0830 and closes at 1600.
Here we can answer queries or pass on information to others within the school.
Our busiest times are at the very beginning and end of the school day.