Westfield Blog
  • Friday 26th April (GOAT_OF_BLACKPINK_:D)

    Good Morning

    This is our 1st Eco Report of the Summer Term and we are very excited about the things that are planned such as our Green Flag Awards and more opportunities to plant some new things on our field 

    This week at Eco Club and also on Earth Day we have been working on sustainability. We watched a few videos on how to be sustainable and we then we planned out a map of what is going to go in which area.

    Thank you for listening 

    (written by TT)

  • Coding to make computer games! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 27th March 2024

    In Year 6 we have been using variables in our computer coding to create computer games. Variables can be used to control many different things in a game, such as a score, a time limit, a number of lives, a difficulty level or even the player's name. A variable is a bit like a box that contains a specific piece of information, and that information can change for a specific reason, such as a goal being scored or a unit of time passing. 
    Why not try playing Don't Catch The Crab and see how you do! One variable adds up your score as you play and another variable counts down the time left. Just be sure not to catch the crab! You can explore all the coding for the game, and edit and change it yourself here on the scratch website.


  • World Book Day 2024 (Mr Fryer-Bovair)



    Wow, what a day! This video is the result of our whole-school James and The Giant Peach project. Can you spot your child's picture?

    Every child in school had a line from James and The Giant Peach to illustrate, and the result was a gallery almost 60 metres long that snaked its way around the school hall. We were bowled over by the effor the children put into their illustrations and by the enormous variety of creative ways in which they chose to illustrate their line. 

    Parents and carers came in to see the results at the end of the day, and our brilliant WSA organised a cake sale to raise funds to continue to develop and enrich opportunities for all the children. 

    A few photos from the day: 


  • West Stow (Miss Smith)

    On Tuesday, Year Five braved the cold and wet for their trip to West Stow. The morning consisted of an artefact handling activity and an exploration of the museum. There were many interesting items on show, particularly a replica of the helmet discovered in the Sutton Hoo burial. In the afternoon, we visited several reconstructions of Anglo-Saxon homes, which have been built based on evidence found by archaeologists. The children immersed themselves in the role of historians and discussed their findings with the adults, asking excellent questions to the resident expert, Stephanie. Despite the drizzly weather, the children thoroughly enjoyed investigating Anglo-Saxon life. A fantastic day!


  • Stop Frame Animation (Mr Wilkinson)

    In Compuiting lessons this half term, Year 3 have been exploring Stop Frame Animation and making objects like pencils and rulers come to life! We have learnt that in animations like The Snowman film and Wallace and Grommit there can be as many as 24 photos - called frames - in every second of film.

    Ask any of our Year 3 children what any of this has to do with onion skins and you'll find out about a useful Stop Frame technique!

    Here's a quick selection of some of our Stop Frame action...





  • Eco report (MaxSpeed1770)

    Eco Explorers would like to hold its THIRD BOOK SWAP. Holding a book swap is a brilliant way of recycling your book that you no longer enjoy reading and in return you get to take home "newish" book to read 

    The idea is simple.  

     From Monday 26th February you can bring in to school any book that have read (with your parent's permmison).LET YOUR TEACHER KNOW THAT YOU HAVE A BOOK TO SWAP. You can take  home a "new" book if you have donated a book before the event.

    please feel free to donate as many as you like BUT you will only be able to take away one book home in return. Any books that are not taken will go to the library for everyone to enjoy.   

    please make sure that the book you donate is a children's book and that it's in good condition - we won't be able to swap books that have been drawn in or defaced.

    If you have any questions, please speak to Mrs Carder or any of the Eco Committee.   


  • Rocksteady Visit (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 9th January



    The children and staff at Westfield had a great treat today...a visit by Tommy from Rocksteady. He demonstrated a variety of electronic instruments during a special assembly, before holding workshops for the upper and lower school. In these workshops, there was an opportunity for some children to play the instruments and form their own rock band. All the other children were equally engaged, through singing and helping to keep the beat. The children produced some amazing performances and thoroughly enjoyed the experience!



  • Eco Report (MaxSpeed1770)

    Posted Monday 4th December 2023

    This week at eco club we have painted our costers. This is the penultimate week before the christmas holidays. This week is COP28 it is being held in Dubai. COP28 is when everyone from different countries come together to discuss world problems that are happening all around the world. We also wrote a pledge to save our environment and do anything we can.

    Thank you for listening to out Eco Club report.

    (Written by TT and MS)

  • Hamerton Zoo (Mr Webb)

    As part of their Science topic on Animals and their Habibtats and their English topic on non-fiction writing, year four visited Hamerton Zoo Park on Wednesday. They had a fantastic time, spending their time looking at the wide range of different habitats that the zoo provides for the animals as well as looking at some high quality non-fiction text to feed into their writing this week. The children had an amazing time and their behaviour was a real credit to the school. 

  • Coding in Physical Computing (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Monday 20th November 2023

    Our Year 6 pupils have been exploring and controlling a physical system in their computing lessons this half term, using a programmable controller called a Crumble. Using conditional selection we have been looking at how to program a light to behave like a traffic light - which stays green until a button is pressed, then turns red so we can cross the road, and then back to green. The code required to do this can be seen here, along with a short video showing the outcome. Once we have learnt our way around how Crumble controllers work, we are looking forward to using them to make some exciting fairground rides next term!



  • Wednesday 11th October (Mr Webb)

    Westfield had a real treat today when Hunts FA brought in two 3v3 inflatable football pitches.

    They ran a session in the afternoon and stayed behind for the after school football clubs to ensure that every pupil could have a go.

    The looks on the children's faces and their comments showed how much they enjoyed it!

    Thanks again to Hunts FA for providing such a great opportunity!

  • Maths Day (Miss Bray)

    Last week was Westfield Maths Day.

    Children took part in a range of Maths activities such as creating their own Maths games, tesselating art, tangrams, scaling pictures, Maths trails around the school and baking.

    Here are a few pictures from the day.


  • Whole school sponsored walk (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 17th July

    The children and staff of Westfield took part in a sponsored walk along the Thicket path this afternoon, to raise money for the Alzheimer's Society.

    Thank you to everyone who has contibuted to this very worthy cause close to Mr Austin's heart. 

    If you would like to sponsor the children for their efforts, please click this link 


  • Year 6 leavers' cups (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 17th July

    Congratulations to Alex, Edie and Ian, who have won this year's special leavers cups: The Endeavour Cup, The Eggleston cup and the Rendall Sportsmanship cup.


  • Memories of our Circus and Summer Fayre (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Monday 17th July 2023

    Back in June, Eastfield and Westfield joined together for a fundraising spectacular summer fair and circus event. Lots of great memories were made and here is just a short video montage to remind us of the occasion.


  • Girls Cricket Tournament (BTS Prachi)

    On the 11th of July, Westfield's year 5 girls took part in the Ramsey Cricket Club Tournament.


    Our first match was against Bury, we started of with bowling. And of with a good pace with Ella, Amelie, Prachi and Abiha hitting the stumps and bowling the opposite team out. At the end we lost against Bury by 3 runs making the final score of the match 48 - 51 to them.


    Our next match was against Ramsey. We started bowling again. At the beginning Trisha bowled a batter out. Having 5 runs subtracted from the team. Abiha and Megan scored a 4 . The overall score was 33 - 92 to us.


    Our third match was against Warboys. We started of bowling again. Though we didn't let the opposition team score many runs. Our first batting pair did well with Amelie scoring a fabulous 4. Towards the end Prachi hit an amazing 6. Which left us winning by 26 runs.


    Our final match was against Ermine Academy. We decided to bowl first but many wides were bowled, an extra 2 runs every wide. Then we started batting with Ella scoring a few fours and Amelie scoring 1 and Megan hitting a lovely 4 from a difficult bowl. We lost by 7 runs.


    But overall we came 2nd in the tournament. Thank you for Mr Austin for coaching and taking us.



  • HSSP Girls Football Festival (Edie)

    On Tuesday the 4th of July, Westfield year 5 and 6 girls participated in a football festival in St Neots. It was based on the Womens’ World Cup so we represented Ireland. 

     Our first game was against Little Paxton which we drew 0-0. 

     We played Brampton next, who we beat 4-0 with Laraib scoring twice and Edie and Aria scoring as well. 

     Then we played Priory, who we beat 6-0 with Edie and Laraib both scoring twice and Aria and Abi scoring once. 

    After that we faced Crosshall, we attacked a lot, resulting in Edie, Aria and Kacey all scoring once. The end score was 3-0 to us.

    Warboys were our next opponents. Their defence was quite weak so we managed to get past and score easily. Edie managed to get a hat-trick, and Aria scored twice. The final score was 5-0.

     Next we played Bushmead, they were a good side but we managed to beat them with Edie scoring. The final result was 1-0 to us.

     Our final game was against Holywell. They had a very good defender and keeper but Edie managed to tackle one of their players near their goal and score. It finished 1-0 to Westfield.  

    Some of the team featured in the HSSP heroes team, playing with children from other schools to make up numbers in group 2. Aria and Edie both scored in their games.

    There was no winner as it was a friendly football festival. Thank you to Mr Webb and Mr Austin for coaching and taking us.

  • Ducks return to Westfield! (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 23rd June

    After an absence of a couple of years, we have enjoyed having baby ducks at Westfield again this week...this time in our newly refurbished pond area. They were here for a few days but appear to have moved on now.


  • Roman Day (Mr Webb)

    Today, Year 4 had a visit from 'Gripping History' to give us a taste of life as a citizen of Roman Britain.

    We started by learning about the Roman invasion and the settled Romans' clothing and beliefs. Throughout the day, we had a go at Quinque Lineae, a Roman board game, became nuntii and delivered messages all around the Roman occupied land, handled some replica artefacts and learnt what life as a Roman soldier was like.

    The children were fantastic, listening well and asking some really thoughtful questions.

    We were really impressed by the effort that went into the costumes - some fantastic home-made armour and really innovative uses of curtains and tablecloths - and would like to thank everyone involved in the making of them.

  • Quad Kids (Edie)

    Quad Kids Athletics 

       On Tuesday 6th of June, Westfield Year sixes participated in the Quad Kids Athletics Competition at the Outdoor centre.

       We brought three teams, an A, a B and a C. We competed in five events, the 600m run ,which is one and a half laps of the track, the 400m run which is one lap, the vortex throw, the standing long jump, and to finish, the 75m sprint. 

     Over thirty teams took part in the morning and afternoon events but unfortunately we didn’t place in the top five so we don’t know where we came. 

     We would like to thank Miss Dew, Mr Fenton, Mrs Hall and Mrs Stacey for taking us and please can everyone that participated stand up.


  • Football (hoojibaba likes ur cheese)

    On Monday 22nd May the Westfield B team played in the group stages of the postponed HDPSFA spring B team tournament. 

    We started by playing Holywell. It was a tough game, with chances at both ends, but in the second half Dan made a breakthrough and scored a tap in, into the bottom corner. The final score was 1-0 to us.

    Our second game was against St Helens. We started strong, making confident passes in their half. After a couple more attacks, Adam scored just before halftime.

    In the second half, we started passing in to space and accelarating into the box. This helped massively as we got 2 more goals from Dan and Will, making the end result 3-0 to Westfield.

    On our third and final game we played Thorndown, who had won both of their games like us, so we knew it would be a tight game. Around 10 minutes in, a player from the opposition fell on top of the ball in their box and put hands on the ball, resulting in a penalty . Will stepped forward and took the penalty and scored an immaculate goal.

    It was a nerve-wracking finish with them hitting the post but we didn't concede, so we won the tournament and  are now through to the B team final Vs Brampton, Middlefield, and Hemingford Grey.

    Thank you to Mr Webb for coaching and taking us.

  • Year 5 Maths Challenge (BTS Prachi)

    On Tuesday 9th May a selection of Year 5 children were invited to take part in a maths challenge held at Thorndown school. Our first round was team round 1,  we began at a good pace and kept it up throughout the round. 

    Then the next round started which was the memory round. Two of our members chose to go up and observe the mathematical picture (one at a time). Rhys went up first getting us about 1/4 of the picture done. Then, Daniel went up and gave us some more of this picture . After that, both of them went up to have a look we got more and more of this picture and soon after time was up. 

    After those two rounds we got a break to have biscuits and juice.

    The third round was the estimation round. We got to examine a tooth brush and had to estimate how long it was and the mass of it. Though our mass was a little off we had the best estimation part. We got a map of Cambridgeshire and we had to estimate the length, width and area in kilometres . Then we got onto the next round.

    The next round we struggled with because we only had about 2-3 minutes to solve each of  the six questions but we still got most of them. Though we were rushing a lot ,we made a great effort with this round. We are proud of what we did in the Maths Challenge. Certificates were handed out and each school had one. Westfield earned a certificate for the memory round.

    Thank you to Miss Smith and Mrs Edgley for supporting us while we were there.

    Written by PG, Year 5

  • Westfield Coronation Celebrations (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 5th May

    The children and staff at Westfield enjoyed a day of Coronation related activities today. The children from each class were able to place their coins on a special crown, drawn on the playground. In addition, each class had its own mini bake-off, with prizes awarded for the best cake or biscuit in each class.. Congratulations to Alex E in 3CD, Woody in 3LB, Freddie in 4JT, Lottie in 4MW, Jess in 5EH, Jersey in 5FW, Elsea in 5NS, Dyana in 6AF, Edie in 6CF and Aria in 6SD for their amazing, creative entries.





    Parents were invited to join us for a picnic lunch, as well as to watch the interclass sports tournaments in which some children from each year group took part...football for years 3 and 5, tag rugby for years 4 and 6. Despite the weather, everyone enjoyed the day.






























  • Visit from St Ives Mayor (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 24th April


    The Mayor of St Ives visited Westfield today, to present each child with a mug commemorating King Charles III's coronation. He spoke to the whole school during assembly, before going to each class to personally give the children their mugs. The Mayor told the children that only 1,500 of these mugs were made, making them a very special keepsake.



  • Folk duo concert (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 21st April    


    The children and staff at Westfield were treated to a very special morning of music. The folk duo, Megson, performed a variety of songs, including a signed song and a popular sea shanty. They used a variety of instruments during the performance: a banjo, a guitar, an octave mandola and the piano accordion. The children were able to join in with the singing and the actions. Everyone enjoyed the concert immensely!




  • Easter Egg Competition Winners (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 28th March

    Congratulations to the 'egg'cellent winners of the Easter Egg decoration competition: Hareem in 3CD, Miles in 4JT, Ella in 5EH and Isla in 6AF. 





    Well done to everyone who entered; there were many wonderful, creative designs!

  • Our 24 Hour Reads (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Monday 27th March 2023
    As part of our ongoing Reading for Pleasure project, pupils were asked to complete a 24 hour read activity as a whole school homework. Anything counted as long as it involved reading! Here is a selection of what the pupils came up with:

    If you need helo viewing any of these 24 hour reads slightly bigger, you can view them in a pdf file here.

  • Computing meets DT: Our Fairground Rides (Mr Fryer-Bovair)

    We are having a fabulous time in Year Six using Crumble to control our fairground rides. 

  • Painting in the style of Lowry (kmackenzie.westfield.cambs)

    Fantastic examples from Year 6 of acrylic  painting in the style of Lowry....well done everyone!!

  • Science Week 2023 (Mr F)

    The Westfield Science Week has been in full swing this week.

    The main event for the week has been the visit of The Plane Guy to the school with his working Coyote II aircraft.

    Andre, The Plane Guy, has been explaining how the aircraft works, and how the different control surfaces on the vehicle effect the way that it moves through the air.

    "I liked going inside the plane and learning how the flaps worked."

    "I liked that when we moved the lever in the plane the elevators at the back moved"

    Pupils, staff and even parents have enjoyed the opportunity to sit behind the controls of the aircraft.

    We also had our paper aeroplane competition, with planes being entered into three main categories: furthest distance, longest flight time and most creative design.

    The winners in each category will be announced in assembly this Friday.

    There has also been a wealth of science taking place throughout the school thiss week, from joining in with live lessons from the science museum, to experiments with light, and even some dissections!

    We can't wait to do it all again next year,

    Mr Fenton


  • Monday 13th March: Science Week (Mr Fryer-Bovair)


    We've been out making the most of the wind this afternoon! 

  • World Book Day (Mr Fryer-Bovair)

    Wow! We've been bowled over today by the extraordinary range of wonderful costumes! Thank you all for your efforts with these. 

    Today, we began with a storytelling assembly: each of the teachers, and some of the teaching assistants, shared a short extract from a favourite book. The children then chose which one they wanted to hear some more of and went off around school to carry on the stories. 

    After break, we took part in the BBC's live World Book Day lesson with Connie Huq and Michael Rosen, amongst others. We then buddied up between classes to share stories together. 

    In the afternoon, classes took part in a wide range of activities and also had their chance to visit the book swap, which was a great success. 

    Looking forward to next year! 

  • Year 3 Forces and Magnets project (Miss Bray)

    For this half term's project homework, Year 3 were asked to create something linked to forces and magnets.

    The children came up with some great inventions including windmills, wind powered/balloon powered/elastic band powered cars, games such as mazes/fishing games which used magnets, posters about forces and famous scientists and much more. Thank you to all adults who helped the children with their projects. Here are a few examples:..

  • 1

    Year 3 trip to Ely (Miss Bray)

    On Wednesday 8th February, Year 3 went to Ely to visit Ely cathedral and Oliver Cromwell's House.

    We had a great day, learned lots of facts and were able to ask and answer lots of questions. We enjoyed dressing up and brass rubbing.

    The children were amazing and the teachers were really proud of them all.


    Comments 1
  • Stop Frame Animation (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Tuesday 24th January and Tuesday 31st January 2023
    In Computing, Year 3 have looking at animation this half term. After creating flip books to see how pictures can be put together to create what looks like a moving image, we have begun to experiment with Stop Frame Animation by taking photos of our lego monsters and making one small change between each photo we took. The result was our models come to life!  Here are some of our first attempts at stop frame animation created we created in one afternoon. We need to work on keeping our fingers out of the way of the way, but we had a lot of fun trying this out and many of us are looking forward to trying some more stop frame animation at home!


  • Year 4 Inter-class Rugby Tournament (Mr Webb)

    Year 4 rounded off the Autumn term and our unit of tag rugby with an inter-class rugby tournament.

    Each class split into two A teams and two B teams, with the children self-selecting their team based on their confidence.

    The children played well, demonstrating fantastic teamwork and sportsmanship. They applied all that they had learnt from our rugby sessions this half term and produced some great team performances, with 16 different children scoring tries. The games were extremely close, including two draws.

    The overall winners of the tournament were 4MW.


  • Year 4 Futsal (Mr Webb)

    On Wednesday 30th November, a team from Westfield went to a Year Futsal competition at One Leisure. There were eight teams split into two groups. Our first game was against Houghton. We started shakily, letting in two early goals but managed to pull it back to win 3-2, with goals from Ahmad, Tommy and Jairus. Our last match was more comfortable, winning 4-0 against Cromwell, Thomas, Tommy, Jairus and Abu-Hurairah scoring the goals. Our last match was against Somersham. Jairus and Abu-Hurairah scored two goals, but we let in a late equalizer and the game ended 2-2. Unfortunately, we missed out on winning our group and going to final on goal difference. We drew the 3rd place play-off vs St Helen’s 2-2, with Jairus and Miles scoring.

    We cam joint 3rd overall. Thank you to Mr Webb for coaching us.

    By AA (Year 4)


  • Year 3 Stone Age to Iron Age projects (Miss Bray)

    Year 3 have been studying the topic 'Stone Age to Iron Age' this term. For their topic homework, they created some great projects using information they had learned. 

    Children enjoyed sharing their projects today and everyone was really impressed with what they had created. Excellent work everyone!

    Here are just a few examples...

  • Year 3 Norris Museum (Miss Bray)

    Year 3 have had a trip to the Norris Museum to bring our learning of fossils in Science to life. 

    Children got to be archaeologists and uncover, then identify some real fossils. They then made ammonite 'fossils' out of clay and a shell 'fossil' from plaster of paris. The staff at the museum were very impressed with how much the children knew about how a fossil is formed. Finally they did an I-Spy treasure hunt looking at the real fossils in the museum.

    Here are a few photos of our trip...

  • Snow at school (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 12th December


    Children at Westfield arrived at school today to find a snowy playground. They had a rare opportunity to enjoy playing in the snow.





  • Girls Futsal (Edie)

    On Wednesday the 6th of December Westfield’s girls A team played in the Futsal  Girls Tournament.

    We had a short break and then played St. Helens in our first game. We kicked off at a good start with Maya scoring an excellent 3 goals. They had the ball but we quickly tackled them and got another 3 goals from Edie. With around 10 minutes left of the game they got a couple of runs but Abi and Kacey were great at defending and got the ball away. We had a few goal kicks which Megan took, setting Edie and Maya up for another goal each. The end score was 8-0.

    Our next game was against Crosshall. Maya broke through their defence and had a great shot on goal. She scored an amazing goal in the bottom corner. Edie ran up the wing and crossed it through to Lizzie who scored an impeccable goal. Lizzie charged for the ball as soon as they kicked off and took a shot from the edge of their box. The goalie couldn’t stop it and we scored another goal. Edie then got two more great goals for the team and Aria got another one. Just before the end whistle blew the Crosshall striker managed to dodge past all of our players and score. The final score was 6-1 Westfield.

    We then played our final group game against Ramsey Junior who put up a good fight but couldn’t  stop us. Aria scored a magnificent goal followed by 4 goals from Maya and two each from Lizzie and Edie. It was the end of the game and the score was 9-0. 

    All the teams gathered on the 1st pitch and we found out that we were playing Somersham in the final. It was a great start with Lizzie getting a powerful shot which landed in the back of the net. There confidence was down and we banged another one in from Maya just before half time.  In the second half it was their kickoff and they caught us off our guard and slipped a goal past us. We wouldn’t let this affect us and Maya scored again to confirm the win. 

    Overall, we won the whole tournament and received this trophy. 

    We would like to thank Mr Webb for taking and coaching us and please may the team collect their certificates.

  • Year 5 - Science (Miss Smith)

    As part of our science topic, Year 5 have been considering what factors affect the performance of a ‘Rokit’ (an educational tool used for learning about rocket launches). Each class discussed the variables that could be used to improve the performance of their ‘Rokit’ (water temperature, amount of water and size of bottle). Children made predictions about which of the ‘Rokits’ would perform best (go higher) and then the experiments were safely carried out by the adults. Children showed a good understanding of how to ensure a fair test was carried out and enjoyed discussing why the ‘Rokits’ might have performed in the way they did. Having had a rather disastrous practise run on Monday, we had many successful ‘Rokit’ launches on Tuesday and some awestruck children (and adults!) 


  • Canopic Jars (Mr Webb)

    Posted on Tuesday 6th December 2022

    Year 4 enjoyed some cross-curricular art, making clay sculptures of canopic jars.

    We learnt how to make a thumb pot, a coil pot and a slab pot then chose one for our canopic jar.

    We then used our knowledge of the mummification process to choose an appropriate lid.

    The children were rightly very proud of their jars and everyone who saw them commented on how great they looked and how much effort the children were putting into them.

  • English challenge final (Edie)

    Posted on Friday 2nd December 2022

    On Monday the 28th of November four year 6 pupils participated in the year 6 English Challenge Final. 
    There were three rounds then a break and a presentation at the end. 
    The rounds were called: The team round, the puzzle round and the relay round. 
    The puzzle round was our strongest round but we struggled with the relay round. Although the relay round was was our weakest we managed to complete all the questions. 
    In the puzzle round, we started answering all the questions as soon as we got there because they were on the walls and that meant we had more time on the extra thinks. 
    Overall we came 5th by 1 point since it was all very close. We still are very proud that we got to the final.
    St. Phillips came 1st. Even though we didn't win it was enjoyable and fun to take part in.

    A special thanks to Mr. Fryer for coming and supporting us.

    Written by EL, Year 6.

  • Sciene Week 2022 Update - An Egg Drop From Space! (Mr F)

    Posted on Thursday 1st December 2022

    Science Week Egg Drop - An Update!

    You may remember that last March, as part of Sciene Week, you were all asked to build a device to help an egg survive a drop from a range of different heights.

    You all did an amazing job with the devices that you made, and it was fantastic to see so many of you putting your science and engineering skills to the test.

    Like in the picture above, not all the devices were successful in protecting the eggs. Many of the devices were successful and managed to protect an egg even when dropped from (nearly) the roof of the school!

    Do you think that your device would have stopped an egg from breaking if it fell from space? Is it even possible to protect an egg from such a high drop?

    Well, Mark Rober (whose video about winning egg drop designs I shared in Science week) set himself that challenge and you can see the results in the video below!



    Alternatively click here!

    Very soon I will be sharing with you all the information for the next science week and the whole school competition that will be part of it!

    Mr Fenton

  • 1

    New Books! (Miss Smith)

    Published on Tuesday 29th November 2022
    This month, Year 5 received a huge prize of FIFTY books after one of the teachers won a 'Books for Topics' online competition. The children are already very excited and enjoying these new titles. 

    Comments 1
  • Year 5 Cambridge Science Centre Visit (Miss Smith)

    Published on Tuesday 29th November 2022
    This month, Year 5 pupils had a special visit from the Cambridge Science Centre as part of our ‘Earth and Space’ topic. The morning began with an incredible show, which highlighted key experiences of an astronaut in space, and included captivating demonstrations regarding micro-gravity environments, air pressure (or lack of it) and rocket fuel.


    The show was followed by a smaller workshop in classes. The children worked in small groups to investigate the absorbency of a range of mystery materials. It was a joy to observe the look of wonder on the children’s faces as they tested ‘material c’ (a type of polymer – commonly found in disposable nappies!) as it rapidly expanded in front of their eyes.


    The children also designed their own mission patches and participated in a number of astronaut training exercises.

    A great day was had by all and it was an inspirational LAUNCH to the start of our topic!

  • Cambridgeshire English Challenge (Mr Fryer-Bovair)

    Published on Monday 28th November 2022

    Congratulations to Edie, Layla, Abigail and Inga, who made it through to the final of the Year 6 English Challenge. 

    We didn't place in the top three, but it was a fabulous performance from all the teams - only one point separated first place from second, and second from third.. 

  • Year 3 - The Amesbury Archer (Miss Bray)

    Published on Friday 25th November 2022

    This week, Year 3 became archaeologists as they discovered a skeleton in the hall. They uncovered artefacts that had been buried with him and used their historical skills to make suggestions about what the objects were, how they may have been used in the past and how they could help us to find out more about the skeleton.

    Back in class, they learned about the real discovery of 'The Amesbury Archer'.



  • More Forest School fun! (Miss Bray)

    Posted on Friday 25th November 2022
    We have had great fun at Forest School the last few weeks - even though we did get VERY wet one week!

    Children have created mud sculptures, made mud slides, had a nature treasure hunt and created nature art. In all activities, the children have demonstrated excellent teamwork, resilience, imagination and enthusiasm and we are very proud of them.

    Here are a few photos from our adventures...






  • Huntingdon Male Voice Choir 60th Anniversary Concert (Mr Fryer-Bovair)

    Published on Monday 21st November 2022

    We are ernomously proud of the Westfield Junior School Choir, who sang on Saturday evening with Huntingdon Male Voice Choir, Wyton and Brampton Military Wives and the Riverport Singers Dementia Friendly Community Choir in front of an audience of almost 300 (including one former prime-minister!). The children brought the house down with their wonderful voices - we've lost count of the number of amazing comments from the audience about their singing, their behaviour, and their courage. Thank you so much to the parents and carers who supported them to take part in this unique event, and particularly to Mrs Heeley-Nall for doing such a wonderful job of leading the choir both in rehearsals and then also on the night. 



  • Children In Need 2022 (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted on Friday 18th November 2022


    Well done to all the children and staff who dressed up in support of Children In Need today. The school council chose pyjamas and crazy hair as the theme for this year. It was great to see the creativity and imagination shown across the school community.

    Thank you to the parents/carers who supported this very worthy cause. As a school, we raised £218.35!

  • Interfaith Week in Year Six (Mr Fryer-Bovair)

     Inter Faith WeekThis week is Interfaith week, and in Year Six we've been really enjoying learning about the beliefs of some of our friends. A huge well done and thank you to all of those children who have chosen to share with us. Alongside our topic "Early Islamic Civilisation", this has been a really rich week of learning, particularly about the beliefs and practices of Islam. 


  • Flag Fen Trip (Miss Bray)

    On Wednesday 9th November, Year 3 children went to Flag Fen to support our History topic 'Stone Age to Iron Age'. 

    All the children were very excited as it was their first school trip on a bus. 

    Children were able to get hands on experience of handling artefacts, working out what they may have been used for and placing them onto a timeline.

    Another activity was to use clay to create a Bronze Age style thumb pot, using plant seeds and sticks to add the decoration. 

    In the afternoon, we were able to sit in a Bronze Age boat and also experience what it would have been like to live in a roundhouse and discuss how it was different to our houses today.  



    The children were amazingly well behaved and enthusiastic and we were very proud of them.


  • Year 3 Forest School (Miss Bray)

    Year 3 have been having lots of fun exploring the outdoors at Forest School. 

    This week, children created their own stick people and then made a den for them.

    They displayed some excellent teamwork and resilience!

    Here are some of their creations...


    Some children also used binoculars to look out for wildlife. They found a lesser spotted Miss Bray!

    We are lookiong forward to more adventures next week.

  • Year 4 Egyptian Day (Mr Webb)

    Year 4 had a wonderful day today, learning more about life in Ancient Egypt. We started the day by learning about the importance of the Rosetta Stone and the children created a cartouche, writing their names in hieroglyphs.

    After that, we thought about what the Ancient Egyptians did in their spare time and learnt how to play Senet, an Ancient Egyptian board game.

    We looked at the various crowns and headdresses that the rulers of Ancient Egypt wore and created a collage using our own faces.

    We had an amazing day and the children looked fantastic. Thank you to everyone involved in making their costumes look so good!


    The Year 4 Team.

  • Alice in Wonderland (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 6th July 2022

    We are really looking forward to Year 6 performing Alice in Wonderland this evening and tomorrow evening to two sell-out packed audiences.

    Here are the winning programme covers designed by pupils in Year 6.

    Click here to view a higher resolution version.



  • Sports Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 16th June

    Congratulations to Cedar, who are the winners of the 2022 Sports Day! Well done to all the children for their great sportsmanship and participation! A huge thank you to all the governors, staff, parents and year six helpers who made the day run so smoothly. 


  • Scarborough Residential 2022 (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 15th June 2022

    Last week, our Year 6 pupils enjoyed their first chance for a Westfield residential trip and had an amazing week in Scarborough. The children were superbly behaved and had a fantastic time. Today, they presented an assembly to parents about their time away. Some of the photos from the time away can be seen in this video, and year 6 pupils can log in to their learning platform account to access photos to download.

  • 2

    Westfield's Jubilee Celebration Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 26th May

    The children at Westfield ended a day of Jubilee related activities with a Colour Run, organised by the WSA. The just giving link is https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/westfield-junior-school-colourrun for anyone who would still like to contribute.

    Comments 2
  • Monday 23rd May (Mrs Carder)

    Eco Explorers News:

    Today Eco Explorers were pleased to invite Sara Hennessy from The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northhamptonshire, to talk to the school about 30 Days Wild. 30 Days Wild is a fabulous initiative that invites everyone to get out and enjoy the nature around them. The idea is to go out every day throughout June and do one 'wild' thing. It can be anything, as long as it has a connection with the natural world. For more details: https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/30dayswild.

  • Year 4 Caythorpe Residential Trip (Mr Wilkinson)

    For the first time since 2019, we were able to hold a residential trip. Year 4 had three action-packed days at Caythorpe and it's not really possible to try to squeeze all that action into less than 60 seconds but here's an attempt...



    There will be a presentation to parents coming up later this term to share more Caythorpe. The children were amazing and challenged themselves in so many ways. They behaved brilliantly and parents should be really proud of them during their time away. 

    Year 4 parents can access more photos and video clips to keep through this link. (Year 4 pupil learning platform login required)  

  • WSA Easter Egg Competition (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 28th March

    Congratulations to the winners of the WSA Easter Egg decorating competition: Millie in 6CF, Florence and Matilda in 6SD and Mia in 5HJ for their eggscelent entries



    Well done to the other entrants, who each also received a prize.



  • Tuesday 22nd March (Mrs Carder)

    The Eco Explorers have been planting again! This time they have planted 5 native apple trees in the grassy area just beyond the pond. The trees were donated by Orchards for Schools  which is funded by The Tree Council so that in a few years time Westfield will have a productive orchard. The trees will also form part of the Queen's Green Canopy initiative which has seen hundreds of trees planted across the counrty in celebration of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. The Eco Explorers were photographed by the Hunts Post and an article about the tree planting has been posted on The Hunts Post's website: https://www.huntspost.co.uk/news/education/st-ives-pupils-plant-an-orchard-8773298 



  • Red Nose Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 18th March

    The children and staff at Westfield showed their support for this years' Comic Relief Red Nose Day by wearing wacky clothes and wacky hair. It was amazing to see so many creative outfits and a real pleasure to be able to take a whole school photo at the end of the first class assembly in over two years. Thank you to everyone for their support...as a school we raised £411 for this very worthy cause.



  • Friday 11th March (Mrs Carder)

    It may seem like a load of old logs to you - but as it decays, this pile of logs  will become home to a huge variety of invertebrates. The logs (donated by St Ives Town Council) have been  carefully stacked in the pond area. As the logs decompose, invertebrates will eat, rest and live in the rotting wood which in turn will encourage other animals and birds to take up residence. 

  • Saturday 5th March (Mrs Carder)

    Eco Explorers supported Groundworks East plant over 50 native saplings at Hill Rise Park. The trees will form a natural corridor between the two wooded areas that buffer the park. Despite the rain and th cold, a good time was had by all. Eco Explorers are proud to know that the trees they have planted will have a long lasting impact on the environment and everyone that uses the park.

  • Flag Football Mini Tournament (Megster)

    Westfield's Flag Football team participated in a mini tournament on Tuesday 1st March at Westfield Junior School. There were three other teams. Little Paxton brought two teams and Houghton brought one. Our first match was against one of the Little Paxton teams. It was a rocky start as the ball flew from the centre but the quarterback missed it so the the running back, Aidan, managed to catch it run all the way to the end of the field and score the first touchdown of the game. We missed the conversion leaving the game 6 nil to us. Little Paxton scored a touchdown making the game 6 all. We scored two more touchdowns, all having  missed conversions making the score 18 - 6. The opposing team came back scoring another touchdown, leaving the score at the end of the game 18 - 12 to us. The next game was against the 2nd of Little Paxton teams. We started off well,scoring a great touchdown, but missing the conversion. We defended really well with tags all over the pitch, but sadly they managed to score a touchdown. Our defence played extremely hard. Sprinting to the end and scoring our 2nd touchdown of the game. We then scored a conversion of 2 points. This marked the end of the game, with the final score being 14-6 to us. Our final game was against Houghton, a well known team who three years ago went to Florida to play. The game started well as we were playing as the offensive team. We played hard, scoring an amazing touchdown, but sadly missing the conversion. Our defensive were ferocious, but Houghton's running managed to get through, making it 6 all. With seconds left, they scored another one point conversion. The game ended 6 - 7 to them.

    Overall, we came second place. Thank you to Mr Fenton for coaching, and well done to: Aidan, Megan, Cara, Amelia, Maddy, Louis, Joseph, Abu-Bakr, Zayd and Jack. Please may this team stand up.

  • Thursday 3rd March (Mrs Carder)

    Eco Explorers held their first book swap today to help celebrate World Book Day. A fabulous way to recycle old books for 'new'.

  • World Book Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 3rd March


    The children and staff at Westfield enjoyed dressing up as our favourite book characters...there were some fantastic outfits, including a large number of Hogwarts students. It was wonderful to be able to gather together as a school again!

  • Eco Explorers' planters (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 3rd March


    Eco Explorers would like to thank DS Smith for their generous donation of wooden planks that will be used to construct our planters for the new vegetable patch. Watch this space for further updates.

  • Eco Explorers Book Swap (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 7th February


  • Year 4 Egyptian Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 23rd November

    Today Year 4 took part in Ancient Egyptian Day!

    We had the chance to play Senet, an Ancient Egyptian board game, learn about hieroglyphics and write our name on a cartouche and make collages of ourselves wearing Egyptian headdresses.

    The children look fantastic! We have been so impressed by the effort that has gone into putting their costumes together.

    Thank you to everyone involved.

    The Year 4 Team

  • Westfield A Team Girls Football (Charlotte)

    Posted Friday, 5th November

    On Tuesday, 2nd November,  Westfield A team played in the year 5 and 6 ESFA girls football U11 Danone Cup competition.

    To start we played against St Helens as a warm up friendly. In the end we won 5-0 with some smashing goals from Freya, Evie, Charlotte, Isla and Amelia.

    We had two pool games. Our first pool game was against Holywell A. We won 2-0 with Evie scoring all of our goals.

    Our second pool game was against Middlefield. Amelia scored one which led to 1-0 . We also had some amazing defending from Edie and awesome saves from Lillyane.

    We got into the semi-finals so we had to play Somersham. We won every game including this one which was an amazing score of 5-0 with Evie scoring two and Amelia three.

    That means we got into the finals . This game we had to play Bury. It was tough game and we had a lot of team work and Evie managed to score. We won the tournament!

    We would like to thank Mr Webb and Mr Austin for coaching us.  Well done to Charlotte, Evie, Freya, Isla, Edie and Lillyane.

    Your teachers will give you your certificates.


  • Girls’ B Team Football Tournament (Megster)

    Posted Friday, 5th November

    On Tuesday 2nd November, Westfield B team played in the Year 5 and 6 ESFA Girls' Football U11 Danone Cup Competition.

    To start off, we played Bury and lost 3 - 0, yet there was some fantastic attacking and defending from the whole team.

    In the next next match, we played St Helens, and Sofia had scored two fabulous goals. But unfortunately, a player from the opposing team got injured, and they had to postpone the match.

    Then we played St Helens again, and won 1 - 0, scored by Alicia.

    These were the pool games, and then we were into the playoffs.

    After that, we played Houghton, but lost 2 - 0, although the whole team put in lots of effort, and there was some particularly good defending from Maddison and Paige.

    In our final match, we played Crosshall and the game ended 0 - 0. There were some fantastic saves from Megan, who was the goalie.

    Overall, Westfield B team came joint 7th out of 13 teams.  
    We would like to thank Mr Webb and Mr Austin for coaching us.  Your teacher will give you your certificates.

  • Year 6 USA Projects (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 19th October



    Today, the children in Year 6 shared the USA projects they have been working on throughout this half term. Each class was able to exhibit their work for the other classes to view and enjoy. Well done to everyone for all your hard work! Images of all the projects can be seen here 211019 Year 6 USA Projects (You should find that you can switch to 'tile' view to be able to see all the projects together.)



  • School Council Elections (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 4th October

    School Council elections were held this morning, in official polling booths set up in the school hall.

    After hearing the manifestos for the candidates for their own class, each child was able to go and vote for the candidate of their choice to be their school council representative. Congratulations to: Lottie in 3LB, Nico in 3FW, Prachi in 4CC, Finley in 4JT, Abby in 4MW, George in 5DE, Arthur in 5HJ, Edie in 5NS, Lillyane in 6AF, Leila in 6CF and George in 6SD, who achieved the majority vote in their respective classes. Well done to everyone who wrote and presented a manifesto for this role!



  • Thank you WSA! (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 22nd July


    The staff were amazed and delighted this morning to arrive in the staff room to find a wonderful display of goodies and messages from the WSA.  A huge thank you to everyone involved and for all their hard work over the course of this very strange year.  We have been overwhelmed by the heartfelt messages and gifts from parents and children at the end of an extremely challenging year. Thank you so much to the fantastic Westfield community for their incredible support - we couldn't have done it without you.

    Mrs. Roberts


  • Leavers' Assembly 2021 (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Tuesday 20th July 2021

    This morning we held a very special assembly for our Year 6 pupils who are leaving us this week to move on to their new schools in September. We are exceptionally proud of everything you have achieved and we will really miss you all. The assembly was watched live by Year 6 parents at home and it was lovely to see nearly all of Year 6 together in the hall - their first "in person" assembly in the hall since March 2020! We hope any Year 6 pupils at home were able to join in too. A recording of the assembly is available to watch here - school Microsoft 365 (Teams) login required. If the embedded box doesn't work below, try this alternative link.


  • Activities Week (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Friday 9th July
    Last week, every year group took part in Activities Week, including year group sports days, multi-skills activities, a sponsored hike, some GPS-powered orienteering, and even a hog dog or two,   Here's just a small selection of last week's active action.

    ...and below are a few action moments from Year 3's Quiddich tournament.



  • Football Cup Winners (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 8th July

    England wasn't the only football team to have enjoyed success yesterday! Congratulations to Westfield's Boys' Team, overall winners of the Active Play Cup. The other teams who part were Isle of Ely, Haddenham and Fordham. Congratulations also to Westfield's Girls Team who came third in their tournament. Special congratulations to George and Aroush, who each received medals for being named player of their respective tournaments.

  • Mellow Monday (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Monday 5th July 2021
    Today we held a Mellow Monday - all the children had a chance to school in their own clothes and they all took time to think about what they were grateful for, following Sunday's "Thank You" day.
    Year 4 have created some beautiful thank you bunting that can be seen along the fence on the footpath into school from the Ramsey Road entrance.

  • Sports Day(s) 2021 (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 5th July

    Congratulations to Beech, who were the overall winners of Sports Day this year...after compiling the points from each individual year group's Sports Day.

  • New PE kit design (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 23rd June 2021

    As previously advised to parents, we are changing the appearance of our school PE kit from September 2021. We will be introducing a PE kit that features house colours. The design of these has now been agreed and can be seen here. They will be available to buy from August 2021 from The Green School Uniform Shop in town or online through their website. Further details are on our uniform page.







  • Year 6 Hemingford Meadow visit (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 27th May

    The children in year 6 went for a literal field trip this morning, to observe and draw some of the wildlife in Hemingford Meadows, as part of our on-going bridge project. We also observed the bridge to Holt Island and the causeway leading from the Chapel Bridge, which we visited earlier in the week.





  • MAGPAS helicopter at Westfield! (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 7th May

    It was a lunchtime like no other at Westfield today, when a MAGPAS helicopter circled the school, (ensuring the coast was clear), before landing on the school field, literally out of the blue. The children were all very interested in this event and watching the helicopter take off again later.



  • Rotary Club Awards (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 4th May

    We're so proud to have had many children entering the various competitions organised by St Ives Rotary Club this year!

    Here they are with their certificates:




  • Easter Egg Competition (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 19th April

    Congratulations to the following children for their beautiful, creatively decorated  Easter Eggs:

    Prachi in Year 3,  Mia in Year 4,  Lillyane and Millie in Year 5  and Lily in Year 6.




  • Red Nose Day 2021 (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 22nd March


    The children and staff at Westfield took part in Red Nose Day this year by wearing colourful clothes and wacky hair. To commemorate the day, we also had a joke competition. The winning joke from each class was told in Friday's assembly and the children voted for their favourite. Congratulations to the overall winner, Lilly in 6KH for her joke: When I went to the bank, an old lady asked me to check her balance, so I pushed her over!

    Thank you to the children and everyone at home for your generous support. As a school, we raised £572 for this very worthy cause.







  • World Book Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 4th March

    Many of the Westfield children and staff have dressed up for World Book Day, both at home and in school. There have been some amazing, creative costumes representing a vast variety of books. All the children were able to enjoy many different book day activities.



  • Year 6 measuring activity (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 25th February


    Children from Year 6 spent their maths lesson doing practical measuring work outside yesterday morning. Using meter measurements, they calculated widths and heights of different objects around school and even learned how to calculate the height of a tree!



  • 9

    National Storytelling Week Challenge (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 2nd February 2021

    It's National Storytelling Week this week, and in addition to all the regular reading and storytelling this week, some year groups are taking part in this Emoji challenge on their Teams pages - can you recognise all these stories described using Emojis? The Emojis may show characters or events from the story. How many can you work out? You might need to work together to find all the answers. 

    Comments 9
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    Our first ever live streamed assembly! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Friday 15th January 2021

    Last year saw Westfield history as we published our first very assembly via video onto our website.
    Today, embracing technology even further we live streamed our first assembly on the internet via Microsoft 365 so children at home and in school could all join in together at the same time for a live real-time assembly, including the involvement of teachers both in school and at home.

    In case you missed this piece of history, you can watch a recording of our first live-streamed assembly through your Microsoft 365 account. If you're logged in it will appear in the box below, if not follow the instructions to log in. This assembly can only be viewed by anyone with a Westfield Junior School Microsoft 365 account. (If the below box is struggling to load or let you log in, try this link)


    Comments 2
  • Pickatale Online Library (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Tuesday 12th January 2021

    We're working hard to try to ensure you have access to as much as possible whilst school is closed, and we know lots of you are really missing the school library at the moment and are desperate to choose a new reading book. We're trying to find as many online resources as we can and share them with you in order to complete work, but nothing really beats a library you can walk around.

    If you've got an Android or Apple device at home (it could be a phone or tablet) you can ask a grown up to download the Pickatale For Schools app - and using your existing learning platform username and password you can sign in to a library of hundreds of books to read on your device. Hopefully you'll find something to read!
    When downloading the app, make sure you choose Pickatale FOR SCHOOLS (with the blue parrot) to get the right app!



  • Home Learning: A quick video for parents (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Sunday 10th January 2020

    We would like the thank the many parents that with virtually no notice have managed to navigate log ins, downloading apps, working their way round unfamiliar devices and whatever else has been required in the past few days to help their children to navigate home learning - often with more than one child whilst also simulateously working from home - again!

    If you're having any technical issues please make sure you have been in touch with us - we are doing our absolute best to help as quickly as we can. Here's a quick message from our computing co-ordinator, Mr Wilkinson, that will hopefully reassure you that we are all doing our best.


  • National Lockdown: 5th January 2021 (Mr Fryer-Bovair)

    In line with county guidance, Westfield will be closed to all children tomorrow, Tuesday 5th January. We will reopen for the children of critical workers, and vulnerable pupils, on Wednesday 6th January. 

    Remote learning will be in place for all pupils from Wednesday 6th January. An email has been sent to you all which contains details of how to let us know whether you fall into the 'critical worker' category and so will need your child to attend school. 


  • 4

    'Twas The Night Before Christmas (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Friday 18th December 2020

    We're not able to bring you any big performances or concerts at the moment, but not wanting to miss out completely, the pupils and staff of Westfield Junior School proudly present our unique rendition of Clement Clarke Moore's poem 'Twas The Night Before Christmas... Be on the lookout for a mouse, Mr Austin's Christmas hat, footballs up sweatshirts, some dancing from Year 4 teachers, lots of Christmas jumpers and the very observant may spot Mrs Marson from the office...  



    Comments 4
  • St Ives Snowman competition (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 17th December

    We have received some wonderfully creative entries for this year's virtual St Ives Snowman competition.

    Thank you to the following children for your amazing efforts:

    Abinha, Alfie, Arda, Dorota and Jessica in 3NS, Adam, Alex, Daniel, Henley, Rayyan and Zoey in 3JT, Ella, Imogen, Prachi, Sam and Scarlett in 3FW.

    Austin, Isaac and Mia in 4MC, Benyameen, Edie and Patrick in 4SD, Frankie, Milly and Sam in 4LB.

    Amelia, Michelle and Olivia in 5DE, Archie in 5AJ, Ben and Robin in 5MW.

    Ben, Cathy and Yusuf in 6KH, Harry, Marco, Milly and Riley in 6FB, Joe, Niamh and Zara in 6CF












  • 3

    Christmas Performance 2020 (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Monday 14th December 2020

    It might not be the kind of performance any of us were planning for this year, but not to be beaten by the current restrictions, coming soon will be our unqiue Christmas Performance of 2020! It  will be published right here on the school website later this week. Here's a sneak preview....


    Comments 3
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    Year 6 Maya Games (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 7th December

    As part of their topic on the Mayas, the children in year 6 had a go playing the Maya game of Ulama, also known as Pok ta Pok. Unlike other ball games they have played, they are not allowed to use their arms or legs, but only their hips and they found it quite challenging.



    Comments 4
  • Year 6 Evolution Experiment (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday,, 3rd December

    Last week, the children in year 6 took part in an experiment to find out how animals adapt to their environment in order to improve their chances of survival.  Each of the classes looked for 'caterpillars' of various colours and kept a tally of their findings. Back in class, they discussed which colour or colours the caterpillars would likely to be in the future. The undiscovered 'caterpillars' were left for birds to use in nest building.


  • 4

    Acts of Kindness for Advent (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 2nd December 2020
    This year, the school council have decided that every class should use our Acts of Kindness Advent Calendar to help spread lots of kindness around this December. It is on display in every classroom, and there's an online version on the website too so we can open each day of the calendar at home.  

    Why not share some of your acts of kindness in our school discussion forum - it might help give some other people ideas of what they could do!

    Comments 4
  • Year 4 Egyptian Projects (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 25th November

    We were really impressed with the standard of the Year 4 Egyptian projects so we throught we'd share a few of them - well done everyone! Here's some of them..



  • Remembrance Poetry: 6KH (Mrs Heeley-Nall)

  • Remembrance Poetry: 6FB (Mr Fryer-Bovair)

  • Children In Need 2020 (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 13th November

    This year's Children in Need's focus is on children's mental health. To commemorate this, the children of Westfield have enjoyed a 'Feel good Friday' consisting of a variety of activities in classes. Thank you to all the children and everyone at home for your generous donations. As a school, we have raised £882 for this very worthy cause!


  • 2

    Year Six United States Exhibition (Mr Fryer-Bovair)

    Comments 2
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    We've made it to St Ives! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Friday 9th October 

    In our virtual run from St Ives in Cambridgshire to St Ives in Cornwall, which we're doing throughout October - we have some amazing news - WE CAN SEE THE SEA! We have made it to St Ives Junior School in Cornwall and you can see the car park on the right and the sea in the distance on the left! Must be time for an ice cream! 

    Comments 1
  • The St Ives to St Ives challenge! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Thursday 1st October 2020
    Throughout the whole of October, every class at Westfield is being challenged to work together to find time at home to run, jog or walk as many miles as they can, so together we can complete the distance from St Ives here in Cambridgeshire to St Ives in Cornwall. St Ives Junior School in Cornwall are also doing the same thing the other way round! Visit the St Ives to St Ives page on the website to submit your miles throughout the month and check for regular updates on how far each class has got - and which class is in the lead! 

    This is being organised by our parent fundraising association, the WSA, who really appreciate any donations or sponsorship you can get for your miles. These can be paid in here

  • 12

    2020 - 2021 House Captains and Vice Captains (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 28th September

    Congratulations to this year's House Captains and Vice Captains!



    Comments 12
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    Macmillan (Virtual) Coffee Morning (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted, Friday, 25th September

    Thank you to everyone who joined in with "Have your cake and eat it" today. As a school, we raised £335 for this very worthy cause!

    Comments 10
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    Westfield, we're proud of you (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Thursday 10th September
    As many of us have returned to school for the first time in six months, there have been lots of new rules and slightly different ways of doing things to get used to, but we are so proud of how well you have settled back in to school - it's almost as if some of you have never been away!

    We have put togther some of the amazing learning photos and videos you posted onto the learning platform over the past few months as a little reminder of the last few months, and we've added a few quick clips of some of your favourite online resources too.  Well done everyone. 



    Comments 2
  • Are you ready? (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Saturday 5th September 2020

    The last six months haven't been as any of us were expecting. The time has now finally arrived for us all to be getting ready to come back to school. Over the last few months many of us have been using some of the amazing free learning resources online, whether that's been keeping fit with Joe Wicks, exploding rockets with Maddie & Greg, expanding equations with Carol Vorderman or maybe creating masterpieces with The Paint Republic to name just a few of the many amazing things you've found online. Some of your online friends have got together to create this special video message for you as we all prepare to come back to school. We're ready for you. See you soon! 

  • 1

    Violet bubble rainforests in a box (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday 21st July

    Violet bubble have produced some lovely Rainforest scenes, using various pieces of tissue paper, poms poms, etc. 



    Comments 1
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    Leavers' Assembly - Tuesday 21st July 2020 (Mr Wilkinson)

    A very special assembly on our last day of the school year. We say goodbye to some truly amazing people today.

    As this is a special assembly with lots of photos of our amazing Year 6's, we haven't published it on our website and to view this assembly you'll need to be logged in to your Office365 account in your web browser for the below box to work (that's the username ending @westfieldjnr.education that you used for your teacher video calls). If you're not logged in, log in here and then reload this blog post and the box below should work! You can always try this link if the box below won't work. If you run in to any difficulties, contact Mr Wilkinson on your learning platform email.

    Comments 3
  • 4

    Friday 17th July - Celebration Assembly (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Friday 17th July 2020

    Here is our last celebration assembly of the school year! Look out for some great highlights of our first ever virtual sports day.

    Click here to load the video.

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    Blue Bubble Sharing Assembly 10th July (Mrs Heeley-Nall)

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  • Cressida Cowell’s Summer Camp (Jolly Folly)

    Cressida Cowell, the author of the How to Train Your Dragon series, has teamed up with the Book Trust and several other famous authors to offer "Cressida Cowell's Summer Camp" which starts today!

    Please see here for more details.

    Today some of her special guests are Chris Riddell, author of The Edge Chronicles, and David Almond, author of Skellig.






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    Indigo Bubble Sharing Assembly 3rd July (Mr Webb)

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    Luke Temple (Mr Fryer-Bovair)

    You may all remember that way back at the beginning of lockdown the author Luke Temple kindly sent us a pack of activities, which many of you worked through. 

    Luke has just been in touch to say that his activity pack was downloaded more than 7000 times. The school with the most downloads was... 

    WESTFIELD! Well done everyone for getting involved.


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    Hedgehog rescue (Miss Bray)

    At school this morning, we found a hedghog in the PE shed. Since it had no food or water we decided to rescue it. It is being collected this morning.

    Here are some photos:



    Comments 7
  • Monday 29th June (mwhite.westfield.cambs)

    This week, Violet and White bubbles made some bubbles!  If you would like to have a go at home, here is a how to video.

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    Monday morning blues! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Monday 29th June 2020
    The Learning Platform had a little bit of a wobble this morning. You may have received an error message on your homepage. DBPrimary have been busy updating and maintaining their system - as they always do - and an error along they way caused some pupil homepages to be temporarily unaccessible. Sorry about this! This has now been resolved so if you are still seeing and error, log out of your account and log in again and you should once again see your homepage as normal. 
    If you are still experiencing issues, please email Mr Wilkinson (that still works - even if you have the homepage error - by clicking on the drop-down next to homepage and choosing mail).
    DBPrimary have been busy building extra capacity into their system and the demand for home learning has never been greater than now! Thank you for putting up with the odd hick-up along the way!

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    Celebration Assembly - Friday 26th June (Mr F)

    Good morning everyone - Yellow Bubble had the pleasure of putting together this week's celebration assembly.


    Mr Fenton & Yellow Bubble

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    Teacher-Class video chats coming soon! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Sunday 21st June

    Exciting news for everyone still learning from home - teacher and class video chats are on the way! Parents have been sent some details about the video chats that your teacher will be running over the next week or so, and if parents give permission, pupils can join an on-screen video chat with their teacher and some of their class.

    If any parents don't think they've received any details they need to contact the school office by phone 01480 375005 or email  office@westfield.cambs.sch.uk for further information. We know lots of parents - and children - are already looking forward to their first call, and we're excited to be launching this as we continue to use more technology to assist with the current home learning situation. Thank you for all the positive comments already received! If any parents are a bit lost, try the pupil guide link below, or watch this video

    (We've written a pupil guide on how to connect to your class but pupils need to know their date and time from their grown-up first!)



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    Friday 19th June Celebration Assembly (Miss Smith)

    Happy Friday! 

    Orange Bubble hosted the celebration assembly this week! We hope you enjoy it! laugh


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    Butterfly diary (Mr Wilkinson)

    We continue to be amazed by some of your fantastic home learning. Caoimhe in 3JT has been watching caterpillars grow over the past few weeks and has written her own butterfly diary and even made a video of releasing the butterflies - you can watch the video below and read her butterfly diary here.

    Keep up your amazing home learning - and remember to keep sharing your photos and videos!




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    Join a live author chat this week! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 17th June

    You have chance to join a virtual Q&A with Onjali Rauf author of the book The Boy At The Back Of The Class.

    When a new boy joins their class, a group of children try to befriend him. They soon learn that Ahmet is a refugee and has been separated from his family. None of the grown-ups seem to be able to help him, so the friends come up with a daring plan, embarking on an extraordinary adventure. Based in part on the stories she encountered when working in refugee camps, Onjali Raúf’s story is remarkable. Told with humour and tenderness, it is an unforgettable story of hope, curiosity and the importance of kindness.

    If you're interested in attending at 4pm this Friday (19thJune), get a grown-up to sign you up at this website.







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    Friday 12th June (Miss Bray)

    This week's celebration assembly has been created by the 'Green Bubble'.

    We hope you enjoy it!



    Comments 7
  • Struggling to upload your work? (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Wednesday 10th June 2020

    Whilst a few of us are lucky enough to be back at school, many of us are busy working away at home and regularly sending work in to our teachers. 

    A few people are having difficulty uploading files from some of our devices as part of a task.

    If this is happening to you, see if the program you are using allows you to save or export your work as a PDF document. This often solves the problem. Depending on your device and the software you are using, you might be able to easily convert a whole group of photos into one PDF document - great if you are photographing lots of work done at home.

    Remember, you can always email Mr Wilkinson from your learning platform account if you're having trouble - there might be an easy solution!

    Keep going, keep learning and keep sharing all the amazing stuff you're doing. 







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    Matisse (MissDew)

    Here is some of the excellent Matisse work from Year 4 last week.


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  • Pentathalon challange (mwhite.westfield.cambs)

    For anyone that still wants to access the Athletics Pentathalon challange


    Mr White 

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    Friday 5th June (Mrs Damuni)

    This week Violet and White keyworker groups enjoyed pebble painting.

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    Accelerated Reader (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 5th June

    Congratulations to this week's new word millionaires:

    Olivia W (4SD), who has read 1,060,336 words

    Ella C (6CF), who has read 1,006,473 words

    Reuben (6CF), who has read 1,020,230 words


    Congratulations also to the following word multi-millionaires:

    Annmaria (6FB), who has read 2,031,891 words and achieved her double word millionaire status

    Henry (6FB), who has read 3,080,324 words to achieve his triple word millionaire status

    And Andrey (6CF), who has become a SEPTUPLE word millionaire, having read 7,084,317 words!


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    Friday 5th June Celebration Assembly (Mr Fryer-Bovair)

    Welcome to the first virtual class sharing assembly. Red bubble took charge this week...

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  • Cricket Challenge Information (mwhite.westfield.cambs)

    Hey everyone, 

    For anyone that still wants the cricket challenge information, click on the following links. The first is the PDF document, second is the player profile form. 



    Mr White 

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    Eid Mubarak! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Sunday 24th May 2020

    Wishing all our families who celebrate a happy Eid today.


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    Accelerated Reader (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 21st May

    Congratulations to the following new word millionaires:

    Izzy (3NS), who has read 1,283,260 words!

    Dougie (6FB), who has read 1,028,394 words!


    Congratulations also to our new double word millionaires:

    Esme (4MC), with a word count of 2,190,941!

    Freddie (4MC), with a word count of 2,069,877!


    We also have a new triple word millionaire...

    Congratulations to Lottie (6FB), who has read 3,000,675 words!


    Finally, well done to 4SD who have worked together to achieve their PLATINUM reading certificate, with a combined total of over 8 million words!


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    This week's assembly (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Thursday21st May 2020.

    It's that time again already. Here is our latest virtual assembly for this week.

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    Friday 15th May (MissDew)

    Take a look at the pointillism paintings created by the children in school today. The images are made of dots but when the page is held at a distance, the dots form a picture.




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    This week's assembly (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Thursday 14th May 2020

    Here is our latest virtual school assembly.

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    Accelerated Reader (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 14th May

    Congratulations to Emillia (6CF) for reading 1,224,064 words and gaining her word millionaire status!


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    Let's keep sharing our learning (westfield Admin)

    Posted Tuesday 12th May

    Lots of our amazing pupils have been sharing photos and videos of their learning with each other - and many of you have said you really enjoy seeing each other. So let's get sharing! Mr Wilkinson has had quite a few enquiries from pupils and parents about being able to share photos with each other, and lots of you have said how much you'd really like being able to see more photos and videos of your friends - so let's make it happen. 
    A few of us seem to have forgotten all that stuff Mr Wilkinson keeps going on about in computing lessons about how to share your files, so this handy little video might just remind you (and perhaps show some of you a few things you didn't know). 
    Your online storage space is unlimited, so you really can upload as much as you like - including videos and not just photos.


    You can save your stuff privately just for you to see, email it to a friend, or use the publish option to share with your class, your year group or the whole school - the choice is always yours (and no one should ever make you share something you don't want to share - see our #consent page for more information) but when it's done right, sharing is great fun for everyone.  #sharewithcare
    If you get stuck, you can email Mr Wilkinson from your learning platform account.


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    Assembly for Thursday 7th May (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Thursday 7th May 2020.

    Here is our latest online whole school assembly.



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    Enjoying the sunshine! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 6th May 2020

    This morning we have had fun doing some circuits in the sunshine.













































    We really enjoyed the great weather. We hope everyone else was able to get out in the sunshine for a bit too!

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    Thinking about 75th anniversary of VE day (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 6th May

    In school we have been thinking about VE day and the celebrations which will take place on Friday. We have made some posters which say "To those who gave so much, we thank you." 


    Comments 1
  • How to mark a task as finished once you have completed it (Mr Webb)


    Hello! Some children have been finding it tricky to mark a task as complete on the Learning platform.

    There are a few ways, depending on what the task has asked you to do.

    First of all, log into your Learning Platform account.


    On your ‘Things To Do’ tab, you should see all of the tasks that you have not yet marked as completed.

    Click on the task and it will take you to more detail, links etc. telling you what we would like you to do.


    For some of the tasks, we are not expecting a written outcome and you will be able to mark it as finished by clicking a button

    For others, we might ask you to upload a file to show us what you have been doing. This might be a word document with some writing, a picture of some writing or drawing, or maybe a photo of your project or you completing it.

    For this, open the task in the same way, scroll to the bottom of the task and click the ‘upload button’.

    Click on the file you want to upload and the task will disappear. It is now complete!


    Your teacher will be able to see that your work is complete, as well as be able to access the document that you uploaded.

    Once your teacher has received your work, they will acknowledge it. You will see this as a notification.

    I hope this helps! Let your teacher know if you are still struggling!

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    Accelerated Reader (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 1st May

    Congratulations this week to our new word millionaires...

    Freya (4LB), with a word count of 1,112,192

    Oliver W (4SD), with a word count of 1,025,118

    Arthur (6CF), with a word count of 1,047,680

    Oliver D (5AJ), with a word count of 1,043,218


    and to Luke (6KH) who has read 2,032,425 to achieve the status of double word millionaire!


    Congratulations also to 3JT and 5MW who have each gained their PLATINUM certificates for reading over 4 million and 15 million words respectively.

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    Virtual Assembly (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Thursday 30th April

    In a piece of Westfield history, here is our first ever virtual whole school assembly.
    Look out for achievement cups for 3NS, 4MC, 5AJ and 6KH. We hope you enjoy it!

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    Wednesday 29th April (Mrs Heeley-Nall)

    Since none of us can travel anywhere at the moment, we decided to use a green screen to virtually take ourselves to the place we would most like to visit! The most popular choices were sunny beaches in Spain, but we also went to Japan, Hollywood, Egypt and (in Miss Bray's case) a fantasy world called Candy Land!



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    Tuesday 28th April (Mrs Heeley-Nall)

    At school today, we used an art video to create our own monsters! They look cute to begin with but see what happens when they open their mouths...



    Comments 5
  • Accelerated Reader (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 24th April

    Congratulations to our new word millionaires:

    Inga (3NS) with a total of 1,005,520 words read!  

    Freddy (4MC) with a total of 1,113,640 words read!

    Ella D (5AJ) with a total of 1,125,056 words read!


    Congratulations also to the following double word millionaires:

    Abigail (3NS) with a total of 2,110,520 words read!

    Milly (5DE) with a total of 2,074,836 words read!


    We have a new quintuple word millionaire...

    Congratulations to Andrey (6CF), who has read 5,531,880 words!

    and a NONUPLE word millionaire!

    Congratulations to Nadia (6CF), who has now read an incredible 9,045,339 words!


    Well done to 4MC and 5MW, who have both achieved their PLATINUM class reading certificates, for collectively reading over 8 million and 15 million words respectively!

    And finally, a massive congratulations to 3NS and 4LB, who have achieved their DIAMOND class reading certificates! 3NS have read over 8 million words and 4LB have read over 12 million!



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    Fire Pit Friday! (mwhite.westfield.cambs)

    To end our week at school we had a special treat and lit the fire pit! We used flint fire starters to set fire to cotton wool on the playground and then we lit the fire and toasted marshmallows. Yum! Happy Friday everyone! 



    Comments 6
  • Creative Skills (mwhite.westfield.cambs)

    We've also been practising a few creative skills this week! We've made our own pom-poms and had a try at circus skills - plate spinning and juggling are harder than they look!! 


  • Chalk Trails (mwhite.westfield.cambs)

    This week in school we've created our own trails using chalk and some PE equipment. Could you adapt this idea and create your own chalk trail?


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    Class rainbows! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 15th April
    Here's the view from out of 3FW's window onto the front playground - we've drawn a rainbow for every class!


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    Hummingbird Sunsets (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 15th April

    More painting today - sunsets this time. We practised our flicking technique and blending colours.

    If you want to have a go at this yourself you can follow the step-by-step video here.

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    Rainbows (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Tuesday 14th April

    We've had an artistic start to this week in school with a little bit of help from The Paint Republic. Here are our results.

    If you would like to have a go at this, they why not watch the video that will instruct you through it as you do it.

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    Rude Goldberg Machine (Mr Fryer-Bovair)

    In school this week, we made this amazing machine: 

    Could you make something similar at home? 

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    Accelerated Reader (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 3rd April

    Congratulations to Aimee (6FB) who has read 1,091,254 words and achieved her word millionaire status. Congratulations also to 3FW who have gained their GOLD certificate, for collectively reading over 2 million words since September.

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    Home learning takes off (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Tuesday 31st March 

    Westfield Junior School is running a little differently at the moment - and we've shown ourselves to be an amazing community of learners! We love this stop motion animation from Alice, and we're showcasing some of our home learning photos on the front of our website. Pupils can log in to their learning platform accounts to view and comment on each other's shared photos here.

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    Accelerated Reader (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 27th March

    Congratulations to George (5MW) for achieving his double

    millionaire status this week, with a word count of 2,033,886!


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    Sports Relief (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 13th March

    Today we wore sports kit for Sports Relief and raised £271. We have also been playing a continuous game of football – each of the classes has taken it in turns to play. At the end of the day, teams playing from the East end of the pitch had scored 27 goals in total. Teams playing from the West had scored 13. Well done East!


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    Science Week (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 9th March

    Today we dressed as scientists to celebrate the start of our Science Week. There is a huge range of costumes – everything from lab coats to smart suits, palaeontologists to astronomers. Mr Fenton showed us a very impressive experiment at the end of the assembly to start the week with a bang. Each year group is focusing on a famous or significant scientist for the rest of the week. We’re all looking forward to squeezing in lots of extra science!

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    Bandana Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 6th March  

    Today, the children wore bandanas to support The Brain Tumour Charity. We raised nearly £300 – thank you all for your kind donations.

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    World Book Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 6th March

    Yesterday was World Book Day. We had a fantastic day. In the morning, each teacher read a short extract from a favourite story. The children could then choose which story to go and hear the rest of. After break, they paired up with children from other year groups to share and enjoy a non-fiction book together. We were so impressed by how well they worked together. In the afternoon there were all sorts of exciting activities going on, from Author / Illustrator masterclasses to short story writing. We’ve also been able to contribute over 2000 story-sharing moments to the World Book Day “Share a Million Stories” campaign.

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    A Baroque Band Experience (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Thursday 6th March 2020
    On Wednesday, 5th March, the children and staff enjoyed a visit from amazing The Brook Street Band. They treated us to a concert of baroque music, including pieces by composers such as Handel, Telemann and Corelli. The performance involved a baroque violin, recorders, a cello and a virginal (a small member of the harpsichord family).  We particularly enjoyed seeing and hearing their large collection of recorders which ranged from the tiny garklein recorder to the huge bass recorder!

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    Wednesday 26th February (Lall)

    On Friday 14th of February Westfield cricket team played a tournament at the st.ivo indoor centre .


    We played Thondown A, Houghton, Hemingford grey and Thondown B. We all played brilliantly and 

    We played well as a team it was a very tough tournament sadly we couldn’t find out the scores but the good thing was the organisers announced the results.


    We were placed first in the tournament by 121 runs but we beat Hemingford that came second by 22 runs .


    We would like to thank mr Austin for coaching us and please may the team come and collect their certificates.


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    Year 6 World War II projects (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 14th February

     This afternoon, Year 6 hosted a "WW2 Museum" event in the hall, Each of the classes visited to see the amazing air-raid shelter models that they have been working on at home. We have been amazed by the quality of the models and by the obvious care and time taken by the children. Thank you all for your support with these at home



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    Year 5 visit to West Stow (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 14th February

    On Wednesday, 12th February, Year 5 children and staff enjoyed a trip back in time to experience life as Anglo-Saxons. There were replica houses to explore, as well as a museum full of artefacts found in and around the site. The children also learned more about the time period from one of the guides .


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    Thursday 13th February (William)

    On Wednesday 10th of February, Westfield A team played in the quarter-final of the Dickinson cup against Brampton.
    At the start, it was fairly even then Liam B broke the defence and scored two.

    After that, both keepers made a couple of good saves.

    Just before half-time, we scored an OG which made it 2:1

    When the second half kicked off, Brampton quickly scored twice.

     Liam B scored another two goals, but then they scored an equaliser and we had to go to extra time.

    In extra time, they scored twice which meant we had lost the match 

    Would like to thank Mr Webb for coaching us.

    Comments 2
  • Thursday 13th February (William)

    On Wednesday 10th of February, Westfield A team played in the quarter-final of the Dickinson cup against Brampton.
    At the start, it was fairly even then Liam B broke the defence and scored two.

    After that, both keepers made a couple of good saves.

    Just before half-time, we scored an OG which made it 2:1

    When the second half kicked off, Brampton quickly scored twice.

     Liam B scored another two goals, but then they scored an equaliser and we had to go to extra time.

    In extra time, they scored twice which meant we had lost the match 

    Would like to thank Mr Webb for coaching us. (Written by W K-S)

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    Westfield Warriers Tag Rugby Tournament (Mr Wilkinson)

    Awaiting pupil write up


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    Westfield Wanderers Tag Rugby Tournament (Gracelyn)

    On Wednesday 5th of February, the Westfield Wanderes played in the A team tournament. These are the following results: 

    Westfield Wanderes-20 Thorndown Thunderers-35

    Westfield Wanderes -25 Upwood Spitfires-35

    Westfield Wanderes -20 Westfield Warrios-30

    Westfield Wanderes-25 Thowndown Thistles-10

    Overall we came 4th out of 5 teams .

    We would like to thank Mr Austin for coaching us. (Written by GM)


    Comments 2
  • Westfield Runners Tag Rugby Tournament (Kamea)

    On Wednesday 5th of February, Westfield Runners played a tag rugby tournament and here are the following results.

    Upwood.Jets 75 - Westfield Runners 25

    Westfield Runners 40 - Thorndown Tigers 15

    Westfield Whips 35 - Westfield Runners 25 

    Over all we came 3rd we all played well as a team and would like to thank Mr Austin for coaching us. (Written by KH)


  • Westfield Whips Tag Rugby Tournament (Ella)

    On Wednesday the 5th February 2020, Westfield Whips played in a tag rugby tournament.

    These are the following results:

    1.  Whips 55               Thorndoun  Tigers 15

    2.  Upward Jets 45.            Whips 45

    3. Westfield  Runners 25.          Whips  35

    Overall up Jets won by tries scored

    Whips came second in pool B

    We all worked really well as a team and played well

    We would like to thank Tom Milner for coaching us. (Written by EC)


  • Year 5 Anglo-Saxon Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 16th January

    Yesterday, the children and staff in year 5 experienced a day as Anglo-Saxons, presented by Gripping History. The children learned about invasion and settlement in Britain during Anglo-Saxon times. They experienced an archeological find from the time period, as well as looking at how trade worked and how to write using a quill and the Anglo-Saxon alphabet. The day ended with a discussion about weapons and a battle on the playground.




  • Year 6 Palaeolab visit (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 16th January

    On Wednesday 8th January, Year six were visited by zoologist and broadcaster Jules Howard. He introduced us to the amazing way in which animals and plants have evolved over millions of years to suit their environments. We learnt that the area where the school now sits would once have been at the bottom of a shallow tropical sea, and that the ground beneath the school is full of amazing fossils from the Jurassic period. Jules brought with him his amazing collection of thousands of fossils to help us to piece together the history of the area and the animals that lived here. We also spent time classifying ancient and modern sea creatures, and looking at how an animal's teeth and skull give us clues as to how they lived their lives. 



  • Year 5 Rocket projects (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 17th December

    The children in Year 5 were asked to create a piece of work related to the current space topic. As you can see, they did amazing work!




  • Christmas Jumper Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 13th December

    Thank you to everyone who came to school wearing a Christmas jumper today in support of Save the Children. As a school, we raised £133.50 for this worthy cause!

  • Thursday 12th December (Harry)

    On Friday 5th December. 30 lucky students of year 6 took part at the athletics festival in the one leisure. We were split into two teams Westfield one and Westfield 2. We were against Thorndown and Houghton. There were 7 activities which we all took part in and were scored on. In the end we came 2nd and 3rd. 

    We would like to thank Mr Fenton for taking us.


  • Thursday 12th December (Ebonie)

    On Wednesday the 11th of December , Westfields girls A team played in a futsal tournament at Ernulf. 
    We played five teams in total, playing well in all. Here are the results. Westfield 7 Croshall nil. Westfield 5 Houghton 1. Westfield 10 St Helen's nil. Westfield 7 Thorndown nil. Westfield 4 Bushmead nil. Overall our team played well, and did great passing and defending. The other teams were great sports people . We would like to thank Mr.Webb and Mr.Austin for coaching us and please may the team come and collect their certificates. 


  • English Challenge Report (Joe)

    Wednesday 4th December held an exciting experience for 4 year 6's. The first round was the relay round, where you had to answer questions on different sheets. You had to answer one sheet at a time and then hand it in to  We think we did well as we managed to complete most of the questions.

    The second round was the team round, where we had to use our knowledge of reading and English. We thought we performed pretty well in that round as we knew most of the answers.

    The third and final round was the cathedral round, where we had to look around the cathedral to find clues to the questions on a sheet. This round was extremely hard as you were not allowed to take the questions around with you and consequently you had to remember the answers to the questions.

    When we had finished that difficult round we gathered in the Lady Chapel and had a few snacks. Soon after, the results were announced and we came 4th and we were 5 points away from being 1st. Thank you to Mr Fryer for supporting us. 

  • English Competition (mwhite.westfield.cambs)

    Nadia, Luke, Joe and Erin went to Ely Cathedral yesterday to represent Westfield in the English Challenge final.

    We’re very proud to say that they came fourth out of the 23 teams in the final. Only 5 points separated first place from fourth: it was very close!

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    Girls A team football report (Ebonie)

    On Monday the 2nd of December, Westfields girls A team played a match against Alconbury.

    In the first half our team played well with Kamea, Matilda and Ebonie scoring. But unfortunately we conceded 1 goal during the same half. Ella and Georgia did some great defending as well.

    During the beginning of the second half everybody made some great tackles and Alisa and Zara made some good passes. After that, Aimee scored but we conceded once again.

    Finally, Fallyn scored. In the end we won 5-2. We would like to thank Mr Webb and Mr Austin for coaching us. Congratulations to everyone in the team.

    Comments 1
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    Girls A Team Football Report (Fallyn)

    On Tuesday the 26th of November, Westfield Girls A team played a tournament at Witchford Village College. We played 6 group games and here at the scores . Our first game was Fordham which was 2-1 to them with Fallyn scoring. We won 5-0 against Wetherals B team with Lottie and Kamea scoring a great goal. We won 5-0 again against Robbert Arkinsaw B team with Ebonie and Aimee scoring good goals. We won 3-0 against Wetherals A with Matilda scoring a fanatic goal. Robbert Arkinsaw A was our next game and luckily Matilda made it 1-1 scoring a last minute goal. We played Rackham next with Fallyn scoring her 7th goal of the tournament.

    We thought we were going to be 3rd but we were in the finials against Fordham. Matilda scored in the first 30 seconds of the match but we conceded 1 goal so it went to penalties. Sadly we lost on penalties. We would like to thank Mr .Webb and Mr. Austin for coaching us. (Written by FS)

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    Children in Need (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 15th November

    Children and staff at Westfield enjoyed a non-uniform day today in return for a contribution to Children in Need. As a school we raised £426.41 for this worthy cause, Thank you to everyone for your support!

    Comments 1
  • Girls Football A team report (Ebonie)

    On Wednaesday the 13th of November westfields girls A team played a match against Cromwell accadamy.We got off to a good start with Aimee scoring with an assist from Ebonie 

    Then Matilda scored with an amazing run. Then Matilda set Aimee up and she scored. Then Matilda scored once again with an assist from Fallyn. Then Aimee scored with an assist from Ebonie. Then an unexpected assist from Eliza with her face then Fallyn scored. Then the halftime whistle blew making it 6-0 to us.

    Then Matilda slipped but with a great assist and then Fallyn scored. Then Fallyn chipped the ball over the defenders head which lead to a goal for Matilda. Then Matilda took a corner and Ebonie shot and scored. Then Eliza scored a last minute goal with an assist from Ebonie. Overall that made it 10-0 we would like to thank Mr Webb and Mr Austin for coaching us. 
    (Written by EW)

  • Aldi Sticker Collection (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 4th November

    Thank you to all the parents/carers who have supported our Aldi Sticker Collection.

    Our poster is now fully completed and we are consequently in line to receive a new sports kit and entrance to the draw for £20,000. Many thanks!

  • Year 5 Astronaut Training (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 4th November

    Today, the children in year 5 spent the morning undergoing "Astronaut training", comprised of a variety of activities. These basic training activities included a memory test, a time and space experience, simulating a docking station, assembling a space puzzle and a team building exercise. At the end of the morning, the children took a pledge to become good astronauts and listen to instructions. Everyone enjoyed training to become an astronaut!


  • Platinum for Sport Awarded (Mrs Roberts)

    Posted Thursday, 31st October

    Today Westfield was presented with the Platinum Award for School Games by Jonathan Lewis, Director of Education for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. The award is in recognition of the school's commitment to sport and engaging children in physical activity. Westfield is only one of 10 schools in the county to receive the award which can only be given after 5 consecutive years of achieving the gold standard. Well done to the many staff and pupils who worked so hard ot achieve it.


  • New play equipment (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 28th October

    Miss Heeley and some members of 6KH try out the new play equipment available to the current class of the week to enhance their stamina and physical fitness.



  • Tag Rugby Tournament (Fallyn)

    On Wednesday 16th October, the Westfield Tag Rugby A team went to the Hinchingbrooke Tag Rugby tournament. 

    Our first game was against Somersham. It was 35 - 5 to us.

    Our second game was against Godmanchester we won 25 - 0.

    Out third game was against Thorndown we won 20 to 5.

    The next game was very close against Bucken. It was 20 - 15 in the end. We won in the last minute.

    Our last game in our group was against Winhills. We won by one try. The score was 15 to 10. 

    We got in to the final. It was against Brampton. It was a really close game but sadly we lost 20-25. We came second overall.

    We would like to thank Mr Austin for coaching us. All the team received a certificate.
    (written by FS) 

  • Tag Rugby Tournament (Lall)

    On Wednesday 16th October, Westfield Tag Rugby B team went to Hinchingbrooke School to play in a Tag Rugby tournament.

    In the first match we played against Brampton B team, we beat them 15-0.

    In the second game we played Thorndown C team, we beat them 35-0.

    In the third game we played Somersham B team, we lost 5-20 to them.

    In the play-offs for third and forth place we played Godmanchester B team and won 45-5.

    That meant we came third overall. We would like to thank Mr Austin for coaching us. The team all received a certificate.
    (Written by LS)

  • Girls' Football Tournament (Sophie)

    On Wednesday 9th October 2019 The Girls B team went to the Outdoor Centre and played five games against some other schools. Our first game was against Crosshall B team. We beat them 3-0 with Eliza scoring one and Georgia scoring two. Our second match was against Brampton A team. We beat them 1-0 with Georgia scoring one. Our third match was against Alconbury A team. They beat us by 3-0. Our fourth match was against Crosshall A team. They beat us by one nil. Our fifth match was against Prioy A team. We drew 0-0. The B team came third. Thank you to Mr Webb and Mr Austin for coaching us, The team all received a certificate.
    Written by SP


  • Girls' Football Tournament Champions! (Lottie)

    On the 9th of October 2019 Westfield A team took part in the Girls' football tournament at the St Ivo Outdoor Centre on the 3G pitch.
    Our first match was against Bushmead B and got off to great start winning 6-0 

    Our second match was against Godmanchester A and luckily we won 5-0 

    Our third match was against St Helen’s it was an unbelievable score of 7-0 to us

    And in the fourth match against Winhills A we won a great score of 6-0 again

    We luckily got to the final that meant we played a tough team Alconbury A winning 5-0 

    Not conceding any goals throughout the tournament meant we won the tournament getting the cup once again.Thank you to Mr Webb and Mr Austin for coaching us.

  • Football Report (Oliver)

    On Monday 7th October 2019 Westfield went to Wheatfields to play a football match against them. In the first half we had quite a good start. Within about 15 minutes Wheatfields scored and went 1 up meaning they were leading. Then within about 5 minutes they scored another goal which meant that they were 2-0 up, then it was half time.
    Within another 10 minuets Wheatfields scored another goal which meant they were 3-0 up. Then after 5 minuets Gideon scores an amazing goal which meant it was 3-1 to Wheatfields. Then it was the end and Westfield lost 3-1 to Wheatfields. Overall we had a good game and we'd like to say thank you to Mr Webb for coaching us.
    Written by OC.

  • 1

    School Council Elections (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 30th September

    The children in each class voted for their chosen school councillor today, following the presentation of manifestos from the prospective candidates. Congratulations to Austin, Jamar, Juliana, Toby, Freya and Oliver who were successful in their campaigns to represent their classes in the lower school, as well as Tegan, Molly, Alfie, Nadia, Emma and Luke who will be representing the upper school classes.



    Comments 1
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    Rugby World Cup (Website)

    Posted Friday, 27th September

    A large number of children and staff enjoyed watching England's resounding victory over the USA in yesterday's World Cup Match. The final score was 45 - 7!!

    Comments 2
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    Harvest Assembly/Macmillan Coffee Morning (Website)

    Posted Friday, 27th September

    A huge thank you for all the generous contributions both to today's Harvest Assembly and our Macmillan Coffee Morning. It was lovely to see so many parents attending.  All the food items seen above will be sent to the St Ives Food Bank. In addition, you have helped us to raise £158.20 for Macmillan.

    Comments 1
  • Plastics sculpture (Miss Bray)


    Year 4 have been learning about the problems with single use plastics. We learned facts about plastic pollution and created our own persuasive videos. We then used our plastic waste to create some sculptures of the sea-life which is being killed by plastics.



  • Quad Kids - C team report (Caitlin)

    Quad Kids C Team 

    On Tuesday the 16th of July Westfield C Team took part in the althetics tournament at the Outdoor Centre.

    We started off with the 70 metre run. There were around 5 different schools taking part.

    We got off to a good start with Lucy coming second and Beth coming third. Then Andi came first with Rufus only just coming second. James H came first while Edward came fourth.

    Next we did the standing long jump.

    We started off very well with Edward jumping around 12 metres and James H jumping 10 metres.

    Next we moved onto the staggered start.

    We got off to a good start with Lucy coming second, Julia D coming third, Molly coming fourth and Bethany coming fifth.

    Then the boys went up and James H came first, Andi coming second, Rufus coming third and Edward coming fourth.

    Overall we came first out of all the C teams.

    Thank you Mr. Austin and Mrs. Rendall for coaching us



  • Quad Kids B team report (Jack)

    On Tuesday the 16th of July 2019 three teams went to an athletics tournament called Quad Kids 

    The B team's first activity was the vortex throw.Amelie,Olivia,Jess and Jessica threw first and Jasper, Leon, Alfie and Finn threw second, they all did very well. Amelie threw it the farthest out of the girls and Jasper threw it the farthest out of the boys. The  others also threw very far. 

    The B teams second activity was the 70 metre sprint and the girls were racing first and Jess  was racing first for our team,she did very well and won the race, next it was Jessica and Amelie, they also  did well and came 1st and 4th .Next it was Olivia and she did great and came 1st. Then it was the boys races  and Jasper  raced first he did really well and came 1st. Next it was Alfie he did great and came 2nd. Then Leon raced he did amazingly well and came 1st. After that it was Finn and  after a great race he came 2nd. They all did really well and got great times around 11-13 seconds. 

    The B teams third activity was the standing long jump and the girls went first Amelie got 190cm,Jessica got 144cm, Jess got 174cm and Olivia got 185cm next it was the boys turn  Finn went next and got 162cm, Alfie got 185cm,Leon got 174cm and Jasper got 186cm. 

    The b teams 4th  and final activity was the   600m long distance run and the girls raced first again  and Jess came 1st, Olivia came 2nd, Amelie came 3rd and Jessica came 5th then it was the boys turn and in there race  Jasper came 1st Finn came 2nd Alfie came 4th and Leon came 5th. Everyone had a great day and would like to thank Mr Austin and Mrs Rendall for taking us. Written by JW.



  • Quad Kids - A team report (Ruby)

    On Tuesday 16th July 2019 three teams from Westfield took part in a sports event called Quad Kids at St Ivo Outdoor Centre. I was the A team.

    The first activity that the A team took part in was the standing long jump. Cian  got the highest jump with 2 meters  but everybody else was really close to his score and got lots of points for the team.

    The next activity for the A team was the long distance(600 meters). A lap and a half of the track. Some people were nervous but built up the courage to have a go. In the girls race Hollie came 1st , Annabelle came 2nd and Esme and Camille came joint 3rd. In the boys race Harry came 6th , Charlie came 4th ,pat came 7th and cian came 5th but how long it took you was what earned you the points.

    After that we moved over to the throwing activity(throwing a torpedo as far as you could).First up was Annabelle,Camille,pat and Cian. Then Hollie,Esme,Harry and Charlie had a go.Everyone got really high scores from 30-50 meters in the team. 

    Then we moved on to doing the sprint(70 meters) Esme came 2nd out of 5 competitors.Camille came 2nd.Hollie came 3rd and Annabelle came 1st. In the boys race Cian came 3rd  ,Pat came 4th, Charlie came 3rd and Harry came 1st but the time it takes you to do it in is what gets you points .

    Overall the A team came second out of 16 schools. Hollie came 3rd out of all the girls that competed throughout all of the schools that took part.  

    We would like to thank Mr Austin and Mrs Rendall for taking us and for Hunts School Sports Partnership for organising the event. Here is a short video of some of the photos we took.  Written by RH.

  • Urban Strides (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 12th July

    Westfield enjoyed another visit from Andy Instone, of Urban Strides. He delivered a inspirational assembly to the school, followed by dance workshops for each of the year groups. A great day, enjoyed by all!


  • Another new arrival (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Wednesday, 10th July

    Not to be outdone by ducks or robins, the latest bird born on Westfield grounds is a seagull who has been inhabiting the roof and providing occasional entertainment by settling on the sky lights.

    Mother and baby made a joint appearance today at the front of the school.



  • Girls' Cricket County final (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 26th June 2019

    On Wednesday the 26th of June, the Westfield girls cricket team played in the girls cricket county final at Peterborough County Cricket Club. Our first game was against Fulbridge and we beat them by 27 runs. Our second game was against Beeches and we unfortunately lost by 59 runs. After that, we played fulbridge again and beat them by 24 runs. The next match was with Bushmead and we won by 46 runs. Next was the play off for third place which we lost on the last ball by two runs. Overall, we finished in 4th place in Cambridgeshire. We would like to thank Mr Austin for coaching us. (Written by AL)











  • Football match semi final report (Charlie)

    Posted on Wednesday 26th June 2019

    On Monday 17th June, Westfield A team played against Hemingford. We kicked of well with Charlie H scoring a hat trick.  Then Charlie G scored another. We were winning 4-1 at half time. We started the second half well with Charlie H scoring again to make it 5-1. We kept possession well and were able to get another 2 goals scored by Charlie G and Harry. The final score was 7-1 and we had a great game. We would like to thank Mr Webb for coaching us and the players for performing fantasticly. Written by CH.

  • Girls' Cricket Tournament - B team report (Nadia)

    Posted on Wednesday 26th June 2019

    On Thursday 20th June, the girls' cricket B team attended a Cricket Tournament at Ramsey Cricket Club.

    We played against four other schools but 5 teams,and unfortunately lost our first match..After that we drew with Bury bears.

    Sadly, we lost our last three matches.We had a great time and experience.We lost the tournament but we played well.

    We would like to thank Mr Austin for coaching us. Written by NC.



  • Girls' Cricket Tournament (Camille)

    Written on Friday 21st June 2019

    On Thursday the 20th of June Westfields girls cricket A team competed in a tournament. We played 2 matches and won both of them. The next match we played was against Westfield B and we won again. We then played  another 2 matches doing very well and winning both of them again. We played our final match against Warboys, it was the most difficult match but we still managed to beat them by only 8 points. Overall we came first and have been put through to the finals. We would like to thank Mr Austin for coaching .Written by CG.

  • Sports Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 18th June

    Congratulations to Oak who won this year's Sports Day, lifted the cup and ran the lap of honour. Well done to all the children for their great effort and sportsmanship! A huge thank you to Mrs. Rendall for organising the day!  




  • Year 6 Bible Dicing (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 11th June


    Westfield's Year 6 children visited All Saints' Church this afternoon to take part in the traditional Bible dicing. Two children from each of the three primary schools in St Ives won a Bible. The children were also able to look around the church and one of our children even had the opportunity to play the organ.



  • Summer Fayre - change of date (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Tuesday 11th June 2019

    The WSA Summer Fayre will now be taking place on THURSDAY 27th JUNE rather than Friday 21st June as originally advertised. Sorry for any unintended inconvenience this may cause.

    On Thursday 27th June lessons will finish at 3pm, with the summer fayre beginning at 3.15pm. It will hopefully all finish around 5.30pm. Children who are not attending the fayre will be kept on site until 3.20pm where they can be collected from the school hall or walk home as usual.

    Our non-uniform day will still take place on Friday 14th June as planned and children are asked to bring in a new tombola prize of any colour of the rainbow for the Tombola. Clean second hand teddies are also welcomed for the Teddy Tombola.

    The raffle will now be drawn at the Summer Fayre on June 27th at 5pm and not Friday 21st as advertised on the tickets.

    This information is also being sent to all parents be letter/email today.

  • Scarborough Residential (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Monday 10th June 2019

    Our Year 6's had a fantastic week away at Scarborough last week. The children were an absolute pleasure to take away, with their constant enthusiasm, appreciation and outstanding behaviour (commented upon many times by the general public). We would like to thank Mr Austin as visit leader and the team of staff involved in making sure all 85 year 6 pupils have had such a safe, enjoyable and memorable experience. Without them, this visit would not have been possible, or so successful. Thanks also to our drivers from Dews coaches, the hotel staff and all the parents, who have supported us with such an incredibly high take-up on this trip. Enjoy this video of the lasting memories that have been made over the week. There is also an extended version of the video with extra photos available here



  • International Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 21th May

    The children and staff at Westfield came dressed in the colours of a flag of their choice today to celebrate International Day. Following a short introductory assembly, the children went round to various classrooms to celebrate aspects of different cultures. Children in the lower school 'visited' Japan, Brazil, Norway, South Africa, China and Switzerland. The upper school countries were Mexico, Democratic Republic of Congo, Philippines, Spain, Australia and U.S.A.  Activities included quizzes, artwork, music and sport.

  • Last Year 6 SATs breakfast (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Thursday 16th May 2019

    This morning, our Year 6 pupils have been enjoying their last Year 6 SATs breakfast with friends before their final testing today.

    We're really proud of the effort our Year 6 pupils have put in to this week and they should be proud of their resilence and determination in getting though a demanding week. They all deserve a well earned break this weekend.

    Thank you also to all parents who have been reassuring and supporting their children throughout SATs week.   








  • Year 5 Laches Wood Residential (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 14th May

    Year 5 had a fantastic time away at Laches Wood last week - enjoying some fantastic weather whilst challenging themselves to push boundaries and reach new heights (quite literally in some activities). The children all had a great time and worked well together in their groups. . Room inspections improved significantly as the week went on. Songs around the campfire were a hit and evening hot chocolates were definitely well earned after some very full days of packed activities. 

    Thank you to all the staff who accompanied the children who made the memorable week possible. Here's a brief taste of how it went..


  • Cross Country (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Friday 3rd May 2019

    On Thursday 2nd May, 4 year 5 boys took part in the cross country relay race at Priory Park.

    We each had to run 1200m around Priory Park. First, Arthur ran, then Harry, then Henry and finally Joe.

    Overall we came 47th out of well over 100 teams.

    We would like Mrs Roberts for coaching us.

    Written by JS.

  • Year 4 residential to Caythorpe (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Friday 3rd May

    Last week, many of our Year 4 pupils enjoyed a fantastic time away at Caythorpe. The children behaved excellently throughout the week and supported one another, challenging themselves and surprising themselves! Parents should be very proud of how resilient and enthusiastic their children have been! 

    Next week, many of our Year 5 pupils will be heading off to Laches Wood. Follow the blog to see updates during the week.

  • Special visitors (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday 25th April

    We have returned from Easter holidays to find a family of robins nesting in the school grounds. 



  • Mr Fryer Bovair's Walk and Cycle challenge (Mr Fryer-Bovair)

    To get his picture on the healthy selfie board and to raise money for Oxfam and for the Gurkha Welfare Trust, Mr Fryer-Bovair is currently in training to undertake two events. In June, instead of joining the rest of year 6 on the coach, he will be cycling the approximately 300km to Scarborough and in September, he will be completing a 100km trek in 30 hours across the South Downs. If you would like to sponsor him please visit his justgiving page: 




  • Easter Egg Competition Winners (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 4th April

    Congratulations to Zaynah, Matllda and Ella, whose fantastic creative Easter Eggs cracked the top three spots in this year's competition. With 53 entries this year, judging was very difficult! Congratulations to everyone who entered.


  • Easter activities at Westfield (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 29th March

    Thank you to everyone who brought in a contribution for the WSA's Easter Egg Raffle. Tickets will be available at the school office until the close of school on Tuesday, 2nd April, at a cost of £2 for 5 entries, £4 for 10 entries and £5 for 10 entries. The draw will take place during the school assembly on Thursday, 4th April.

    In addition, the WSA are holding an Easter Egg decorating competetion. Entries for this must be submitted by 9.00 Thursday morning, 4th April, clearly marked with the entrant's name and class.

    Good luck to everyone!

  • Red Nose Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 15th March

    Westfield enjoyed a 'wacky hair and clothes' day in support of this year's Comic Relief.  The children came adorned in all sorts of weird and wonderful outfits and looked great! As a school, we raised £300.45 for this very worthy cause. Thank you to all for your support!





  • Year 4 become scientists! (Miss Bray)

    Year 4 became scientists today when they were visited by 'Public Health England'. Children learned about lots of different viruses and bacteria, the ways they can make us ill and how to help prevent it. They learned how scientists test human samples to find out which virus or bacteria they may contain. Children loved testing fake samples which were brought in for them to use.

    "My favourite part was diluting the blood" Leon.

    "I loved that we got to test the samples of superheroes!" Josh.




  • Football tournament (Harry)

    Posted on Mondy 11th March

    On Thursday the 7 March, Westfield A team played a tournament against 4 different teams. Our first game was against Godmanchester, we started off well with Charlie H scoring in the first 16 seconds, then Charlie G and Tom scoring; the final score was 3-0. Our second game was against Wheatfields, with Cian K scoring 2, then Harry  and Charlie G scoring; our final score was 4-0. Our third game was against Stukeley Meadows with Cian K, Charlie G and Felix scoring to make the final score 3-0. Our last game was against Warboys with Charlie G, Harry and Charlie H scoring to make the score 3-0. We are now through to the spring final against Brampton. We would like to thank Mr Webb for coaching us. (by HC)


  • Hockey Tournament (Annabel)

    Posted Thursday 7th March

    On Friday 1st March Westfield Hockey C team played in a tournament at the St Ivo Outdoor Centre. As a warm up we played some games like stuck in the mud , king of the ring and bulldog. After we were fully warmed up we played 7 matches we won 5 and lost 2 over all we came 5th out of 12.

    We would like to thank Mr Austin for coaching us.

  • Maths Day! (Miss Bray)

    Westfield went MATHS MAD today. Children took part in maths trails around the school and in the town, played and invented their own maths games, solved a variety of tangrams and maths puzzles and used scaling to create a giant picture. Here are some images of our day...




  • Hockey Tournament - A team report. (Luke)

    Posted on Monday 4th March

    On Friday 1st March Westfield A team played in a hockey tournament at St. Ivo Outdoor Centre. The first game wasn’t great because we lost 2-1 to Brington with Jack scoring but it wasn’t surprising that we lost because they went on to win the tournament. Our second game was the best because we won 3-0 against Winhills, with  Luke scoring 2 and Jack scoring 1. Then we played Roundhouse with Luke scoring once allowing us to win so the score was 1-0 to Westfield. That meant we came second in our group.Then it was the play offs. We lost four nil to Hemingford. Then we played Cromwell, losing 1-2 with Luke our scorer. Overall, we had a good time. We thank Mr. Austin for coaching us.

  • Bandana Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 1st March

    A huge thank you to everyone for their participation in this year's Bandana Day, in support of the Brain Tumour Charity. As a school, we raised £279 today for this very worthy cause!

  • Rotary Quiz Report (Camille)

    Posted Friday 1st March 2019

    On Thursday the 28th of February Westfield's quiz team competed in the Rotary quiz. There were 3 rounds with 50 questions in each and the first round was history and geography we did well and only got 4 wrong. So at the end of the first round we were in joint third place. The next one was an entertainment round and we did very well with only getting one question wrong but even with our success we still slipped down to joint fourth. The final round was general knowledge which we found the most challenging getting eight wrong. Out of the 150 questions we got 137 right and 13 wrong. Overall we came sixth. We would like to thank Mrs Eggleston for coaching us. Everyone in the team received a certificate.

  • Jules Howard visit (Mr Fryer-Bovair)

    Posted Tuesday, 26th February

    Today, Year Six were very lucky to have a visit from author and presenter Jules Howard. Jules brought an amazing array of bones, skeletons and fossils in order to help us get our heads around our new topic: Evolution and Adaptation. 

    Mr Fenton had also been able to borrow boxes of shells, bones and teeth from the Zoology Museum at the University of Cambridge, which meant we were able to spend the whole day closely observing specimens, classifying organisms and thinking about how animals are adapted to suit their environments. 



  • Gardening Club (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 13th February

    Year 4 Gardening Club have been busy enjoying making their own bird seed feeders.  They spent one session mixing a range of bird seeds with vegetarian lard and moulding the mixture into yoghurts pots with knotted string and then leaving to set in the fridge.

    The following week, the Gardening Club hung out the bird feeders on trees and holders to attract birds to eat their yummy treats. 

    A week later we have noticed lots of seeds have been eaten so we think the feeders have gone down a treat. smiley

    Thank you Year 4 Gardeners, Mrs Timmis and Mrs Ainscow


  • WSA Movie Night - Tuesday 26th February (Website)

  • WSA Quiz Night (Website)

  • Year 6 Stibbington Evacuation Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 7th February


    On Monday, 4th February, the Year 6 children and staff travelled back in time to experience a day as a World War II evacuee. Each child was given the identity of a child who was actually sent to Stibbington early in the war. Upon arriving at Wansford Station, the children were met by a billeting officer who escorted them across the field to Stibbington village, pointing out the houses where the evacuated children stayed. The rest of the day was spent in a wartime school room, experiencing a day as a school child during the Blitz.


  • Parents - please watch this 38 second video (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Tuesday 5th February 2019
    This Safer Internet Day, we've made a really short video for all parents to watch.
    Computing lessons this week have been dedicated to looking at the issue of consent. Your child would like you to watch this short video before you post anything about them on social media. Getting stuff right online isn't always easy but we've been learning about the importance of getting permission before sharing a video or photo of someone else. You can find out more by visiting the #consent page on our website.


    This video is also available to watch and share on Facebook and Twitter.

  • Young Voices (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday 22nd January

    On Friday, 18th January, the Westfield School Choir joined in this year's Young Voice concert in Birmingham. A total of 6639 children took part in this amazing performance. In addition to the children, there were special guest singers, including Tony Hadley from Spandau Ballet and Beau Dermott from Britain's Got Talent. Andy Instone and Urban Strides also featured in the evening's entertainment. The children and accompanying adults from Westfield School had a fantastic evening!




  • Carol trip to Field Lodge (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 17th December









    Today, year 5 and year 6 members of the choir visited Field Lodge Care Home to sing a selection of Christmas carols. Both the children and the residents had a lovely time and many people complimented the choir on their singing. This was the choir's final Christmas appearance this year, after already singing at the Christmas Lights Switch On in St Ives and visiting two other care homes. Well done to all of the choir for their hard work this term!



  • Christmas Jumper Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 14th December


    As the term nears to a close, the children (and staff) showed their Christmas spirit today by wearing a vast array of seasonal jumpers and hats. We also enjoyed our Christmas dinner today, for which we are all grateful to the kitchen staff for all their hard work!

  • Gardening Club go festive! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 12th December 2018

    We have been getting into the festive spirit at Gardening Club this week by creating our own foliage candle Christmas decorations.  Thank you to our visitor Robin Bletsoe from St Ives Gardening Club for joining us for our sessions and sharing his gardening knowledge this half term.

    Happy Christmas from Westfield Year 4 Gardening Club, Mrs Timmis and Mrs Ainscow.













  • Christmas Hampers (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 30th November

    Thank you to all the children who brought in goodies today for this year's Christmas hampers. The WSA have been busy making up the hampers this morning and they all look fabulous! Tickets are available now at a £1 per ticket or £10 for 15. The draw for the hampers will be held at the assembly on Monday, 17th December.

  • Children in Need Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Updated Wednesday, 21st November

    UPDATE: Following a very successful cake sale after school on Friday, the final total raised by Westfield for Children in Need was £550.12! Another big thank you for everyone who took part in supporting the appeal!

















    A huge thank you to all the children and staff who came to school wearing a wide range of pyjamas, in support of this year's Children in Need Appeal. A particular thank you to those children who have donated their own pocket money to the cause, as well as to those who have brought in cakes and other goodies for the cake sale being held after school. The total amount raised so far is £412.52! An updated total as well as additional photos from the day will be posted next week.


  • Children in Need (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Wednesday, 14th November

    Please remember to come to school wearing your pyjamas on Friday and bring a donation for the Children In Need cause, There will be a cake sale held on the back playground after school, for which any goodies would be gratefully received.

    You are also invited to wear odd socks to support Anti-Bullying Week. Mrs Damuni will be talking to you about this in assembly on Thursday.


  • The B team football tournement by Lall and James (James)

    On Thursday the 8 th of November Westfield b team played a tournement against 4 other schools. Our first match was against Priory it was 1-0 to them but in the last 2 minuets we came back 1-0 by Lall scoring which made it 1-1 . Next we played Holywell we were up 2-0 from Liam and Oscar scoring. Holywell came back which made it 2-1 to us. Our next match was against Hemingford grey we were 1-0 down luckerly Joe scores which makes it 1-1 . Our last match was against bury we won 8-0 with Ernie scoring 2 Liam scoring 4 and Rufus scoring 2 . We would like to thank Mr Webb for coaching us.

  • Remembrance Day Assembly (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 9th November

    A special assembly was held at Westfield today to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. Some of our Year 6 children read poems they had written to honour the occasion, after which the whole of Year 6 performed a moving rendition of the poem, In Flanders Field.




  • Year 4 Egyptian Day (Miss Bray)

    Year 4 had an amazing Egyptian Day yesterday. They learned the crafts of the Egyptians - making canopic jars, carving scarab beetles, making jewellery and being scribes and much more! They ended the day with a banquet where the children were able to role play characters and used drama and dance to tell some of the stories from Ancient Egypt, such as the story of the Wax Crocodile. Here are a few photos of the day...

  • Y6 English Challenge (Mr Fryer-Bovair)

    We're delighted to say that our Year Six English Challenge team won their heat at Wheatfields yesterday! A huge well done to Hollie, Lola, William and Camille. 

    They will now go on to represent Westfield at the English Challenge Final, which will be held at Ely Cathedral on the 5th December. 

    Mr Fryer-Bovair


  • Tag Rugby joint champions (B and C teams tournament) (Aimee)

    Posted on Thursday 18th October

    On Wednesday the 17th of October, Westfield C team played in a B and C team tag rugby tournament at Hinchingbrooke School.

    Our first game was against Holywell C team. We had a good start to the tournament with two tries from Jessica.The final score was 10-0 to Westfield.

    Our second game was against Warboys B team. After a long game, we finished with a triumphant score of 5-10 to Westfield.

    Our third game was against Thorndown C team. Luckily, we managed to win with 2 tries from James, and 2 from Jessica. Our final score was 20-0 

    Our fourth game was against Buckden B with one try from Aimee, 3 from Jessica, and one from James.we won 25-20.

    Our fifth game was against Godmanchester B team and we won 30-15 which got us through to the finals.

    Our final game was against Thorndown B team and with a 20-20 draw we tied with Thorndown for the tournament championship for B and C teams.

    Thank for Mr Austin and Mrs Rendall for taking us .












  • Tag Rugby tournament - B team report (Hollie)

    Posted on Thursday 18th October

    On the Wednesday the 17th of October Westfield B team played in a tag rugby tournament for B and C teams.

    Our first game was against Bushmead we won 55-0 with some great tries scored. The next game was against Priory and we beat them 15-10. Our next game was against Holywell winning 30-10. The 4th game was against Thorndown B. Unfortunately we lost 20-15. Our 5th game was against Warboys A we won 30-15 making it to the 3/4th play offs. In the play offs we beat Buckden 45-15 meaning we were placed 3rd.

    Thank you for Mr Austin and Mrs Rendall for taking and supporting us. (written by HB)











  • Tag Rugby Tournament Champions! (Annabel)

    Posted on Thursday 18th October 2018
    On Wednesday the 17th October Westfield A team competed in a tag rugby tournament at Hinchingbrooke School.

    Our first game was against Winhills which we won 40/0. Our second game was against Roundhouse with another win with 30/10. The next game was against Thorndown, the score was 25/10 to us so it was another win. Our penultimate game was against Ramsey which we won 50/0.

    We won all of our games so we went through to the final against Godmanchester, which was hard but we still won 40/20. That means we won the A team tournament. (written by AS)

  • Westfield B team girls' football report (Amelie)

    Posted on Thursday 11th October

    On Wednesday the 10th of October , Westfield B team played in a girls football tournament .

    Our first game was against Winhills with Fallyn and Kamea scoring the two goals which made our first game 2-0 to Westfield .The second game it was 3-0 to us against Priory and Fallyn Kamea and Ebonie scoring.The next match was against  Thorndown A team and it was a win again, 1-0 with Anabel scoring last minute.

    Our next match we unfortunately lost 2-0 to Crosshall A but Amelie made some amazing saves in goal which made her player of the match, but that ment we were kicked out of the final and had to play for 3rd place against Westfield C team but it was a draw against them but with Anabel scoring for us which made us joint 3rd overall. (written by AB)



  • A team Girls' football tournament (Holly)

    Posted on Thursday 11th October

    On the 10 October Westfield A team played a girls' football tournament at St Neots. Our first game was against Roundhouse winning 6-0 with Molly scoring a hatrick and also Lucy scoring a hatrick.Then we played Crosshall B team winning 6-0, Molly scoring 2 goals Lucy scoring a hatrick and Aimee scoring 1.

    We then played Thorndown B team winning 11-0  with molly scoring hatrick Lucy scoring 2 Aimee scoring 2 Matilda scoring 4 meaning we were in the semi finals . Playing Westfield c team winning 4-0 molly scoring 2 Lucy scoring 1and Ruby scoring 1. This meant we were in t finals playing Crosshall A team winning 2-1 molly scoring both goal .Thank you for Mr Webb and Mrs Spencer-Briggs for taking us. (written by HQ)


  • Gardening Club (Mrs Ainscow)

    On Wednesday, Gardening Club spent some time clearing out the planters by the front entrance, then they planted some bulbs, winter flowering pansies and cyclamen. Already the entrance looks much more inviting, but we are looking foward to seeing the pansies come into bloom over the next few weeks.

  • Harvest Festival and Macmillan Coffee Morning (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 28th September


    A huge thank-you to all the children and parents who helped make our Harvest assembly/Macmillan Coffee morning such a great success! As you can see, we had a huge amount of wonderful donations for the St Ives food bank. In addition, thanks to your generosity, we have raised £168.18 for Macmillan.


  • Charity Cake Sale (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 17th July

    Well done to Iris Warriner and Charlotte Hird for their amazing efforts raising a total of £147.52 for the brain tumour charity by holding a bake sale on Friday 13th July.


  • Urban Strides (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday 13th July

    The children and staff at Westfield were lucky enough to enjoy sessions with Andy from Urban Strides today. The day consisted of an introductory assembly (focussing on resilience as well as accepting and being adaptable to challenges) and a dance session with each year group.




  • Kwik Cricket (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Monday 9th July 2018

    Congratulations to the Year 4 cricket team. They performed wonderfully well in very hot conditions at the County Finals on Friday 6th July at Orton Park Cricket Club, Peterborough.

    Westfield won all of their 3 group games and so reached the final. This game they narrowly lost to The Beeches School. A fantastic effort by all the team. Very well done!











  • Wicken Fen (Miss Bray)

    Year 4 have had an amazing day at Wicken Fen - pond dipping, minibeast hunting and geocaching...







  • Kwik Cricket Report (Badcock)

    Posted on Wednesday 27th June 2018

    On Friday 22nd of June Westfield A team played in the girls county final cricket tournament. We played really well in the first match against the Beeches School and drew in our second match we played even better. We came up against Winsgate and won by a considerable amount. We were top of the league on points. In the semi finals we played Little Paxton and won the match that meant we were through to the final. In the final we played Houghton and lost but that meant we came second in the whole of Cambridgeshire! Written by JB






  • Stop Plastic pollution videos - 4LB (Miss Bray)

    Year 4 have been looking at persuasive texts. First, we watched the Blue Planet video about the problem of plastic in our oceans and decided to make videos to tell people how they can help. Next, we learned about the features of persuasive texts, such as persuasive and emotive language, powerful images and rhetorical questions. Then we researched facts about plastic pollution and ways that people can help. Finally we used the ipads to create iMovie videos to persuade people to help. Here are the videos from 4LB.



  • Wednesday 23rd May (Miss Bray)

    Year 4 have had a fun International day learning about South Africa, France and the USA.

    Here are some of their African masks that they designed.



  • International Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Wednesday, 23rd May

    The children at Westfield have been enjoying their annual international day today. The classes were mixed up within the upper/lower school to rotate round various cultural activities. The upper school children have been "visiting" Japan, Iran, Germany, Sri Lanka, Ghana and Guatemala, while the children in lower school have been enjoying activities from South Africa, France, Australia, Italy, Brazil and USA (Native American).

  • Ducklings released (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Friday 11th May 2018

    The ducklings and their mother have now been safely released into the river. 

    Catching them all took a while, but eventually mother and ducklings were released down by All Saints Church at the end of the Thicket footpath.

    As you can see from the video, mum headed straight for the water but it took the ducklings a little bit of time to pop out, but were soon swimming with mum.

    Thank you to everyone involved in looking after our ducklings whilst they were with us, and in their safe transportation to the river.



  • Ducks (Mrs Roberts)

    Our annual visitor has returned to the courtyard and there was much excitement this morning when we arrived to find her ducklings had hatched. This year she leaves with 15 offspring. Mum and babies are being returned to the river soon. (Mrs Roberts)



  • Cross Country (Mrs Roberts)

    On Thursday 26th April, 4 Westfield Teams took part in the county Cross Country Championships in St Neots. Our girls' team took part in their race first against approximately 100 other teams and came in 14th place: a fantastic result. Our boys' teams lined up at the start next and after 4 hard fought laps, the A team came in 5th out of approximately 150 teams. All those taking part ran amazingly well and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. (Mrs Roberts)


    Thank you to Mrs Buckenham and Mrs Howard for the photos.

  • Football champions (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Monday 30th April 2018

    Congratulations to the Westfield Girls A Football team, who won the HUNTS FA tournament at St Neots Football Club last Wednesday.

    This is the 5th consecutive year that Westfield has won this cup. Also very well done to the Girls' B team and the Boys' "Up for the cup" team who also performed admirably in their respective competitions at the same venue.

  • Year 5 Astronaut Training (Mr Webb)

    Having written to the ESA on Friday to apply to be Astronauts, Year 5 took part in some basic Astronaut training this morning.

    Different tasks tested their fitness, agility, memory, team work, time and spacial awareness and dexterity. They also had the chance to practise docking a space ship and design a mission patch.

  • Giacometti (Mr Fryer-Bovair)

    Some fantastic Giacometti - inspired sculptures in Y6 today. This is Diego's dog. 

    Here's the original Giacometti: 

  • Year 5 Dodgeball Tournament (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 29th March

    Year 5 enjoyed an end of term dodgeball tournament this morning. The competition was fierce, with 5MW coming out as the over-all winners. Well done to everyone who took part and showed such good sportsmanship!



  • Easter Egg decorating competition winners (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Wednesday, 28th March

    Judging took place this morning for the Easter Egg competition being held this week at school. Well done to everyone who entered; many creative, original entries were received, making the decision difficult. Congratulations to Esther in 6CF, Sophie in 5DE, Bella in 4MC and Lois in 3CW who claimed prizes in assembly today for their eggcellent entries.



  • Monday 26th March - Year 5 Interform Hockey (Mr Webb)

    This afternoon, Year 5 celebrated the completion of our Hockey unit by playing an interform tournament.

    First, each class had heats to decide which house groups would represent their class against the other classes, then the successful house teams faced a team from another class.

    All three final matches were very close and all players played with a good level of skill and exceptional sportsmanship.

    5DE's Cedar narrowly triumphed 1-0 over 5KH's Beech.

    A thirlling 3-2 win for 5MW's Cedar over 5KH's Oak followed.

    In the final match, a draw 0-0 draw between 5MW's Oak and 5DE's Elm meant that 5MW and 5DE were tied firtst on points. An extra period of 'Golden Goal' time had to be played to decide the winner, with 5DE's Elm scoring to win the tournament.

    Congratulations to all who took part!



  • Sport Relief 2018 (Mr Fryer-Bovair)

    Today we  "Ran for a day" to raise money for Sports Relief.  At all times today, there was at least one class running. The children were absolutely incredible - an amazing effort by all! 


    Over a remarkable 2380 laps (which is an average of 6.6 laps each), we have run an incredible 1115 miles!!

    That means that we have run, between us, the distance to Algeria in North Africa, or to Iceland!

    Don't forget to send your sponsor money in to the office!

  • Westfield hits the airwaves (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Thursday 22nd March 2018
    Early this morning, as most of us were making our way to school, three of our pupils were taking to the airwaves on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire as Dotty McLeod and Andy Lake reach St Ives in their walk from Cambridge to Peterborough for Sport Relief. Three of our pupils were interviewed about our plans for tomorrow. If you missed it, you can listen to the broadcast here.









    PHOTO: Twitter/BBC Cambridgeshire AUDIO CLIP: (c) BBC Radio Cambridgeshire. All rights reserved.






  • 1

    Easter Egg Eggstravaganza! (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 16th March


    Well done to everyone who brought in an Easter egg for the prize draw to be held before the Easter holidays. From the over 300 eggs now  in and around school, there will be 10 large 'eggscellent' prizes as well as hundreds of smaller prizes to be won. (This is no yolk!) The raffle forms have been sent by email and offer the choice of 5 numbers for £2, 10 numbers for £4 or 15 numbers for £5. Good luck to everyone!


    Comments 1
  • 1

    Science Day! (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Wednesday, 14th March

    The children at Westfield enjoyed a day of scientific investigations involving bubbles. They tested a variety of different formulas as well as creating different bubble wand designs. Each group worked on producing the biggest bubble, the longest lasting bubble and the most creative bubble. Thanks to Mr Fenton's organisation of the day, the children were able to experience a different approach to science. Check out bigscienceblog.primaryblogger.co.uk for much more information about the day.




    Comments 1
  • 3

    Blues and Roots music ensemble visit (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 13th March

    Today the amazing Blues and Roots ensemble came and played us the music of Charles Mingus. We all enjoyed listening and the children had a fantastic time! Some of the children's reactions were:

    "I've never heard anything so wonderful!"

    "We couldn't stop dancing to the jazz."

    "The band is FANTASTIC!"


    Comments 3
  • 1

    New gym equipment (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 8th March

    Year 5 children enjoying the new gym equipment...




    Comments 1
  • 1

    New Outdoor Equipment (Mr Fryer-Bovair)

    An exciting new arrival at Westfield! 



    Comments 1
  • Bandana Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 2nd March

    Children and staff at Westfield came to school wearing bandanas today in support of the Brain Tumour Trust. As a school, we raised £313.40!

    Thank you to parents and carers for your support.

  • Friday 2nd March (Mr Fryer-Bovair)

    Here at Westfield we've been focusing hard on reducing the amount of waste we send to landfill. We now recycle every last bit of the rubbish from our breaktime tuck. We even cut open milk cartons so that they can be rinsed by Maxine and the kitchen staff before going into the recycling bins! 

    Here are the winners of our recent recycling poster competition: Ruby, Honor, Lois and Mei. Well done to all of them! 


  • World Book Day 2018 (Mr Fryer-Bovair)

    Today we have challenged the children to create something to celebrate a favourite book. There are movie trailers, posters, and art works being created all around the school as I type.. We look forward to seeing what the children have come up with at the end of the day! 
    Some of the best work will be shared in 6CF's sharing assembly tomorrow morning. 
  • 1

    Snow! (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 27th February

    The children at Westfield enjoyed the brief snowfall at lunchtime today...


    Comments 1
  • Year 5's Anglo Saxon adventures (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 9th February

    Year 5 have had an exciting week leading up to half term. On Monday, they went to visit the Anglo Saxon village at West Stow. They were able to explore the recreated houses as well as the museum.



    On Tuesday, they enjoyed a visit from Gripping History. There were a variety of Anglo Saxon and Viking related activities, including rune writing, planning a Viking voyage and acting as archeologists to explore a "grave."  In the afternoon, after looking at some Viking style weapons, they had a mock battle on the playground.




  • Safer Internet Day 2018 (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Tuesday 6th February 2018
    Today is Safer Internet Day. In many of our computing lessons this week we have been looking at the consequences of photo sharing, both positive and negative. Many classes have seen just how easy it is for photos to be copied and shared without even realising other people could see them. After taking a fun selfie on an ipad, some classes discovered that photo could seemingly "magically" appear on every other ipad in the room - and even the teacher's computer - without realising we'd shared it.
    How would your children respond to these comments online ?
    You only use filters because you're ugly.
    Why do you even bother playing? You're useless.
    Please don't share my selfie!

    Why not watch this video with your child to see if they agree with the children in the video.


  • Palaeolab (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 17th January 2018

    Year 6 have been enjoying a visit from Palaeolab today. View more photos by clicking here.

  • Year 4 Eqyptian Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 15th January

    Year 4 children and staff enjoyed a visit from History Off The Page today, who presented them with an interactive Egyptian Day,. The children were able to take part in a variety of activities throughout the morning. These activities included making canopic jars, writing in hieroglyphics, creating amulets, making wax combs and wrapping mummies. In the afternoon, the children presented a variety of entertainment for the Pharoah and his Queen as well as enjoying an Egyptian feast. Thank you to the helpers who came in to help make the day possible. The day was greatly enjoyed by all!




  • Snow fun (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 11th December

    Westfield children enjoying the snow...



  • Decorations Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 8th December



    Children and staff showed their Christmas spirit today by wearing a variety of jumpers and hats while enjoying a day making festive decorations.

  • Ofsted Report Published (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 29th November 2017

    Ofsted, the school inspectorate, have now published their report from the visit they made to the school earlier this month. It has been sent out to all parents and has now been published on our website. 

    Click here to read the full report.




  • Luke Temple author visit (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 27th November

    The children were entertained by author Luke Temple this afternoon when he came to share his latest series of books, Ghost Post, Doorway to Danger and The Ghost Lord Returns. As well as being introduced to the new characters, there was an opportunity for the children to act out some of the action from the books. They were left in suspense as to what would happen as each tale unfolded. An enjoyable afternoon for all!





  • Colchester castle (Miss Bray)

    Year 4 had an amazing day at Colchester Castle today, learning about the Romans. A huge thank you to all the parents who were able to come and help us. 

  • Stibbington Evacuation Experience (Mr Fryer-Bovair)

    Yesterday, Year Six went to Stibbington to experience what it was like to be evacuated. After arriving at the station from London, they walked to Stibbington village. On the way, some of the children were able to see the houses that they were billeted to. They then experienced a taste of school life, had the opportunity to do the laundry as it was done before the washing machine and even had to go down into the school shelter during an air raid. 

  • Children in Need (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 17th November

    Children and staff joined together to wear pajamas today in support of this year's Children in Need appeal. Together, we raised £401 for this worthy cause!! Thank you to everyone for taking part, as well as for the support from home.

  • New uniforms for football A team (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 16th November

    Westfield's football 'A' Team proudly showing off their new uniforms which have been sponsored by local business, Riverport Residential Cleaning.


  • Friday 10th November (Badcock)

    On Thursday 9th November Westfield B team played 3 tournament games against Wheatfields. Our first game we won one 1-0. In the second game we won 2-0 with Harry B and Max both scoring, which put us through to the final. With one game left in the final match we won 4-0 with Charlie H, Rowan, Harry C and Charlie G all scoring.

    We would like to thank Mr Webb for coaching us.

    Written by Jorja B.

  • Tuesday 14th November (Website)

    Don't forget Westfield Junior School will support Children in Need on Friday 17th November with a non uniform day. Come to school wearing pyjamas for a small donation.




  • Young Shakespeare Company (Mr Fryer-Bovair)

    Young Shakespeare Company

    This afternoon, Y6 were privileged to have a vist from the amazing Young Shakespeare Company, who performed Macbeth. We loved getting involved in the action... 

    We'll be following up with some work on Macbeth in class over the next few weeks. 

  • School Inspection (Website)

    Please be aware that Ofsted will carry out an inspection on Wednesday 1st November and Thursday 2nd November.

  • 2

    Tag Rugby Tournament C team report (Amelie)

    On Monday 16th October,Westfields C team went to Huntingdon Rugby Club to play Warboys and Godmanchester. We did lots of mini games and drills before we started the matches. The first match we were playing Warboys. In the first half they were winning by one try, during the second half we came back with two tries scored. We had won against Warboys. Our next game was against Godmanchester. We started of well with one try but they then scored one. At the end of the first half it was one all. But in the second half we scored another two tries and we had won against Godmanchester as well. We won both our games and were crowned champions!

    Thank you Mr Austin for coaching us.

    Comments 2
  • Tag Rugby Tournament B team report (Conlin)

    On Monday 16th October Westfield B team played rugby tournament at Huntingdon rugby club.

    Our scores as follows:

    Westfield 60 Priory 0
    Westfield 25 Godmanchester 25
    Westfield 25 Bushmead 20

    We got into the final against Warboys. They won 15 to 10. 

    We would like to thank Mr Austin for coaching us.

  • Tag Rugby Tournament A team report (Badcock)

    On the 16th of October Westfield A team played in a tournament at Huntingdon rugby club and are scores were as follows:

    Westfield 50 Middlefield 35 

    westfield 45 thorndown 10 

    Westfield 95 Ainsbury 0

    westfield 45 round house 20 

    westfield 35 priory 20 

    in the final Westfield played wheatfield and one 55-35

    We would like to thank Mr Austin for coaching us.

  • 1

    TAG Rugby tournament (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Tuesday 17th October

    The Hunts School Sports Partnership Large Schools TAG Rugby Tournament took place on Monday 16th October 2017.

    Westfield's A team were tournament champions! Westfield B team came runners up and Westfield C team were also champions of their section. Reports from each team will follow soon.










    A superb effort by all! Well done to all Westfield Tag Rugby teams.

    Comments 1
  • 1

    Year 5 football matches (Ruby)

    On Tuesday 17th October Year 5 had 3 football matches in the morning .

    The first Mach was against 5DE and 5MW. In the first half Charlie G scored a fantastic goal by running down the wing and passing and at half time the score was 3-0

    At the beginning of the second half Charlie G scored another goal. With Charlie G running down the wing it was a tough match for 5DE although Andi was excellent at being a striker, whilst Amelie and Charlie where amazing at defending. At the end of the match the score was 4-0 so well done to 5MW.

    The second match was against the other half of 5DE and 5KH. At half time the score was 4-0 to 5KH. At the beginning of the second half at kick off, 5KH got the ball but Ben from 5DE did an excellent tackle. When Cian got the ball he tried to shoot but unluckily he missed. Archie tried to shoot as well but Jasper did an excellent save .Everyone was playing extremely well and Nicole doing some really good blocks but at the end the score was 4-0 to 5KH.

    The next match was against 5KH and 5MW but in the first half Harry C did a bit of a tumble and hurt himself but got back up again and played just as well. By now the score was 1-0 to 5MW. Molly and Husayn were also doing some amazing saves in goal. At the end of the last match the score was 4-1 to 5MW.

    Well done to everyone, whether you were just cheering or playing in the match. In first place was 5MW. In second place was 5KH and last but not least was 5DE.Unfortionly some people had injuries so they couldn't play.

    Report by Ruby H.


    Comments 1
  • Friday 13th October (Website)

    Westfield Junior School


    Results of Parent Governor Election

    James Waterworth has been duly elected

    October 2017


  • Westfield Roman Army (Miss Bray)

    In 4LB, we have been learning about the Roman Army. We have researched facts and learned about the different formations they used to protect themselves from the enemy. Today, we designed and made our own Roman shields...

  • Music in Year 4 (Miss Bray)

    This term, Year 4 have been learning the song 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams. We have been using glockenspiels to accompany the song - here is a photo of us practising...

  • 2

    Cambridgeshire English Challenge (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Wednesday 11th October

    Congratulations to Insha and Josiah in 6AE, Laiba in 6CF and Max in 6FB for winning the English Challenge heat! They had to answer questions on a variety of subjects, including English usage and book knowledge. They will now go on to represent the school at the final, held at Ely Cathedral in December.

    Comments 2
  • Congratulations, Mr Fryer-Bovair! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 11th October 2017

    Congratulations to Mr Fryer-Bovair for winning the 2017 Term Times Teacher of The Year award after being nominated by Ben, from this class last year.

    You can read the full interview with Ben, Mr Fryer-Bovair and Mrs Roberts on the Term Times website here -  http://termtimes.ltd.uk/awards  








  • School Council Elections (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 2nd October

    Congratulations to the following children who have successfully campaigned and been elected as school councillors for their classes:

    3CW - Oliver, 3JF - Kai, 3NS - Joe, 4LB - Ebonie, 4MC - Harry, 4SD - Rahim, 5DE - Sophie, 5KH - Harry, 5MW - Evie, 6AE - Lily, 6CF - Ellie Rose, 6FB - Archie.

    Well done to all those children who campaigned for this role. There were many fantastic speeches written and delivered across the school!





  • Growth Mindset and Teamwork in Year 4 (Miss Bray)

    Posted Friday 29th September 2017

    Year 4 have been learning about growth mindset and working as a team. We had a spaghetti tower challenge where we worked in teams to try to build the tallest tower. It was quite tricky but we persevered and worked together to overcome the problems we encountered! Our teachers were really impressed with us!

  • Maths Scaling (Miss Bray)

    This week 5LB have been looking at scaling. We have measured chocolate bar wrappers and used scaling to create giant versions - if only they were actually filled with chocolate!

  • Westfield's Got Talent (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 18th July

    Congratulations to Amy from 6SD and Hannah from 6AE who fought off some amazing competition to win the children's vote and staff vote respectively following Westfield's Got Talent! Well done to all the acts who took part today; there was a great variety of talent displayed! Thank you also to our illustrious panel of judges who 'visited' Westfield today to comment on the acts.

    Amy and Hannah will perform their winning acts again tomorrow at the Year 6 leavers' assembly.



  • Summer Fete (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 27th June

    Friday afternoon's Summer Fete was a great success, raising an impressive £2200 for the school! Amongst the most popular events were the rugby and football tournaments, held throughout the afternoon, and the stocks, in which some of our braver year 6's (and Miss Dew!) allowed themselves to be soaked.

    A huge thank you to all the parents and staff who gave up their time to make the afternoon run so smoothly.






    This week is 'Send My Friend to School' action week.

    World leaders have promised a quality education for every child in the world by 2030, but the money for this is still not in place and so 263 million children are still missing out on school. The aim of 'Send My Friend to School' week is to teach children about global issues and to try and persuade governments to act.

    In Years 4 and 5, we have created jigsaw pieces to send to our MP to persuade him to act. We then created persuasive videos in Year 5 and wrote persuasive letters in Year 4. 

    Please enjoy our videos below. 



  • Football A team success (archies.westfield.cambs)

    Posted on Friday 23rd June 2017

    FOOTBALL: On Thursday 22nd June Westfield A team played against Spaldwick in the quarter final. We started off slowly letting them have loads of shots. Then they managed to bang one in so it was 1-0. But we kept our heads up and Ben Clinton hit one in. At half time we had a chat about how we need to play. We then went back on the pitch and gave it our all. This resulted with Archie Sillett scoring  from a corner.

     Just before the final whistle went Ben Edgley got us a penalty. He let Dan Coatsworth take and he took it well by hitting it bottom left. this meant we won 3-1. We would like to thank Mr. Webb for coaching us.


  • Rugby Training and Tournament Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 23rd June

    Yesterday, Westfield's A, B and C teams took part in a rugby activity day, organised by Northampton Saints and hosted by Peterborough Rugby Club. The children spent the morning learning a variety of skills, led by volunteers from local schools. In the afternoon, the six teams taking part played each other in a tournament. Well done to the members of all three of our rugby teams who played very well despite the heat of the day!











  • Cricket Competition (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 22nd June

    The Westfield Year 5 & 6 cricket team took part in a competition at Godmanchester on Monday, 19th June. They beat four other teams to win the tournament. They have qualified for the county finals in Peterborough next week.

    Team: Daniel, Abdul, Mustafa, Ryan, Arafat, Tommy, Toby and Ismail.

    Well done boys!!

  • Year 6 Activity Week/Scarborough Trip (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 19th June

    The children in Year 6 enjoyed an exciting week last week, either taking part in an activity week at school or away in sunny (yes it really was!) Scarborough.

    Scarborough activities included a visit to York, treasure hunting at Robin Hood's Bay, watching out for wild boar at Dalby Forest, a day at Flamingoland and lots of fun on the beach!








    Activity week photos will be added soon...

  • Thursday 25th May - International Day (Miss Bray)

    Today, Westfield have taken part in another successful 'International Day'. We were really impressed by all the costumes children wore and would like to thank those who donated to the school in Zambia. The children have enjoyed lots of fun activities relating to different countries around the world. See some of our activities below...

    If children would like to make the ice-cream they made with Mrs Folly, then the recipe can be found here: http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/educators/classroom-resources/activities/instant-ice-cream

  • Mini Tennis Tournament (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Thursday 25th May
    On Tuesday 23rd May, eight children from Year 4 took part in the Huntingdonshire SSP Mini Tennis tournament.  Both teams played brilliantly. Our A team placed second in their group and so have been given a place in the semi-finals on the 9th June!













  • Wednesday 24th May (Badcock)

    On Friday the 19th of May Westfield girls fooball team played Houghton. We started well with Jorja scoring .Then soon after Ruby scored to put us up 2-0 at halftime. Jorja scored 2 more to make the score 4-0. And with the last few kicks of the game Hannah ran past their whole team to make it 5-0.

  • 2

    On the big pitch (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Tuesday 23rd May 2017
    Many congratulations to Lall in 3JF for being fortunate enough to be selected to be the mascot at a recent Arsenal football match. Here he is with the captains and referees.







    Comments 2
  • Friday 19th May (Miss Bray)

    Year 5: ‘Should we save the rainforest?’ debate

    In English this week, Year 5 have been finding out about deforestation. First, the children researched the reasons for deforestation. Then they split into groups (farmers, Amazon Tribe, government workers, Greenpeace members, Doctors of tropical medicine and a travel company) and they wrote down reasons why they would/would not want to cut down the rainforest. Next, they wrote a speech to try to persuade people to choose their argument and finally they were able to argue their cases for or against in a class debate. All the children worked really hard on their speeches and debated well. Please ask your child to tell you their arguments. 5LB finally voted to save the rainforest!

  • Creating our lunar theme parks (Mr Wilkinson)

    Mathematics: Year 6 are hard at work creating their Lunar theme parks, for a fun time on the moon.

  • Tuesday 16th May (Mrs Ainscow)

    Year 4 have been learning to describe the weather in French and this afternoon became weather forecasters. 

  • An Animal Experience! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Tuesday 16th May 2017
    On Monday 15th May, Year 5 had a visit from ‘The Animal Experience’ who brought some rainforest animals into school for us to meet. We learned about milk snakes, chameleons, millipedes, hissing cockroaches, blue-tongued skinks, ball pythons and Argentinian Tegus.  We found out where they live in the rainforest and what they like to eat and much more… Finally, we got to hold or touch some of the animals. It was a great experience!




























  • Year 5 French (Mrs Ainscow)

    This afternoon, Year 5 have been making sandwiches, using imperative verbs and their food vocabulary in French. There was a lot of French spoken and we had a great time making and eating our sandwiches. 








  • Netball Tournament (Badcock)

    On  Wednesday 3rd May Westfield Girls A team went to the Cambridgeshire Glass Stadium to play in a Netball tournament. These were the results:

    RAB Butler 0 Westfield 2;  Thorndown 0 Westfield 2; Westfield 2 The Vine 0; Westfield 4 Burleywell 0; St Phillips 0 Westfield 5; Milton 1 westfield 2. There were some great shots from Hannah and Millie and a amazing shot from Lauren. We got into the quarter finals.                                                     

    We played Bourne and won 3-0 with an assist from Emily for Jorja to score, that meant we got into the semi finals playing sye.

    With Orla doing some great defending we won 3-2 leading us into the finals.

    We played Histon with Aliza doing some great saves but sadly we all let one in so it ended up 0-1 to them, but we came 2nd in the whole tournament. We would like to thank Mr Austin for coaching us.
    By J and E








  • Year 4 Egyptian Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Wednesday, 3rd May


    The year 4 children have enjoyed a visit from History Off the Page today, providing them with an exciting Egyptian Day! They spent the morning trying out a variety of activities, including pottery, hieroglyphics and mummification, as well as making wax combs and carving wax tablets. The afternoon consisted of acting and dancing, finishing with a banquet. Thank you to the parent helpers who gave up their time to help make the day such a success!






  • Westfield ducks reappear! (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 2nd May


    Staff and children returned to school today after the bank holiday weekend to find that our school courtyard was once again being inhabited by a family of ducks. Mum and her 14 babies have now been safely relocated to the river.




  • Cambridgeshire Cross Country Tournament (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Tuesday 2nd May 2017
    On Wednesday 19th April, Westfield took part in the Cambridgeshire Primary Schools Cross Country tournament at Priory Park in St Neots.

    Report to appear here soon.






    A gallery of photos from the day to scroll through can be found here.

  • Netball Tournament (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Thursday 27th April

    On Tuesday 25th April, Westfield A and B teams played at a Netball tournament.
    Westfield B team: Our first game was against Warboys Mei, Jack, Zonaira, Ethan and Maria started. Mei got us off to a fantastic start with an early goal and Jack followed soon after. There was some great defensive play from Zonaira Mei and Jack showing super teamwork. Ethan was fabulous defensively from the centre throw which got the ball to the right end of the court and another goal from Jack, followed closely by another. Several shots from Mei but it was Jack who got one in just before the final whistle? Final score 6-0

    Second game against Whitehall: Esther came in Mei's GA spot and Kelly filled Ethan's pass.  It proved to be a hard fought match, both teams played super netball but neither were able to score, result 0-0

    Westfield A team's first match was against Thongsley. We won 3-0

    Our second match against Whitehall and we won 6-0. Our final game was against Hemingford and we won this 12-0.  Mrs Rendall said their use of the width of the court and great defensive play meant they were extremely strong.

    This meant both teams were through to the first place finals.

    The A team played Godmanchester and won 3-1 and won the tournament for the A teams.

    The B team played against Brampton and it was a fast game with no goals scored at the end. It was declared a draw and we will share the cup, it will be here in 6 months!

    by NB.
    See lots more photos in our gallery by clicking here.

  • Easter Egg Competition winners (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 31st March

    We received a wide variety of imaginative entries into the Easter Egg Competition. Well done to all who entered! Congratulations to Isabel in 3DE, Felix in 4CW, Kayla in 5LB and Gracie in 6AE who were the winners in each year group.


  • Up for the Cup tournament (Mr Wilkinson)

    On Wednesday 29th March, Westfield played in the Up For The Cup football tournament. In our first match we played Hartford and drew 1-1 with Ethan scoring. Our second game was against Thorndown and we drew 0-0 with some brilliant saves from Kye. Our third game was against the Newtons, and we lost 1-0. Then we played Hartford again and beat them 1-0 with Ethan scoring again. Then we played our penultimate match against Thorndown and drew 0-0. Our final match was against the Newtons and they scored two first, but we pulled it back by scoring three goals, Jack scored once and Ismail scored twice. Altogether we came second out of four. Thank you to Mr Webb for coaching us.  By CB and KS.

    More photos from the whole day here


  • Girls A team football success (Badcock)

    On Wednesday 29th of March 2017,Westfield A girls team played at St Neots FC. In our first game, we started well with a 3-0 win against Middlefield and carried on doing very well with us winning 4-0 against Winhills. Our next game was against Westfield B team and we won 3-0. We played our next game, against Priory A and did very well winning 2-0. Then, in our next game we played Holywell A and thrashed them 6-0. Our final game was against priory B who we knew we needed to beat and we did, 6-0. So we won the tournament without losing a game.We would like to thank Mr Austin for coaching us. By JB

    More photos from the whole day here.



  • Girls Football 29.3.17 (marias.westfield.cambs)

    On Wednesday 29th March, Westfield B team played a girls football tournament against 6 different schools.

    The first game B team played was against Holywell A team. 1-0 to us. Next we played Priory B team, winning 1-0 to us again. After we rested we played Westfield A team, losing 0-3. We played against Middlefield, Winhill and Priory A team and somehow drew them all O-O . We'd like to thank Mr Austin for coaching us. By MS

    More photos from the whole day here.

  • Football Tournament Champions! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Wednesday 29th March 2017

    Congratulations to Westfields Girls A football team who won their tournament at St Neots football club today. Also, very well done to the Girls B team who won 2 games, drew 3 and lost 1.



    Very well done to the boys' "up for the cup" football team who came second in their tournament at the same venue. More photos can be found here.

    The teams will be writing their own blogs soon that will appear on this site soon.



  • Red Nose Day! (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday 24th March

    Well done to the children and staff of Westfield who today appeared in a wide variety of pyjamas to show their support for this year's Red Nose Day. Thank you to parents and carers for helping the school raise a very impressive £355.50!

                                                  Image result for red nose day






  • Goldfield Ensemble Visit (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 24th March

    The children and staff at Westfield enjoyed an afternoon of music and stories yesterday, provided by the visiting Goldfield Ensemble. The group combines string music and narration with shadow play and simple illustrations to tell three amazing (and mostly true) stories about birds.



  • Tag Rugby County Champions! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Thursday 23rd March 2017


    Westfield played in the Tag Rugby county finals at the School Games Spring Festival on Thursday 23rd March 2017.

    Congratulations to Mr Austin and the team who won all 4 of their group games, then went on to win the semi final 35 - 10 and the final 30 - 10!






  • Lovely weather...for ducks! (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Wednesday, 22nd March

  • Gymnastics Competition (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Tuesday 14th March 2017

    On Tuesday the 14th of March Westfield gym team went to Huntingdon gym to take part in a competition including 3 different events: vault, floor management and body management. There were 23 teams in the competition, some competing in the morning and some the day before. We first started with vault. We had 2 practices and 2 for real with scoring. Next we moved on to floor management, 6 of us took part. First we practised as a group and then did the real thing on our own. Finally we went to body management, 6 of us took part in it. We practised then did it in front of the judges. We will get the results soon. Mrs Rendell is very proud of us. We enjoyed the competition and we all did very well. It was really exciting. We hope to come again.

    by Hollie 4FB

  • Frogs! (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 10th March

    Our pond area is currently occupied by a large number of frogs! It will be interesting to watch as tadpoles develop throughout this term.



  • A Team Spring Football Tournament (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 10th March

    Westfield's Football A Team took part in the A Team Spring Tournament yesterday afternoon. They tried hard and all three games they played were close but unfortunately didn't go their way on this occasion.


    Photos by Ibrahim A


  • Friday 10th March / football (archies.westfield.cambs)

    On Thursday 9th March Westfield A-team played in a tournament at home.We started our first match hopelesly against Warboys going 2-0 down. Then Ben Clinton ran past some players and leathered it past the keeper and our spirits were high. Next Warboys hit another in and our spirits were low. After that Josh L scored to make the final result 3-2 to Warboys.Our next game was against Thorndown, we played an intense first half but they managed to put a lucky one past Max resulting in a 1-0 loss. Our third and final game was against Wheatfields . This was the battle for third place but remember they one point ahead of us so we had to win. We started off strong with Charlie scoring to put us ahead. We dominated the rest of the game but they squeezed one in. That meant we came last. We would like to thank Mr.Webb for coaching us and please may the team stand up.

  • Bandana Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 3rd March

    It was wonderful to see so many children at school wearing bandanas today! Thank you to everyone for your generous contributions. As a school, we raised £347.08 for this very worthy cause.



  • Football Match Report (hannahs.westfield.cambs)

    On Tuesday the 28th of February, Westfield girls' team played Buckden. We started okay with Jorja scoring a goal in the fist few minutes and kept it up with Millie scoring 2 goals straight after. Jorja then scored 3 more, then Hannah finished the first half off with a goal to make it 6-0. We got the 2nd half underway with Jorja scoring a good goal to make it 7-0. A few minuites later Hannah scored again in the last 10 minutes. But then they got 1 back to make it 8-1. But we finished the match stong with Jorja scoring her 5th of the game so that meant we won 9-1.Thank you Mr Austin for coaching us.

    Hannah & Millie

  • Rugby Coaching (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 23rd February

    Years 4 and 6 were fortunate to have rugby training today with Simon Leader, from the Northampton Saints. The children learned a variety of different skills.

    Below are some photographs of some Year 4 children enjoying their session.



  • Young Voices Photo Gallery now available (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 15th February 2017

    Almost 80 pupils took part in the amazing Young Voices 2017 concert at the Genting Arena on 27th January. All the children that went worked hard and showed amazing enthusiasm for the performances. Children from Westfield that went can now view a gallery of photos of the event by clicking here - note that pupils will need to use their learning platform log in to be able to see the photos, as they are not published publicly. 




  • Year 3 Celtic Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 10th February

    Yesterday the Year 3 classes had a fantastic time at Celt Day. They took part in a range of hands-on activities to learn how the Celts lived, hunted and made their food and clothes. The teachers were very proud that Cathy from Gripping History commented on the fantastic behaviour and attitude of the entire year group. The children's costumes were fantastic; thank you to the adults at home for providing them.







  • football report (archies.westfield.cambs)

    On Thursday 9th February, Westfield A Team played in the first round of the Dickenson cup against St Helen's Primary School, Bluntisham. We started the game slowly but found our way though with Ben E scoring with a volley from a corner. Then St Helen's came back straight away with a nice finish so it was 1-1. After alot of attempts Ben C got on the score sheet with a banger of a shot. Then Montoya scored from a dodgy angle. After half time Ty'Vihn scored to make it 4-1. Next Ben C scored to make it 5-1. Finally Hannah decided to score so it was 6-1.

  • Safer Internet Day 2017 (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Tuesday 7th Febraury 2017

    Today was Internet Safety Day. Although every class covers e-safety issues extensively at the beginning of each year, a number of activities are taking place over this week to help us all to stay safe online. Any parents or pupils with concerns about online issues are always welcome to talk to the school. With more and more pupils accessing photo and video sharing apps and sites, it's really important parents understand what their children have access to and what they are publishing. A great place to look for help is the thinkuknow.co.uk website. 

  • Year 5 and under Football (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 7th February

    Congratulations to the Year 5 and under football team who went flying through the first round of the Walters Cup last Thursday, with an amazing result of 7 - 0 against Huntingdon Primary School. Westfield's goal scorers were Reuben, Charlie (2), Bailey (2), Jack and Lenny. Well done to the team and Mr Webb!

  • Friday 3rd February (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday 3rd February

    Congratulations to Gracie who was the winner of design a school safety sign competition. Well done also to the runners up, Bella and Lauren. We have now received the banner, which will be hung up outside the school.

  • Ely county final (archies.westfield.cambs)

    On Friday 25th of January, Westfield A-team played in a tournament at Ely. Firstly, we played Fordham and won 2-1 with Ben C and Max scoring. Our second game was against Histon and Impington. Sadly we lost 1- 0. Then we played Milton Road and drew 0 - 0. We were then in the semi final, but lost 2- 0 against Houghton. That meant we came 4th. We would like to thank Mr.Webb for coaching us.

  • Football A Team, County Finals (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 23rd January

    Congratulations to Mr Webb and the member of Westfield's A Team for making it through the group stage, entitling them to take part in the County Finals last Friday, 20th January. The team went through to the semi-final before being knocked out of the competition. We are proud to announce they finished in the top; four teams in the county. Well done to all involved!

  • Year 5 Anglo Saxon Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Wednesday, 11th January

    Year 5 enjoyed a visit from Gripping History earlier this week, to finish off their topic on the Anglo Saxons. The day included looking at artefacts, experimenting with quill pens and designing shields, before finishing with a "battle" on the playground.



  • Sainsburys' School Games Gold Award (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 5th January

    We are delighted to be the recipients of the Sainsburys' School Games Gold Award for the second year running. This award is given in recognition of time and effort invested in promoting and developing sport within and beyond the curriculum. Congratulations to everyone at Westfield for their part in achieving this honour.




  • Happy Holidays (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 20th December

    Happy holidays from everyone at Westfield!

  • Year 6 Rugby and Netball Tournament (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 20th December

    The children in Year 6 competed in end of unit netball and rugby tournaments on Friday, 16th December. The teams were made up of the members of each house (Beech, Cedar, Elm and Oak) within each class, making 12 teams in all. The finals were held yesterday morning, 19th December. Congratulations to Oak in 6SP who won the rugby and the netball winners, Oak in 6SD.





  • Christmas Hampers (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 6th December

    Raffle tickets for the Christmas hampers are now available. The children have done a fantastic job bringing in their class themed items and the hampers are now wrapped and ready to be won! Tickets will be available at the Christmas production, or by using the form sent via the school email. Please return completed slips and payment to the school office. The draw will take place on Friday, 16th December. Good luck to everyone!

    Photos of the individual hampers can be seen below:





  • 1

    Cambridge United County Football Tournament (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 1st December

    Well done to Westfield's Year 6 football team who took part in the County Tournament run by Cambridge United. The team went on to win 4 of their 7 matches, and draw a 5th, coming 3rd place overall.


    Comments 1
  • B Team Autumn Football Tournament (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Wednesday 30th November

    Congratulations to Mr. Webb and Westfield's B team who won the title in the Huntingdonshire District final, held at Westfield yesterday afternoon. They won the trophy after beating Buckden 1 - 0 and Hartford 6 - 4.






  • JTA Competition (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday 25th November

    Congratulations to the winners of the Junior Travel Ambassador 'Design your own Speed Safety Sign' competition.


    The winning entries will be made into banners to be displayed outside the school.


  • Parent Survey Results (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Thursday 24th November 2016

    Thank you to all parents who completed the online survey at our parents' evenings last month. We're pleased that over 90% of you seem to be happy with school communication, and email is by far the most popular method of communication. Your answers will really help us to improve as a school. You can view the full results here.  We always welcome comments from parents at any time, so please do get in touch if you have any queries.




  • A team win district final! (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 21st November

    Congratulations to Mr. Webb and Westfield's A team footballers who beat Crosshall 1 - 0 on Friday in the final of the Hunts. District Primary Schools Football Association cup. They will now go on to represent Huntingdonshire District in the County Final.




  • Children in Need (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 18th November

    Children and staff at Westfield sported their spots in support of Children in Need today.Thank you for the support of parents and carers, who helped us raise £400 to donate to this worthy cause!!




  • Macbeth Production (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Wednesday, 16th November

    Year 6 were treated to a fascinating production of Macbeth presented by the Young Shakespeare Company. The children all took part in the production, some in roles such as Malcolm, son of King Duncan. The children and the staff enjoyed the morning immensely.









  • 2

    B Team Autumn Football Tournament (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 11th November

    Congratulations to Westfield's Football B Team, who won the group C title in the Autumn Tournament, held at Westfield yesterday. They will now go on to play the winners of groups A and B.

    More photos of the action:






                                                                                                                      Photos by Ibrahim A.


    Comments 2
  • A playground visitor! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Thursday 10th November

    This morning we had a visitor to the school field at break time. Photographed by Max S in 5KH, here you can see the heron taking a rest on a nearby rooftop before swooping down to the school field again...

  • Tournament winners! (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday 4th November

    Congratulations to Westfield's Football A Team, winners of yesterday's Autumn tournament group A.

    They will now play the winners of group B, date to be confirmed.

    More photos of yesterday's action:





  • Autumn A Team Football Tournament (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 3rd November

    The Autumn A team football, group A, is currently in progress at Westfield. Teams from around the area are taking part in the competition this afternoon. Today's winner will play the winner of group B..






  • 1

    Autumn Fun at Westfield (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 3rd November

    Children at Westfied welcoming autumn and enjoying the fallen leaves on the playground today.



    Comments 1
  • Tag Rugby Triple Champions! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Thursday 20th October 2016
    Congratulations to Westfield TAG rugby teams who completed an amazing clean sweep in all tournaments, winning the A, B and C competitions.

    The event, organised by Hunts School Sports Partnership, was held at Huntingdon Stags Rugby Club on Tuesday 18th October.

    All 3 teams won all their matches, with the A team winning a grand final against Priory 35-10. This means they will be playing in the Cambridgeshire County Final later in the year.

    A superb effort by all the players involved, very well done!

    Original photo available here.

  • School Council Elections (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Wednesday, 5th October

    School council elections were held earlier this week.  Each prospective candidate produced and presented a manifesto, after which, all the children cast their votes in the polling station set up in the school hall.


    Congratulations to the following children who will now form Westfield's school council for the school year 2016 - 2017:
    Honor, William and Harry in Year 3, Lois, Hollie and Julia in Year 4, Cameron, Heath and Eva in Year 5 and Grace, Tomas and Leni in Year 6.




  • 1

    Junior Travel Ambassadors get the message across. (Eggs)

    Posted Wednesday 5th October 2016

    Our Junior Travel Ambassadors were out in force this morning reminding drivers passing our school before 9am that they need to slow down. The 20mph speed limit that is in place during school arrival and leaving time is often ignored. We even had an unexpected passing visit from the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire!










    Comments 1
  • Harvest Assembly (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 30th September

    Following our harvest assembly, in which each year group participated, we would like to thank everyone who donated food for the St Ives food bank to collect. It was wonderful to see so many people attend the assembly and stay on for the Macmillan coffee morning.


  • The International Space Centre (Sharp)

     Posted on Thursday 29th September by IS, 5LB

                                            Year 5 visit to the International Space Centre

    On Wednesday the 28th of September, year 5 went on a school trip to the space centre. When the coach had parked in the car park, we all climbed out and lined up. Miss Bray gave us all a rich tea biscuit and we all stood talking to each other. Then, all the teachers started walking up the hill towards the space centre. On the hill were these astronaut footsteps and we all played a game where you were only allowed to step on the footsteps. If you stepped on the ground then you were out. When we reached the top of the hill, we all put our bags and coats in this big box, it was number 13. When we were all sorted, with our bags in the box, we all walked to the space museum.

    When we all stepped through the door, our attention was caught by a massive space shuttle hanging from the ceiling. It was all made from metal but it was black at the bottom where the fire must have been. We followed Miss Bray into the first section of the space centre. It was all about different planets and the solar system. We all explored the place until Miss Bray called us back. The reason we all heard her was because she was standing under this spinning solar system that made your voice sound louder, I did it and everyone laughed. 

    Next, we went to another part of the space centre which was all about stars and black holes. I crawled through a green tunnel and on the roof of the tunnel there were glow in the dark stars with their names written below that also glowed in the dark. After we had crawled through the tunnel we came out at a place full of alien heads and stuff like that, they were all really freaky! When we got a bit bored of the heads, it was time for the planetarium. We all went in this circular room with a big domed ceiling. It was dark in the room and all around were lights shining onto the walls and roof. We all chatted a bit then the lights that were actually on, went off and the movie started. We were in some kind of body where we looked at how the muscles worked and things like that. We learnt that in space, if you didn't excersise then when you came back to Earth, your body wouldn't survive as things on Earth are very different to things in space.

    After that, we went to this plastic tower with a rocket inside called the rocket tower. We climbed the first layer of steps and got to the first floor. On it were two rockets in a glass container, they were powered by water. You had to press a few buttons on a Pad and the rockets would shoot up into the air. Mia got the highest out of 5LB and we all gave her a high five. After that, Miss Bray called us all to line up so we could go up to the next floor. On the second floor was a tiny rocket full of buttons and switches. Right next to it was a control room where we had to tell the people in the rocket what to do and when to do it. It was very fun. The final floor was a bit boring. All it had was information on the walls about when rockets were launched and space shuttles too.

    Finally, we went to the toilets to wash our hands and get ready for lunch. When lunch came, we all went in this big hall full of lots of different schools. We all sat down at a table and ate lunch. Yum Yum! After that, it was time to get our bags and go back to school. I had a lot of fun at the space centre.


  • Visit from Deputy Mayor (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 29th September

    Westfield School was honoured this morning by a visit from the Deputy Mayor of St Ives, Phillip Pope. Mr. Pope came to our assembly to give the children samples of chocolate from St Ives' twin city, Stadtallendorf, in Germany. A representative from each class across the school was chosen to receive the chocolate.






  • Year 6 Viking Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 20th September

    On Friday, 9th September, Year 6 enjoyed a visit from Gripping History, who lead them in a day experiencing Viking life, culminating in a battle on the back playground.







  • Blogging safely (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Monday 19th September by EA, 6SD

    This afternoon, as part of our e-safety work we have been writing a blog post that is safe to publish. We can use our learning platform accounts to write a blog post that we can keep private so only our class can see, or we can publish it to the school website for the whole world to see.

    This blog post that I am writing now can be seen by anyone so I cannot include private, personal information such as my full name, where I live or details like my birthday.

    I am allowed to say things like I am really enjoying Year 6 and the first two weeks have been great. Miss Dew is a really great teacher, Viking Day was fun and I'm looking forward to starting Bikeability soon.

  • Year 6 Learning Partners in action... (Mr Wilkinson)

  • Westfield's Got Talent! (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 21st July

    Last Friday, some of our Year 6 children provided the school with an afternoon of amazing entertainment. We were treated to dancing, singing, comedy and magic acts. Even one of our illustrious judges joined in!

    Following the performances, each child was given a voting slip. Every act received a large number of votes but the overall favourite, by quite a large margin, was Ellie. Ellie's combination of graceful dance and gymnastic moves astounded the audience. Westfield definitely has talent!










  • Sports Day 2016 (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 19th July

    We had a bright, warm (but not too warm) day for our sports day this year. The children are all to be commended for their amazing efforts and good sportsmanship. The winning house this year was Cedar. Well done to all involved and thank you to the WSA for making refreshments available and to the governors for judging.









  • 1

    Alice in Wonderland (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 15th July

    Parents and children alike were treated to a wonderful rendition of Alice in Wonderland this week, performed by years 3 and 4. Thank you to the great effort on the part of many staff members, as well as parents who helped supply costumes and especially to the children themselves!






    Comments 1
  • Eid tea (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 13th July

    An enjoyable time was had by everyone who came to our Eid tea after school on Friday, which was overflowing with delicious food and some of us enjoyed some beautiful henna painting. Thank you to all those who helped to organise this enjoyable afternoon.


  • Carnival Float (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Saturday 9th July 2016

    A huge thank you to everyone involved in the Westfield float for the St Ives Carnival today. Despite a heavy downpour just before the procession set off from the town centre to Hill Rise Park, spirits weren't dampened on the float and it was full of lots of smiling faces. The float was awarded first place! Thank you also to everyone who braved the weather to come and see the float as it went through the town. Particular thanks to Mrs Weaver for organising this to enable Westfield to be part of the Carnival this year.




  • Street Dance event (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Wednesday, 6th July

    Andy Instone, of Urban Strides, visited school on Friday to hold street dance workshops with the children in years 3 - 5. The children were enthralled and excited by what Andy demonstrated and then taught the children to do. Andy has travelled the world to master street dance and has worked with the likes of Rita Ora, Dizzy Rascal, Little Mix and James Corden. It was an amazing day for children and staff alike!





  • Fencing in 5CD (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Tuesday 5th July 2016

    Some photos of 5CD enjoying a bit of fencing this morning!

  • Rainforest Animal Visit (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 24th June

    On Thursday 23rd June, Year 5 had the chance to get up close with animals from the Rainforest. This was part of their topic on South America and the Rainforest. Here are some pictures of them with the animals.









  • Luke Temple book signing (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted, Friday 24th June

    Following his mesmerising talk on Tuesday, the children were able to purchase Luke's books and have them signed on Wednesday afternoon. Some children will have a lot of exciting reading to anticipate. The books will also soon be available to borrow from the school library.





  • Author Visit by Luke Temple (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 21st June

    Today, the children and staff at Westfield were treated to a visit by Luke Temple, author of the Felix Dashwood series of books, Felix Dashwood and the Traitor's Treasure, Felix Dashwood and the Mutating Mansion and Felix Dashwood and the Traitor's Revenge, as well as Ghost Post and Doorway to Danger. With the help of some eager volunteers from the audience, Luke brought his books to life and left the children enthralled and eager to read on.


    The books will be available at school tomorrow, 22nd June and can be personalised by the author. More information can be obtained on the order form the children have been sent home with today.




  • Raptor Foundation visit (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 14th June

    The Year 6 children participating in Activity week enjoyed a visit from the Raptor Foundation yesterday. They were able to interact with a variety of owls as well as an eagle. They also dissected owl pellets and learned about the uniqueness of these amazing birds. The highlight of the morning was the flying demonstration, during which, the children were able to hold and feed some of the owls. Thank you to the Raptor Centre for making this wonderful experience possible!








  • House Matches (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Wednesday 25th May 2016
    On Wednesday 25th May, we held our inter-house matches. Football, netball and hockey teams made up of year 5 and 6 pupils from each house competed in a closely fought contest.
    The final results were
    NETBALL 1st Oak (9 points), Joint 2nd Cedar/Beech (6 points), 4th Elm (3 points)
    FOOTBALL 1st Elm (9 points), 2nd Cedar (7 points), 3rd Oak (5 points), 4th Beech (3 points)
    HOCKEY 1st Cedar (8 points), 2nd Elm (8 points), 3rd Beech (5 points), 4th Oak (3 points)
    OVERALL  1st Cedar (21 points) 2nd Elm (20 points) 3rd Oak (17 points) 4th Beech (14 points)

    Year 3 pupils took the opportunity to practise their digital photography skills. A small selection of the 3,800 photos taken of the afternoon's sporting action can be seen here.

  • Tennis tournament at Huntingdon Tennis Club (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Tuesday 24th May
    On Tuesday 24th May Westfield A and B team played in a tennis tournament at Huntingdon tennis club against 7 other schools around the Huntingdon area. A team boys played priory parkside.

    Archie won 17 to 12 and Harry won by 20 to 9.A team played outside and B team played in the bubble.girls a team played against priory parkside Emily won a fantastic 14-9 but sadly lily lost 21-7.Next we played little Paxton unfortunately girls a team lost against little Paxton and the a team boys played them as well Harry lost and Archie won. Then we played Houghton and Harry lost.girls a team lost against Houghton. b team played in the dome


    On the 24th of May, Westfield B team played in a tennis tornament.

    In the first match Jorja won nine one and Isabel won seven six. Max T won six four and Max S ten eight. We all won a game and same in the second but sadly our luck fell when we started losing a few matches. All scores came very close and we were very lucky to gat as far as we did. At the end the coaches told us to have some fun games with the people in our school and Isabel beat Max T by five. We got 3rd by quite a long way.We would like to thank all the year four teachers.

    Luckily we came 3rd in the playoffs please could we thank Mrs Rendal for taking us.

  • 1

    Amazing Sports Science Roadshow (rebeccam.westfield.cambs)

    On Thursday18th May 12 children from year six helped to lead the amazing sports science road show. Miss Pope tought the 12 Year six pupils to use the equipment. Shortly after the first class arrived and divided themselves into five groups then we lead them around the five sections.

    The five sporty and fun activities we had were the Funky Moves, Batak, Speed Stacks, speed throw and crazy catch. All the sport leaders made it fun and interesting for year 3 and year 4. Also some of the leaders stayed behind after school to do it for Year 5, Year 6 and the parents. Everyone enjoyed it very much.

    Written by RM and DM, Year 6. Photos by Year 6.


    Comments 1
  • Walter's Cup Semi-Final (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Sunday 22nd May

    We're finalists!

    Well done to the Year 5 and under football team who won their semi-final game against Brampton 4-2. They are now through to the final of the Walter's Cup which will be played in the next few weeks.









  • One World Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday, 20th May

    The children and staff at Westfield are enjoying an International Day today, celebrating cultural diversity. The children are travelling round different "countries" throughout the day, taking along a special passport. In each location, the children will learn facts about the country and enjoy some fun activities.







  • Raining blossoms (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 17th May

    Along with all the other crazy weather we've been having, it was raining blossoms at Westfield last week. The children enjoyed this unusual sort of shower, as can be seen below.



  • Thursday 5th May (spepper.westfield.cambs)

  • Thursday 5th May (spepper.westfield.cambs)

  • Thursday 5th May (spepper.westfield.cambs)

  • Thursday 5th May (spepper.westfield.cambs)

  • Year 6 (spepper.westfield.cambs)

    Year 6 are not just revising for our tests......we have been doing sculptures, science fieldwork and PSHE!

  • Thursday 5th (spepper.westfield.cambs)

  • A team football success (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Thursday 5th May

    Westfield A team played at Abbey Stadium in Cambridge on Tuesday 3rd May in a tournament of 38 teams from all over Cambridgeshire. Westfield's A team made it all the way to the final, which we lost 1-0. Very well done to the whole team.









  • We're getting ready for SATs (Mr Wilkinson)

    Year 6 have a big week coming up.

  • The safe releasing of our ducklings to Holt Island (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Tuesday 3rd May 
    We are pleased to announce that the mother duck and her fourteen ducklings that hatched recently in our courtyard area were safely released at Holt Island this morning.

  • Duck update (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 3rd May

    A brood of 14 ducklings were waiting for us on our return to school today, after the bank holiday weekend. Mum and babies have been relocated to Holt Island.



  • Netball B team tournament report (by AW, 6SD) (anniew.westfield.cambs)

    Posted Wednesday 27th April
    On Tuesday the 26th of April 2016 Westfield Junior School Netball Tournament B team played in the Huntingdonshire netball tournament.

    The first match was against Buckden B and it was 2-0 to us. Honey scoring both goals
    The second match was against Ramsey Junior and it was 3-0 to us. Lilia scoring the first and third goal and the second was by me

    The third match was against Houghton and it was 2-0 to us. Ryan scoring one and Aliesha the other

    That means that we're were in the final and it was against Buckden, they were a very strong team and it was 2-0 to them.

    We tried very hard. Even though we didn't win we are still very proud of ourselves.

    Over all we came 2nd and very close to coming 1st


  • Year 3 Scoot-smart (Mrs Pollard)

     Posted Wednesday, 27th April

    Year 3 had a successful Scoot-smart day, during which they learned how to use their scooters safely on the road.  The children all enjoyed their day and have been given a pack of related items to take home.




  • Our resident duck returns! (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Wednesday, 27th April

    Watch this space for updates.

  • Hail stopped play! (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 26th April

  • 2

    Egyptian Day - Year 4 (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday, 18th April

    Year 4 children and staff enjoyed a trip back in time today, to experience life in Ancient Egypt. The children spent the morning at a variety of craft activities, creating such things as miniature canopic jars, wax cones and amulets, as well as trying their hand at hieroglyphics, bread and candle making.  In the afternoon, they took part in a River Nile festival, which included a variety of entertainment as well as some food and drink. The day was a great success and thoroughly enjoyed by all! A very special thank you to the parent volunteers; we couldn't have done it without you!


    Comments 2
  • West Stow Anglo-Saxon Trip (Miss Bray)

    Posted Thursday 24th March

    Year 5 had a fantastic day at West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village on Tuesday this week. The children visited the museum, learned about lots of different Anglo-Saxon artefacts and were able to use a lyre to create some music. They were also able to dress in Anglo-Saxon clothes and visit some houses in a replica Anglo-Saxon Village, which were set out as they would have been in Anglo Saxon times. This helped the children to bring to life the work we have been doing in school. As they explored, they became 'investigative archaeologists' as they used their observations to answer questions about the different houses and what objects in them would have been used for. The children were a credit to Westfield School and the teachers were really proud of their behaviour, enthusiasm and knowledge. More photos here.


  • A chance to act, sing, dance and make some cats! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Thursday 24th March 2016

    The St Ives Town Team are holding auditions for actors, singers and dancers for a performance of The Merrie Wives of St Ives during the Easter holidays.

    They are also need help making 2,401 cats and kittens! These can be knitted, sewed or carved. They can be made out of things like old clothes, toilet rolls or yoghurt pots. Patterns are available if you wish. See more information on this by clicking here.

    For further information you can visit the website www.theoldriverportstives.co.uk, email townteam@theoldriverportstives.co.uk or telephone 07900 112635








  • Sports Relief (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday 21st March

    On Friday, 18th March, the children and staff of Westfield dressed up as their favourite sportsman or woman and walked the height of Everest. This entailed 11 laps all the way around the school grounds...not as easy as it might sound! Donations were brought in for the privilege of dressing up and the children also asked for sponsors for this event.  So far, the amount raised is in excess of £900, with more sponsorship money still to be collected! Watch this space for a final total.

    Thank you to the children, parents and friends who have supported this worthy cause!

  • 2

    Visit from the Grand Union Orchestra (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Monday 14th March

    The children of Westfield were treated today to a performance by the Grand Union Orchestra. The ensemble, which includes members from China and South America, played a variety of music from around the world. Some of the pieces were interactive and the children thoroughly enjoyed taking part!



    Comments 2
  • Girls' football teams play excellently (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Tuesday 8th March 2016
    Congratulations to the girls' football teams who both performed admirably at the tournament at Abbey Collage, Ramsey on Wednesday 2nd March. The A team finished as tournament winners, retaining the trophy for another year. Excellent play by you all.
    Mr Austin.








  • World Book Day (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Monday 7th March 2016
    Our teachers all shared an extract from a favourite children's book with the whole school on World Book Day last Thursday, and everyone got to choose their favourite to go and listen to a bit more. Mr Pepper has put together this short video as a memory of our day.

  • Year 3 Celtic Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted 23rd February

    On Thursday, 11th February, the Year 3 children and staff enjoyed a  Celtic Day, in which they dressed up and engaged in a variety of activities throughout the day. More photos available here.

  • Our new library takes off! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 3rd February 2016

    This term there is a real buzz about reading in school. The redeveloped library is being used almost constantly by the children and many children are excited about being able to complete their next reading quiz on Accelerated Reader. Thank you to the parents who came to last night's reading meeting. The leaflet that was given out will be sent out to all parents today and you can also view it here. In order to develop reading, it is crucial that children read at home as well as at school. If you have any questions about reading please contact your child's class teacher.



  • Joining live with Tim Peake at the International Space Station (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Tuesday 2nd February 2016

    Class 4CW were able to join with astronaut Tim Peake, live from the International Space Station to watch him answer a selection of questions from primary school children across the country. Whilst all posting our own space questions on our class discussion forum, we watched Tim eat a bubble, play table tennis using water as a ball and describe the view out the window. You can see some highlights from the live Cosmic Classroom on the CBBC Newsround website.




  • Year 5 Anglo-Saxon Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Wednesday 20th January

    On Tuesday 12th January, Year 5 took part in an Anglo -Saxon Day. First, we found out about who the Anglo-Saxons were and where they came from and then we found out about the different kingdoms. We learned about Anglo-Saxon textiles and looked at how they made their clothes and we played a board game called 'Nine Men's Morris' which made us think tactically to try to beat our partner. Also, we became archaeologists and looked at different objects and tried to guess what they were used for in Anglo-Saxon times. Finally, we learned about Anglo-Saxon weapons and we practised some fighting techniques. It was a really fun and informative day and the children all looked great in their costumes. Thank you to all parents who helped to provide costumes for the day. More photos can be found here (and there are a few more coming soon).

  • Sainsbury's Gold Mark for School Sport (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted 12.1.16

    Westfield Junior School were awarded the Sainsbury's Gold Mark for school sport which was presented today at a special assembly at school. This is the top accolade that is given nationally for commitment, engagement and delivery of competitive school sport in the 2014 - 2015 academic year. It is a recognition of the wide variety of club sports and competitions in which Westfield children are involved.

  • 1

    Christmas Hamper Raffle (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Monday 14th December 2015

    Have you bought any tickets for any of our 12 amazing Christmas Hampers in this year's WSA Hamper Raffle. Each class has collected gifts along a particular theme, and you can buy a ticket for one, more or even all of the hampers. Your last chance to enter is afer school on Thursday 17th December so don't miss out. It's £1 per ticket of £10 for all 12 draws. You can view photos of all the hampers here.

    Comments 1
  • Roger Ravensbeard (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday 10th December


    Parents and pupils alike enjoyed the upper school production of Roger Ravensbeard this week.

    Congratulations to all who took part on a wonderful performance.

    More photos can be seen here.


  • Football tournament news (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Sunday 29th November 2015
    Congratulations to the Westfield A team, who finished 3rd overall in the Huntingdonshire District Large Schools A-team tournament on Thursday 26th November. Well done to all the team. 













  • Children in Need (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 19th November

    Thank you to all the children and parents at Westfield for your support of this year's Children in Need day, last Friday.

    The total amount raised at school was £242.27!


  • Tag Rugby photo update! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Monday 2nd November 2015

    Do you remember the tag rugby tournament before half term?

    We've got a few more photos of the action from the Westfield teams to share. Visit our gallery page here to see them.




  • Thank you to all parents! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Friday 23rd October 2015
    It was great to see so many parents at parents' evening this week. Thank you to everyone who purchased books at the book fair which took £1365 and raised an amazing £819 in commission in books for the school. Thanks also to everyone who has completed their parent questionnaires. It is not too late if you have not already done it, just login through the school website.




  • Year 4 Colchester Castle Visit (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Thursday, 22nd October

    Year 4 enjoyed a trip back in time this week as part of their topic on the Romans. There were several activities to try, as well as a visit to the cellar beneath the castle where they learned about life as a Roman or a Celt through a story-telling session.




  • Signed Rugby World Cup Ball (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Wednesday 21st October 2015

    Raffle tickets will be on sale at parents' evenings and during school the week after half term. It is just 50p per ticket. The draw will be made on Friday 6th November.

  • Tag Rugby Tournament (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Wednesday 21st October

    Very well done to all three teams who took part in the Tag Rugby tournament on Tuesday 20th October at Huntingdon Rugby Club.
    The A team came third having convincingly won their group. The B team came fourth and the C team won their group and returned with a trophy!




  • Artwork at the hospital (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Tuesday 20th October
    We're pleased that some artwork by Westfield pupils has been chosen to be displayed on the walls of Hinchingbrooke Hospital, to help brighten up their corridors. Here's a look at what the ill folk of Huntingdonshire can now see to brighten up their time in hospital. Apologies for the reflections in the photographs - this artwork is all beautifully mounted and behind glass so is best seen in person.















  • 2015 - 2016 School Council (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Friday 9th October

    Elections were held this week for this year's school council.

    Congratulations to Amelie, Ben R., Ben S., Edward, Hannah, Imerah, Jorja, Nathan, Noah, Scarlett, Will and William.

  • Parent Governor Elections (Mr Wilkinson)

    Parents have the chance to vote for a new parent governor to be elected to the school governing body. Two parents have put themselves forward for election. Read full details and print off the ballot form here if you haven't already done so. Please take care to read the instuctions for voting, especially the double envelope system required for all ballot papers. Ballot papers MUST be received into the school office by noon on Friday 9th October.

  • 1

    Harvest Assembly and Macmillan Coffee Morning (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted on Friday, 25th September.

    A huge thank you to all children and parents who donated goods for our Harvest Assembly and cakes for the Macmillan Coffee Morning. All the goods collected (as seen below) will be given to the St Ives Food Bank for distribution. 



    With your help, Westfield raised £184.70 for Macmillan Cancer Support. Thank you!


    Comments 1
  • Could you be a parent governor? (westfield Admin)

    The school currently has a vacancy for a parent governor. Governors are responsible for strategic planning and finance. They help to appoint our staff and to build good relationships between the school, parents and our local community. Our parent governors are very valuable members of the governing body and we rely on them to help us to keep in touch with what parents are thinking. Could this be you?

    The deadline for applications is this Friday, 25th September. If any parents are interested please read this information carefully and then complete this application form and return it to the school office.

  • Harvest Assembly and Macmillan Coffee Morning (Mr Wilkinson)

    On Friday 25th September, we will be holding our Harvest Festival Assembly at 9:30am, followed by our Macmillan Coffee Morning. All parents and carers are welcome to attend
    Children are asked to bring in a small donation of food in the morning to be presented during the assembly and donated to the St Ives Foodbank.
    Donations of cakes to sell at the coffee morning will be greatly appreciated! Thank you for your generous support. 


    The food bank have been in touch to say that items they are especially short of include packet soups,tinned sweet corn, tinned meat pies, long life semi-skimmed milk, pasta sauce, small (500g) bags of sugar, tinned custard, savoury biscuits and sweet biscuits

  • House Captain Elections (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday, 15th September

    Elections for the School House Captains for the year 2015 - 2016 were held today.

    Congratulations to the following successful candidates:

    Beech Captains - Ellie and Andrew    Cedar Captains - Honey and Daniel     Elm  Captains - Joely and Toby    Oak Captains - Martha and Harry

    Vice Captains - Annie and Luke        Vice Captains - Jess and Luis              Vice Captains - Ruby and Ross     Vice Captains - Mehak and Ryan





  • New Payments and Communication system for September 2015 (Mr Wilkinson)

    Eastfield and Westfield are changing our online payments provider. We will be using Schoolcomms, the company which both schools are already using to send letters and texts to you. We hope this will make it easier for you to make payments to us, as well as helping administration in the school offices. Setting up the account is straightforward - there are no codes required. The system checks that the contact details you enter match the current details held by the school. The system is called School Gateway – and it’s available for you to use now. You can already use it to receive messages from the school, monitor your child's attendance and notify us of changes to your contact details. For further information see this letter sent out at the end of last term.


  • 2

    Time Capsule (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Thursday 23rd July 2015
    On our very last day of the school year during our 50th year we buried a time capsule on the school grounds. Made up of various artifacts to remember the school in 2014/15, it was buried in the school grounds by Year 6 pupils Harry, Anna and Jack. Professionally designed and generously donated by Wildgoose Construction, the capsule should survive in the ground until it is opened on our school centenary on 11th December 2064.
    Put the date in your diary!

















    Comments 2
  • 5

    Sports Day 2015 (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted Tuesday 21st July

    It was third time lucky as we were finally able to go ahead with our Sports Day today. Congratulations to Beech and Elm who were the joint winners this year. More photos can be found here.

    Comments 5
  • 2

    Dickinson Cup winners (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Thursday 16th July
    Congratulations to our footballers who played a close match against Priory Park in the final of the Dickinson Cup on Wednesday 15th July. After extra time, Westfield stormed to victory with a 3-1 win.
















    Comments 2
  • 1

    More 50th celebrations (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted 1 July

    Westfield School is not the only one to be celebrating a 50th birthday this year. Happy 50th birthday to our deputy head, Mr. Austin.

    Comments 1
  • Westfield 50th anniversary fete (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted  on 19th June

    Staff and students alike dressed in 60's clothes to continue the school's 50th birthday celebrations. Festivities will continue at the summer fete this afternoon.


    More photos of the day can be seen here.

  • Jungle Book Production (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted 18th June

    The children at Westfield were treated to a seamless, musical rendition of The Jungle Book today, performed by M and M productions. Enjoyed by all!


  • Recycling our learning resources (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 17th June 2015
    In a recent clear out of teaching resources, we donated a range of books that we no longer use here at Westfield to The Lisa Kent Memorial School in Busumbala, Gambia. They've sent us some photographs of their new books which are already being put to good use.




  • Eid afternoon (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Tuesday 16th June 2015

    This afternoon, the whole school have been learning about Eid and have enjoyed making Eid cards, drawing Mendhi patterns and designing Islamic prayer mats amongst many other activities. Following this, we had an Eid celebration afternoon on the playground after school. There was lots of  delicious food available, as well as a stall where children could have a Mendhi pattern painted on their hands. This was so popular that it will be on offer again at the school fete, this Friday, 19th June.




  • Visit from England Cricketer, Lydia Greenway (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted on 2nd June

    The children at Westfield had a special visitor today; England women's international cricketer, Lydia Greenway explained the basics of cricket in a whole school assembly. She then went on to complete a coaching session with the Year 6 Girls' Cricket Club. Further photos in our gallery.


  • Year 4 Egyptian Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted 19 May 2015

    Year 4 enjoyed going back in time today for an Egyptian Day, consisting of a variety of craft activities, entertainment and a feast!

    Additional photos can be seen in the gallery here.

  • Thank you (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Monday 18th May 2015
    Thank you to everyone who has shown their support for our Headteacher, Mrs Roberts, in her moon walk for the cancer charity WalktheWalk. Mrs Roberts completed the 26.2 mile walk in 7 hours and 20 minutes (which is an average speed of 5.75km per hour if you were wondering). Here's a photo to prove Mrs Roberts made it to the 26th mile of the route! There is still time to make a donation if you wish on the website here. Thank you again for all your support.




  • Ducks at Westfield (Mrs Pollard)

          Posted 7 May 2015

    Westfield was again home to a brood of ducks. Each year the same mother duck chooses to lay her eggs in the school courtyard. Here are our special visitors, prior to their relocation to Holt Island.








  • Is it snowing today? (Mr Wilkinson)

    You might think it was snowing today at Westfield! The windy weather has been blowing around the beautiful blossom from our trees in the front playground. Have a look....

  • Year 5 Maths Team win their heat! (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted 1st May 2015

    Congratulations to our Year 5 Maths Team who won their heat at Thorndown School yesterday. They will now be taking part in the County Final.


  • Mrs Roberts and Mrs Maynard are moonwalking! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Mrs Maynard and Mrs Roberts are taking part in the Moon Walk in London on 16th May in aid of the Walk the Walk charity raising money to support those affected by breast cancer and breast cancer research . They are walking a marathon distance, 26.2 miles, through London at night starting at 10pm and aiming to finish at around 5:30am. They have been training hard and are determined to complete the challenge. If you would like to support them see here for Mrs Maynard and here for Mrs Roberts.

  • Cross Country tournament success! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Monday 27th April 2015
    Westfield had 5 teams running in the Cambridgeshire Primary Schools' Cross Country tournament at Priory Park, St Neots, last week. All five teams successfully finished, and our boy's A team finished an amazing 6th out of 128. You  can see more photos of our teams preparing for their run and in action duing the tournament in our gallery.


  • Football champions (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Tuesday 21st April
    Westfield A team footballers stormed to victory in a stunning 7-1 win against Crosshall Junior School in the Huntingdonshire Large Schools final on Thursday 17th April. See more action photos from our star players in our gallery here. Congratulations to everyone in the team for their part in such an amazing result.



  • Year 6 getting adventurous outdoors (Mr Wilkinson)

    Our Year 6 pupils have been making the most of the recent fantastic weather at the beginning of their outdoor and adventurous unit of work, displaying some great team building skills to navigate through some tricky spider webs! See more photos on the gallery page here.






  • Easter Egg Competition (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted on 27 March 2015                                                                                               

    Congratulations to Emily, Zonaira, Abigail and Eloise, this year's Easter Egg decorating competition winners! Many wonderful and creative entries were received, making the judging very difficult.

    Photos of the winners and their entries can be seen here.


    Happy Easter from the staff at Westfield!





  • Year 3 Celtic Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted on 26th March 2015


    Year 3 have concluded their Celtic topic with a fun day of dressing up and lots of activities.

    More photos can be seen here.







  • Partial Solar Eclipse (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Friday 20th March 2015

    On Friday 20th March we were hoping to register outside to make the most of the solar partial eclipse - and parents would have been joining us too. 

    Unfortunately we were unable to use our pinhole cameras to view the eclipse due to the cloud so we watched the live feed inside. Most of the children went outside for a few minutes to see how dark it had become. While we were out the eclipse was briefly visible through the layers of cloud. The highlight was watching the total eclipse on the live feed in the dark hall - very exciting!

    This is the brief view of the eclipse that could be seen in St Ives during a break in the clouds, close to the darkest moment at 9.34am.


  • WE ARE CHAMPIONS! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Thursday 19th March

    to our Tag Rugby A team who are
    following success in today's final!

    The team in action during the final


  • A day we didn't quite expect (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Thursday 19th March 2015

    Wednesday 18th March 2015 will definitely be remembered by most of our pupils - for being a very unexpected and surprising day off school. There was no electicity at school in the morning, and rather than just being a simple power cut that could be fixed easily, it was necessary for engineers to dig up part of the front field to replace part our our electricity supply pipe. This was not going to be an easy job and could not be completed until the afternoon. Therefore, once the nature of the problem was identified by the engineers it was unfortunately necessary for Mrs Roberts to follow advice from the County and close the school. The school was cold and dark with no heating, no working telephones and no means for the kitchen to provide our school dinners so it would not have been safe to remain open. More photos here

  • School Photo Reminder (Website)

    School photo requests must be in by the morning of Thursday 26th March. Any which are sent to school after this time will be returned home. Parents will then need to contact Tempest, the photographers, and may be requested to pay a late charge fee. 

  • A partial eclipse of the sun! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Monday 16th March 2015

    This Friday (20th March) will see a partial solar eclipse over the British Isles. This will be the first Solar Eclipse over the UK since 1999. Over St Ives about 85% of the sun will be covered by the moon at about 9:30am. This is a rare event and one that it will be great to experience. However, because of the health and safety issues associated with the looking directly at the sun we need to prepare for this spectacular event carefully. More information can be found in the letter coming home this week. Watch this 60 second video-graphic to see what we are hoping to expect in St Ives. 


  • Red Nose Day (Mrs Pollard)

    Friday 13th March

    Lots of amazing wacky outfits have appeared here today. Together we raised £361.40! Thank you to everyone who took part for their support.

    Additional photos will be posted to the gallery next week.







  • Bandana Day at Westfield (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted on Friday 6th March 2015
    Thank you to everyone who supported our Bandanas for Brain Tumours Day today. We have raised £389.08 for The Brain Tumour Charity. Well done Westfield!

    More photos can be seen here

  • Parents' Evening Appointments go online (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Thusday 26th February 2015
    Our next parents' evenings will be on Tuesday 17th and Thursday 19th March 2015. For the first time we will be trying out an online booking system for appointments, which will open at 6pm on Monday 2nd March. You can find it from the News and Events tab on the school website. There's even a short video showing you how to book. The booking website should be fully smartphone and tablet compliant for maximum convenience.



  • Year 4 Roman Banquet (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted on Friday, 13th February 2015

    Year 4 enjoyed a Roman Banquet with delicacies to sample and entertainment provided by some of the children.

    More photos can be seen in the gallery by clicking here.






  • Half Term Reminder (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Friday 13th February 2015
    We hope everyone has a great half term break, and would like to remind parents of pupils in Year 5 or Year 6 that final payments for Chasewater or Scarborough residential trips will need to be paid by the end of February - which is the end of the first week back after half term.





  • Year 4 Tag Rugby Tournament (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Tuesday 10th February 2015
    Congratulations to everyone in Year 4 for taking part in the inter-class house tag rugby tournment this week. A hard fought battle was played by all teams and 4HW's Cedar team and 4DC's Oak team tied for winning place. Catch more photos of the action in our gallery page here .




  • Thank you for supporting our WSA Hamper Raffle! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Thank you for the amazing support for the WSA Hamper Raffle. We have raised an amazing amount of £671.43. Thank you to everyone who bought an entry. We hope all the prize winners enjoy their hampers. The school would also like to thank all the wonderful WSA volunteers for helping to organise this event, prepare the hampers and sell tickets - and to everyone who brought in a contribution for their class hamper. Here's a photo of just one of the lucky winners.




  • Work on show (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Wednesday 3rd December 2014
    Four samples of work, one from each year group, have been chosen to appear on our website. You can have a look to see which work was chosen by visiting our website gallery page here.




  • WSA Christmas Hamper Raffles (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 3rd December 2014
    Each class have contributed to a fantastic hamper and all 11 are now ready to be won. Buy your tickets to be in with a chance of winning one of the wonderful hampers. You can see a photo of each of the hampers from all 11 classes here. Entries are just 50p per hamper, or for £5 you can enter all 11 raffles. Entries will be available from Monday 8th December, the draw is on Wednesday 17th December.

  • A team TAG Rugby success! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted Wednesday 19th November 2014
    Many congratulations to the “A” TAG rugby team who won the Huntingdon District Tournament on Tuesday 18th November and now progress to the Cambridgeshire Finals. Well done to all team members Macy, Sasha, Esme, Daisy, Angel, Oliver, Kellan, Fayed, Edward, Jack and George.
    See more photos in the gallery


  • Children In Need Rainbow Day - thank you! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Friday 14th November 2014
    Today, the school council's Children In Need rainbow day raised £376. Thank you to everyone who took part and came to school dressed in as as many colours as they could!

  • Changes to education for children with special needs and disabilities (Mr Wilkinson)

    Significant changes to the education of children with special needs and disabilities (now referred to as SEND) came into effect this September. These changes represent some of the biggest changes in over 20 years of education. Cambridgeshire County Council's Parent Partnership Service are running some information sessions explaining these changes in detail. These take place in various locations on Thursday 6th November (9.30am-12noon) Tuesday 11th November (6:45pm-9pm), Friday 14th November (9.30am-12noon) and Wednesday 19th November (6.45pm-9pm).  Further information is available from the school office or contact Bob Wilson at Cambridgeshire County Council on 01223 699211 or email robert.wilson@cambridgeshire.gov.uk. Places are limited but should be booked by Wednesday 5th November.

  • Westfield A team champions! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Congratulations to Westfield A team footballers for winning the Hunts League School tournament.

  • Guides for Parents from NSPCC (Mr Wilkinson)

    This week, the NSPCC held a special assembly for all pupils about the work of the charity and this included some important messages about keeping safe. You can read more in the letter that came home to parents on Tuesday 23rd September, which can be found here.
    There's more downloadable information for parents on a whole range of topics available from the Guides for Parents page on their website.




  • Please remember to check your child. (Mr Wilkinson)

    Just a quick reminder to all parents and carers to regularly check their child's hair for head lice.  Head lice are a normal part of life and nothing to be embarrassed, panicked or ashamed about. Having head lice has nothing to do with personal hygiene whatsoever. There's further information about what to look for and how to treat it the leaflet Once a Week Take a Peek available on our website here or you can visit the NHS website for some very helpful and useful impartial information.




  • Lunchbox reminder - Wednesday 17th September (Website)

    Please can you make sure that you label your child's packed lunch box if he/she brings one to school.

    Please can you also make sure that your child's water bottle is labelled.


  • Welcome back to a new school year.. (Mr Wilkinson)

    We would like to welcome you all back for the start of the new term on Thursday 4th September. We are looking forward to an exciting term and would like to remind you of a number of things:-

    All the children are expected to wear black footwear to school (for those joining us from Eastfield, separate indoor shoes are not required).

    The school day will now finish at 3:20pm.

    All school dinners must be paid for in advance. For those children in Year 3 or new to the school, who do not have Westfield ParentPay accounts, we will accept cash in the short term until ParentPay accounts are set up.


  • Sports Day 2014 (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Friday 18th July
    Well done to all our competitors in our successful Sports Day on Tuesday. Some competitive racing throughout the morning eventually led to Beech becoming the overall winners.

    Thank you to the great support from many parents, too, helping to cheer on all the competitors. 

    You can find lots of photographs from the day in our gallery here.






  • Sports Day Programme of Events (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on Monday 14th July 2014
    It's our sports day tomorrow! Don't forget to come dressed ready to compete in house colours.

    Many points have already been awarded through the house cup, house matches and long distance events. These will contribute towards starting totals for each house tomorrow.

    The order of events and details of points already awarded can be found can be found here.

  • The Jungle Book (Mr Wilkinson)

    Our Year 3 and 4 pupils took part in a fabulous performance of The Jungle Book on Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th July this week. A huge thank you to everyone involved and the enthusiastic and supportive audience.

    There are some photos of the performance in action in our gallery.  



  • House Matches (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted 25th June 2014
    Our Upper School pupils took part in our House matches this morning. All houses competed fiercely in tournaments of hockey, football and netball.

    In Hockey, Beech were the victors with Cedar a close second. Oak finished 3rd with Elm in 4th place.
    In Netball, Elm came first, with Beech and Cedar in joint second place and Oak a close third.
    Beech also topped the Football tournament, with Cedar coming in second. Oak and Elm shared a joint third place.

    Overall, Oak gained 13 points, Elm 17 points, Cedar 20 points and Beech 22 points, making them the overall tournament winners. All these points will be added to house totals on Sports Day.

    More photos of today's sporting action can be found here.

  • Ducks at Westfield (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted 24th June 2014
    Westfield provided a temporary home to some very young pupils recently! These ducks were residing in our courtyard until being carefully relocated to the river.



  • A fantastic Summer Fayre (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted on 23rd June 2014
    Thank you to everyone who came to support the WSA Summer Fayre on Friday 20th June. With fantastic weather, some great sporting action from our class teams and a few people willing to get drenched in the stocks, we raised just over £1,900. A tremendous thank you to the WSA and all those involved in helping with a stall or event. A huge effort went in to creating a great event that was throroughly enjoyed by all.



  • More Cup Success! (westfield Admin)

    Posted 19th June 2014

    Congratulations to the Year 5 and under football team on winning the Millenium Shield with a stunning 12-3 victory over Buckden.





  • Cup success (westfield Admin)

    Posted 16th June 2014
    Our footballers have been triumphant in the final of the Dickenson Cup against Crosshall Juniors. 

    More photos of our victorous winners can be seen here.







  • Maths information pack for parents (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted 15th May 2014
    Following the Maths Information Evening for parents on Tuesday 13th May, the information pack full of helpful advice and information about teaching methods can now be downloaded from our website.

    To download the pack, simply click here.

  • Year 3 Visit to Flag Fen (Mrs Pollard)

    Posted 14th May 2014
    Year 3 enjoyed their visit to Flag Fen on Tuesday, 13th May.

    Year 3 got to see lots of different plants and learn what Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age people used them for. There was also a chance to make some clay roundhouses.

    There was a chance to listen to storyteller in the roundhouse, which had a real fire to keep it warm.

  • Sunflowers in pastels (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted 8th May 2014
    Whilst many of our Year 5 pupils are getting rather wet and soggy in Chasewater at the moment, some of Year 5 pupils who are staying lovely and dry here at school this week have been producing some great collaborative pastel artwork. Based on Vincent van Gogh's Sunflowers, each small rectangle was created by a different person, closely following a small segment the original. Find out more about Vincent van Gogh in this video biography.







  • Wonderful and Wet at Chasewater! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted 7th May 2014
    Some of Year 5 are having a very wet time at Chasewater this week - and that's even when it hasn't been raining. You can read more about what's been happening on the Chasewater Blog, which is being updated regularly by Mr McCarthy (if he hasn't got his ipad too wet, that is).


  • Easter Egg decorating competition winners! (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted 28th April 2014
    Congratuations to the winners of the Annual Westfield Easter Egg Decorating Competition...Artjoms, Jack ,Iona, Lucia and Vahine, Adam, Angel, Macy, Khadija and Fatima.




  • Westfield Junior School joins Facebook (Mr Wilkinson)

    Posted 26th April 2014
    Westfield Junior School can now be found on Facebook. We have a Facebook page for parents, to improve further access to outgoing information from school to home. You can find the page at the website address facebook.com/westfieldjunior. This page is publicly viewable to everyone on the internet, just like our website. You do not need to be facebook user to view our facebook page. If you are a facebook user, however, you may wish to choose to like the page if you'd like to receive news and updates from the school via your facebook feed.

    Please note that there is no facility to contact the school or to leave a comment in any way on our facebook page. It is for outgoing information only. Please continue to email office@westfield.cambs.sch.uk or telephone (01480) 375005 to get in touch with us.