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The Westfield School Association is the parent association supporting and fundraising for Westfield Junior School. Recently they have supported us with the development of upgrading the fiction and non-fiction areas of the library and we look forward to more exciting fundraising events in 2023.


Next Event


WSA Quiz Night - Adults Only

Following on from the success of our Spring Disco, it’s time for the grown-ups to have some fun! Please find attached a poster for the WSA’s upcoming adults-only quiz night.

Payment for this event can be made by cash at the school office, or via parent pay. We would be grateful if teams could identify a captain and contact the school office to arrange payment.

Please make payments by Wednesday 24th April.

Please note there will be a licensed bar – this is not a BYO event. Snacks are included in your ticket price.

Please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 01480 37500 or office @westfield.cambs.sch.uk should you have any questions regarding this event.