Caythorpe 2024 Blog
  • ETA update Friday 10th May (Caythorpe Blog)

    Still on track to get to school just before 3. 

  • ETA Friday 10th May (Caythorpe Blog)

    Do to a favourable lunch slot and the coach driver being an absolute hero, we have managed to set off a little bit earlier than planned. 

    Our current ETA is 3pm. 

    See you soon!

  • Friday morning Friday 10th May (Caythorpe Blog)

    It has been a full-on morning, clearing the rooms before our first activities. 
    Having vacated the accommodation and had another huge breakfast, the children completed their final morning activities, learning to fence and flying on the giant swing. We are now loading the bags onto the coach, ready to leave after lunch. 
    What an incredible few days! We have had an amazing time but are also ready to come back!

    We will update the blog with an ETA when we have one. 

  • D I S C O Thursday 9th May (Caythorpe Blog)

    What a fantastic day we have had!

    They have all been in lake, lit a fire and shot some arrows. 
    We had a lovely lasagna and then ended the night with some party games in the world's hottest disco. 
    While still in great spirits, they are looking very tired so we are hopeful of an earlier sleep time tonight!

  • Lunch time Thursday 9th May (Caythorpe Blog)

    We have just finished another lovely, albeit slightly beige, lunch. 
    The children again have been amazing this morning and completed their activities with great enthusiasm. 
    They enjoyed their trip to the shop and are now looking forward to some more fun this afternoon. 

    We had our first room inspection and the standard is unreal. 

  • Good Morning! Thursday 9th May (Caythorpe Blog)

    There's a famous proverb, 'You can tell a Year 4 to go to bed but you can't make them sleep.'... something like that. 
    Anyway, the children have woken up/ are still awake and getting ready so we can head over to breakfast at 8 to fuel up for the day. 

  • Passport to the World Wednesday 8th May (Caythorpe Blog)

    We are just coming to the end of our evening activity. 
    We are very proud that the instructor just came over to compliment the children's manners and effort. 
    They started off sprinting from flag to flag and are now travelling significantly more slowly. Hopefully this bodes well for them getting to sleep!!

  • Dinner Wednesday 8th May (Caythorpe Blog)

    Afternoon adventure activities complete!

    The children were fantastic - a lot of fears faced and conquered. 

    We are now sitting down to a choice of sausage roll and wedges or curry (or a bit of both!) followed by chocolate ring doughnuts.

    I'm still a bit full from lunch!

  • Lunch Wednesday 8th May (Caythorpe Blog)

    We have just had a mountain of pasta bolognese. 
    "The food here is so good!" -IC

    "You weren't lying about the food!" -JG

    A few minutes to let it go down then we'll be off to our first adventure activity... I think I might have eaten too much pasta to comfortably get up the climbing wall!

  • Arrival Wednesday 8th May (Caythorpe Blog)

    We have arrived! 

    We made good time and have left a clean and vomit-free coach!

    We have safely stowed our bags and are now having a site tour.  

  • Wednesday 8th May (Caythorpe Blog)

    ... And we're off!!

    We're safely on the coach and on our way!

  • Wednesday 8th May (Mr Wilkinson)

    Welcome to the Caythorpe blog. Text updates from the Year 4 Caythorpe residential will be posted here.

    Photos will be available the week after the trip returns. These will be on a dedicated part of the Learning Platform, which will require a Year 4 pupil login to view.