Westfield Blog
Quad Kids - C team report

Quad Kids - C team report (Caitlin)

Quad Kids C Team 

On Tuesday the 16th of July Westfield C Team took part in the althetics tournament at the Outdoor Centre.

We started off with the 70 metre run. There were around 5 different schools taking part.

We got off to a good start with Lucy coming second and Beth coming third. Then Andi came first with Rufus only just coming second. James H came first while Edward came fourth.

Next we did the standing long jump.

We started off very well with Edward jumping around 12 metres and James H jumping 10 metres.

Next we moved onto the staggered start.

We got off to a good start with Lucy coming second, Julia D coming third, Molly coming fourth and Bethany coming fifth.

Then the boys went up and James H came first, Andi coming second, Rufus coming third and Edward coming fourth.

Overall we came first out of all the C teams.

Thank you Mr. Austin and Mrs. Rendall for coaching us
