
Home Learning Resources for Year 3

Whilst school is fully re-open for all pupils, we understand that at the moment not all pupils are able to attend all the time and some may be at home due to illness, self-isolating or awaiting testing. This page gives details of work for Year 5 which can be completed at home. Word documents can be printed or opened within your child's Microsoft Teams account, completed and emailed to the teacher.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Home Learning is not the same as Homework. This page is designed for access to the work we are doing in school for pupils unable to attend school, due to Covid-replated illness, self-isolation or awaiting testing/results. Homework is different and pupils will be advised of any homework tasks they are expected to undertake. 

This is designed as a "bank" of work that should cover approximately two weeks if your child is absent for Covid-related reasons. Should work be required beyond two weeks please liase with the school office who will ensure the class teacher is informed who will provide further guidance for work to complete.

In addition to the literacy work contained in the below pack, your child should have a mathletics log in where they can complete work set by the class teacher, and also explore additional things to do if they have finished all the set work.

If your child is running out of reading books whilst they are unable to visit the school library, we have our online bookband library going up to Lime level, and beyond this we have access to the PickaTale for Schools app using your learning platform username and password ( a getting started guide may help).

AR quizzes can be done from home during school hours but please do not help them with their answers - this will give an inaccurate measure of their comprehension and they could end up bringing home far too difficult books in the future. They can have the book with them whilst quizzing.

Remember, if you child is too poorly to work we do not expect them to. It is more important they rest and get better so we can see them again soon!

CBBC live lessons and bitesize programmes are available on the free CBBC channel every weekday morning, with key stage 2 programming beginning around 9.30am, which may be a helpful tool to add some routine to the day. If you're after a bit more, but away from maths and english, fun easy-access family science can be found at letsgolivescience.com .

If you need any assistance with technology whilst absent from school, please get in touch with us and we will do what we can to help.


Year 3 Working at Home Learning Pack

Year 3 Working at Home Learning Pack Guide for Parents